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Posts posted by TrueBluebird

  1. Ryle ranked #2 in NKY. Who are these other really good teams you speak of?


    How about last years 3A state championship team? Over the last couple year’s highlands has pretty much dominated all Northern Kentucky teams except for Covington Catholic. When week five comes around be ready for a game because anything can happen in this rivalry regardless of who’s ranked what.


    As for last night the game was a blowout. Yes, Highlands only scored 49 point and gave up 21 but you also have to realize that about 14 of those points were scored when the JV Squad and a few starters were in. Highlands played a bit sloppy in the 2nd half on offense with too many mental mistakes and untimely turnovers, which gave the raiders great field position. The bird’s defense played great “fly to the ball” defense along with solid secondary and quick pass rush. Ryle defense seemed flat and was crumbled by the bird’s high-powered weapons. Ryle’s running back seemed to be the only effective weapon against the birds but when your down 28-0 at half time your chances of shutting out a team as talented as Highlands and scoring five touchdowns are pretty slim. As for “stud’s” Highlands is filled with talent but the names you will be hearing the most this year will be Hurtt, Stine, Fitzgerald, Cecil, Connors, and Ball. All of these young men are great players with the knowledge and understanding of the game and posses skills to lead the birds to victory and a chance to play in the big game in December. As for my favorite play last night it had to be Hurtt barreling through defenders, running into referee, picking up some great blocks and taking it into the end zone for six. Best of luck to the birds next week…

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