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Posts posted by SIK WIT IT

  1. Throwing away a trophy is such a statement in itself, and not something to be proud of. In fact its childish and embarrassing to most of us.

    Its not like these Paintsville kids have never been "runners up" before.


    Attitude and reputation: Paintsville has both, and neither one is good. :rolleyes:




    If I remember correctly didn't Bob Huggins kids at Cincy have an attitude and reputation? And weren't his teams pretty good year in and year out? Whatever happened to someone actually caring about winning? All anyone does is complain now a days.

  2. If Paintsville had wanted the 1st place trophy, then they should have won it on the court like they could and should have! It does no good to whine about it after the game!




    How is throwing a trophy away a sign of whining? It is a sign of being frustrated and not being satisfied. And does anyone have any proof that trophies were thrown away? If not this thread is spreading rumors and should be deleted!

  3. I agree GOPNATE! No second place trophies should be awarded! People might say it is bad sportsmanship or what not, but if you don't win, you don't win. Plain and simple. And if you don't win, then you lost. You don't need a trophy for losing. These are high school kids which most now a days are men rather than kids. I personally know a player from Paintsville's 2003 team that gave his regional runner up medal to someone that thought more of it than he did. It was an elementary student and that medal means more to him than it would to the player. A second place trophy is just a reminder that you lost!!!

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