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Shoot the 3

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Posts posted by Shoot the 3

  1. First off, Let me be the first to say that I didnt agree with everything Guffy did at Whitley. When you hire assistants, you are suppost to hire people who will watch your backside, not bite it. That was Guffys fault. However, Im not sure that Ricky P. himself could have won more than 5 games this year with the young kids. I feel that Guffy actually made the program appealing to a experienced coach, like Deaton. He cleaned out the trouble, and played young kids. In a sence he was the hitman for the program. I hope he lands on his feet somewhere, because I love his intensity and passion for the game.

  2. NSR


    I never did use a scouting service as a college coach because of the situations at the school I was coaching at. Such as scholorship money, location, and in state money that kids could qualify for. I know that they can be very beneficial to both the student athletes, and the college coaches.


    Unfortunately, any parents and athletes do not know how the whole recruiting process works.


    Having gone through the whole process as a player, college coach, and now as a H.S. coach, plus with my connections, Ive even thought of starting my own service, but havent acted upon it.

  3. NSR,


    As a former small college coach, I can tell you that most college coaches perfer to deal with the H.S. coach rather than a parent or player. H.S. coaches are the bloodline for college coaches. Plus, a H.S. coach usually has a better feel for the level of play without the biased opinion that most parents have.


    As a current H.S. coach, I can tell you that I feel obligated to help a student athlete find the best place to take their talents to the next level. There are many, many colleges out there! If a kid wants to play at the next level bad enough, there is usually a place for him or her. It may be out of state or expensive, but the opportunity is usually there.


    I know that many H.S. coaches feel differently about this subject, but this is my opinion, for what its worth.

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