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Posts posted by MikeyMike

  1. Polls aren't worth anybody's time with the way Kentucky football is structured. You make the playoffs based on how well you perform in your district. Then, if you make it to the playoffs, you are seeded based on your district performance, not your poll standings.


    Westsider, you put together a nice argument, but in the end, these polls are nothing more than things that fans like you and I talk about on BGP. They are primarily intended to generate interest and debate. So in that respect, the pollsters did their job to perfection.

  2. I think the Kentucky boys are going to get taken to the cleaners by the Tennessee kids this year. All in all, I think the talent level across the state was not that impressive this past year. 2 of the top 3 players in the state were juniors (Brohm and Joe Casey).


    Will Bush even play since he'll be playing baseball at that time, or will baseball season be over by then?

  3. Back to the topic of this thread, can anybody provide substantitive prove that an actual boycott is already underway? If teams are boycotting the Frosh and JV games, then who really cares? That just puts more pressure on X and T's athletic directors to fill the holes. With the number of schools in Jefferson Co and the surrounding 5 counties, I don't think it will be too much of a problem to fill up a 9 game schedule.


    Secondly, there is still no proof whatsoever that a boycott is going to happen at the Varsity Football level. NONE! And even if there is a boycott, the impact is very minimal. Think about it. Trinity plays a 10 game schedule. They have 6 district games that can't be boycotted. They will also play X (7). They are contracted to play at the Ryle festival (8). That leaves two games that they need to schedule. One is already filled by Montgomery Bell Academy. The other is filled by Manual. What's the problem? If Dennis Lampley can't find two teams to play him each year, then something is wrong.


    All this griping about public schools not having enough money to do anything is the very reason a boycott won't happen at the Varsity level. If you're the AD at Seneca and you have the chance to play Trinity at your home stadium, common business sense says you jump at the chance. You will collect the majority profit of over 4000 sold tickets, increased concessions, and your cheer squad, band, dance team or whatever could raise more money selling doughnuts or whatever to a much larger captive audience. I think those girls at Boone Co. who were selling doughnuts in the stands at the Boone-Trinity game made an absolute killing for their team. Or, if you're really driven by "principles" you could boycott Trinity, schedule Iroquois and have another ho-hum game, with no buildup, and about 500 sold tickets. Do the math. I'm sure the AD's have.

  4. I agree with Rock85. The boycott would really be more of an advantage to X and Trinity than it would be to the public schools. With a boycott, the two could get out of having to play some of the cruddier public school teams, and beef up their schedules with top notch opponents from around the region. In addition to that, I honestly believe, that if a boycott really happens, you will see even more top quality athletes go to Trinity and X. The best want to play the best and play against the best. They don't want to hide their heads in the sand with some whiney public school athletic directors.


    However, I still don't feel this is going to happen. The difference between Trinity and X vs LexCath is the fan base. Schools can afford to boycott LexCath because they don't bring 5000 fans to every game. Playing Trinity and X is a cash cow for too many Jefferson Co. public school athletic programs for them to boycott. It's their biggest money maker of the year hands down. It's all about money, and money says it won't happen. Never, ever, ever. Hey, someone's gotta make the sacrifice so the field hockey team can make that trip to Georgia, right?

  5. People, people....THIS IS JUST A RUMOR!!! Take it easy. A boycott will never happen because nobody is really that stupid. If a boycott happens, it will be at the Frosh and JV levels. It won't happen at the varsity level because that's when $$ get involved. Football may be a game, but money is the only cheer that a school's administration hears on game day.

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