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Posts posted by BMOC22

  1. I tell ya what you can have them all plus I'll throw in Pinner as long as you can prove they're all high school age kids. :dancingpa That is the one thing that people are omitting when they try to compare Pinner's case with this one.


    That's true. I guess this case is still undetermined so who knows what will happen between now and then, i think both teams need to keep their focus on the game saturday.

  2. I just got back from Highlands and the rumours are flying. There were 2 lawyers in our group who said that the appeals judge who ruled against Mitchell today was from Boyle land. There are 2 Northern Ky appeals judges and it wasn't one of them. i can't believe Smith would stoop so low. Go Birds :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


    ....Bring in Judge Judy, either way he is still ineligable, and that's the bottom line.

  3. Except those in state championship competition. So, 3 wishes, the champion will finish with 4 wins (the playoff ones only) or with all (if it's Boyle).


    Sec. 1) Use of an Ineligible Player

    When a student is declared ineligible, all contests in

    which he/she has played while ineligible shall be forfeited

    to the opposing team except that this may not apply to

    state championship competition.

    So the way I read the rule, Highlands shouldn't be playing in the championship game. Because Bell won the semi game due to forfeit. The only way it counts in the state game is after it is played and then the ruling wouldn't apply.


    I understand the ruling and thats apparently how its going to go. But let me be the first to say this an utter crock. So now it's ok to have illegal transfers as long as you dont get caught until the playoffs start. :rolleyes:

  4. :rolleyes:

    Right. If anyone affected should NOT be ticked off, it is the team that would have squeeked into the tourny. Bell Co. gave Highlands everything they could handle, and might have been able to win state. Or any other good team defeated by Highlands in the tourny.


    I as a Bell Co. fan wish Bell could play in the game, but I know its not possible and Highlands earned it, legal or not. However I think if they are allowed to play the title game how could Highlands be the champs, geeze I'm so confused right now my head is spinning.

  5. I'll tell you who should be ticked off is Grant County. If Highlands loses all there regular season games they should not be in the playoffs. How can you make the playoffs by losing every district game? Grant County now has a better district record then Highlands yet Highlands is in the playoffs.


    My point exactly how can you qualify for the playoffs legally if you never won a district game. This has got to be one of the most interesting situations I have ever seen, for something like this to happen right now.

  6. I'm not sure the KHSAA could have done much about it. They declared the kid ineligible, then a court of law slaps an injunction on the ruling. What are they supposed to do, just give up and not pursue it?


    True I see your point, but if they knew that nothing could be done once the state playoffs began then how could you not pursue this quicker. Since they waited this long the point is almost mute. Either way Highlands has a great team and I take nothing away from them, I just wonder how they would feel if they were on the other side of the situation.

  7. I am asking for extra pay tonight, I hope the boss will give it go me.


    The game WILL go on as planned. What bylaw 24 says is once tournament play starts, a team can't be removed from the bracket. The Ohio example cited earlier cannot happen in Kentucky with bylaw 24. Again, the state final game will be played!


    In that case let the ineligable transfers begin. If this is the case then the law is absurd, no offense to Highlands or their fans' but can you imagine the stink if East Jessamine, Cov. Cath, or Bell had beat them and then found out they used an ineligable player. Either way this might be the first time in football history that a team wins a state championship with only one win, and no district wins, which wouldn't qualify them for the playoffs. Well looks like the KHSAA really didn't do themselves any favors with this one.

  8. I wish all this wasn't true to the young man and Highlands as a team. But if in fact he is ineligable and they have to forfeit all the other games how can you still be allowed to play for the state championship, unless of course you had to forfeit that game too. So Highlands could be 1-11 or 12 and still be the state champions, that a bunch of crock. I dont know if I fully understand the situation that way, but it would be absolutely ridiculous. Taking nothing away from Highlands but if you have to forfeit all games then there's no way you should be able to win a state championship. I know this wasn't seen in the future, but if you let someone play with someone ineligable all season and then tell them at the state championship, what kind of message does that send. Either way I dont blame Highlands' all that much, I think it was lousy management by the KHSAA.

  9. is everyone missing the point here??? we're talking about KIDS playing HIGHSCHOOL football. if the ruling was going to be overturned then it should have been done within a week or two. how do you tell a kid who has worked so hard the whole season, played his heart out, that the state FINALLY decided that you can't play in the last game(THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME)






    It sure isn't fair to the kid to make him sit out, because it's not fair to about 3 or 4 teams sitting at home that will never know what could have happened. If the player is ineligable I dont see how Highlands could keep the wins, but all together is horrible timing by the KHSAA and this has ticked more than just the Highlands folks' off.

  10. Thanks Purple Haze,

    It's hard to cover Eastern Kentucky, just as it is for everyone around other parts of Kentucky. You have so many teams in Eastern Kentucky, with alot of deserving players, i'm from Southeastern Kentucky so naturally i hear more about Bell, Middlesboro, Corbin, South and North. When we start talking about Ashland, Lawrence, Sheldon Clark, Prestonsburg, and so on it's hard for me to see these kids to make a better list. Those names i had we're guys i either saw on TV and were impressed with, watched in person, or heard about on WYMT. I wish i could put together a more complete list, but the one i made is alright considering the knowledge i have of EKY football this season.

  11. I think it's a whale of team, i tried not to have any bias at all. I know there are three kids from Bell on there. Honestly i couldn't think of any other DB's or S, because i haven't gotten to watch as much football this year as i would like, so i know i left some really good players off, and on the DL too. I know there are prolly some really good DL men i just dont know enough about most of the teams. I thought this team would be tough though.

  12. I would probably take from Eastern Part of Ky.


    RB Jarrod Lawson-Corbin

    RB Nic Blair-North Laurel

    RB Doug Howard-Belfry

    DB Jamerson-Prestonsburg

    QB Sizemore-Hazard

    QB Andy Greer-Williamsburg

    QB Cole Draughn-Pulaski Co.

    LB Mike Idol-Middlesboro

    LB Jarrod Lawson-Corbin

    LB Brent Barton-Bell Co.

    DL Leger-Rockcastle Co.

    DL Stradley-Corbin

    DL Jacob Warren-Bell co.


    Others that are deserving:

    RB Jake Napier-Cawood

    RB Shawn Robbins-Bell Co.

    RB Blake Allen-Middlesboro

    RB Mertaugh?-Whitesburg

    (An abundance of RB's in the moutains this year).

  13. When it comes to Bell/Middlesboro, Middlesboro always has a story. Either Roark complains about refs, injuries, the cheerleaders (lol), every year it's something. Will there ever be a day when Middlesboro says "The better team one", instead of Bell was good tonight, but if we play 'em tonight we'll beat 'em. Bell has dominated this matchup over the years and Middlesboro knows that. I dont think it would be any different later on in the year, but Middlesboro has the same amount of time to prepare for Bell as Bell does for Middlesboro, Middlesboro gets to use 11 players on the field, and they have a coach so they have no excuses. Middlesboro has a whale of team, but no matter who they lose to it was their fault, it wasn't a better team that beat them. Middlesboro may have more superstars so to speak, but superstars dont win championships, teams win championships. I dont think anyone from Middlesboro did anything against Bells defense and i dont think we're that good of team as we thought. Bell is prolly a top ten 3A team, but not up there with Boyle and PT and a few others. Middlesboro is a big contender for 2A and i hope they win it. It's just the same year in and year out from Middlesboro when it comes to the Bell game. So i guess the excuse this year was supposedly Middlesboro coaches wanted to come to Bell, maybe in 10 or 15 years Middlesboro will run out of excuses, but not likely.

  14. Bell is not getting alot of respect. They have a super tailback in Shawn Robbins and a fullback that's pritty good (John Brumbach), ask Middlesboro about him. No disrespect to Middlesboro but i guarantee you they weren't worried about Brumbach and he hurt 'em. I hope there isn't alot of talk about Bell, cause come late November there's gonna be alot of talk.

  15. Everyone's top ten is going to look different and everyone in that top 10 has very solid football teams.


    1. Boyle Co.

    2. Paducah Tilghman

    3. Highlands

    4. Bell Co. (tie)

    4. Mason Co. (tie)

    6. Hopkinsville

    7. Lexington Catholic

    8. Covington Catholic

    9. Rockcastle Co.

    10. Lawrence Co.


    I know Hopkinsville has face two very good football teams and are 0-2, they are very solid and even though i have them as sixth they are very good. I think Boyle, Tilghman, and Highlands are at the top of the class. Mason and Bell are probably a tie, they both are very good and are explosive. Both can score alot of points and shut you down on defense as well. 7-10 could easily be above 1-6, it's just my opinion very early in a season of 3A football that could be the best year of football in quite some time.

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