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Posts posted by KYfootballguy

  1. 20 hours ago, Falcon Pride said:

    3A District 3 is ROUGH.

    Some quality teams in there.

    Poor Western and Thomas Nelson. Hard to see either ever making the playoffs in a district like that and almost guarantees a losing season unless things really shift in a short amount of time. almost seems unfair to those kids

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  2. 1 hour ago, Colonels_Wear_Blue said:

    Keuhn was the coach that was ousted at Bullitt Central for no apparent reason immediately after leading the Cougars to their deepest playoff run in program history. The school district cited low participation numbers in the program, despite the fact that his roster numbers were at the highest they had been in program history. All signs pointed to a vendetta against Coach Keuhn within the school district administration.

    I'm glad he's got an opportunity to move into a better program. Congratulations and good luck to Coach Keuhn and the Bruins!

    You are absolutely right. The new principal, AD, a disgruntled ex-OC, and a well connected parent got him ousted after the best season in school history. It's a shame for BC, I think they won 1 game last year? Their loss is Kuehn and Ballard's gain though. He is an amazing coach who has had success follow him everywhere he's gone. If anyone can build on the already great program that Coach Morton built, it's Kuehn. Excited to see where he takes the Bruins. They got this one right!

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  3. 2 hours ago, okie1 said:

    With the NCAA moving towards allowing the use of in helmet coach to player communication, what should HS football do?  In my opinion the NFHS let the ball drop on sideline technology when it comes to HS football.  All the sideline computer in game replay system has done IMO is created a bigger gap between the halves (those who can afford and most importantly staff this system) and have nots.  

    Would allowing voice systems in helmets of QB's and 1/2 defensive signal callers help/hurt the game?

    I definitely hear what you are saying regarding the ability of smaller programs to have some of the sideline systems that are available through Hudl and other companies. However, I view this kind of technology as a positive, even if not everyone is able to use it, because it results in higher quality of coaching available to athletes. When the coaches can see alignment, technique, etc. they are not only able to coach with more precision but they are able to show the athletes for themselves their mistakes or opportunities. This makes the kids better football players which is what we all want.

    This also means that it is, at least in theory, a little easier for a coach to add value on the sideline. In a time where coaches are getting harder and harder to come by, I see this as a positive as well.

    While the sideline communication system doesn't necessarily give a coach the ability to coach better, it would make the game flow more smoothly because it eliminates the running back and forth from the sideline, the broken plays because the QB got the call wrong, and all of the other kind of silly things from happening and really just boils it down to just football and a team's ability to execute. 

    My question is, if we were to allow this in Kentucky, how would we police it? Is there some level of control by the officials to cut it off? We don't want coaches talking to players during the play or coaching on the fly necessarily. There would have to be some strong assurances, in my opinion, that this could be monitored and not exploited.

  4. I have a good relationship with most people around BC and in the community and I hear a lot from people surrounding this job and what happened to Coach Kuehn. I will try and hit the main points here and I won't get into things that have not been corroborated for the most part but people should know what is really happening at BC.

    I became aware that something was off in the summer before the 2021 season. The father of one of the players had offered to help run the weight room in a volunteer role in order to spend more time around his child. This father also ran the middle school program that fed into BC which complicated things. I will leave out the name of the father out of respect for the player. Coach Kuehn agreed and at first everything seemed fine. However, one day at practice Coach Kuehn had to correct the behavior of the player and the father did not like that so he writes an email to Coach Kuehn, his staff, the Athletic Director, and the principal. The email was extremely negative in regards to Coach Kuehn, his staff, and the program and made several accusations which were baseless and clearly a result of his frustration with his child being corrected. When Coach Kuehn tried to reach out to him in regards to this email, he was ignored.

    To make matters worse, a subsequent email was sent by the father where he refused to back down from his accusations and would not apologize. A meeting was called where the father, Coach Kuehn, his staff, the AD (Jason Wells), the principal, and an assistant principal were in attendance. At this meeting, the Mr. Wells controlled the conversation and adamantly defended the father to everyone present (odd since he should have been impartial). It was revealed that Mr. Wells was personal friends with the father and had coached with him in the past. Coach Kuehn was made aware that he was not allowed to dismiss the father after he had been personally attacked, as had his program and assistant coaches. Understandably, Kuehn was upset about this. 

    It was later revealed that AD Wells had helped the father write the email in the first place and encouraged him to send it rather than having a conversation with Kuehn first which explained why he was so strongly in the father's corner. Since Coach Kuehn was essentially told he was not allowed to dismiss the coach and was therefor forced to keep him on his staff, he tried to move forward without much uproar since the father's son was on the team. Coach Kuehn, as a teacher and a coach is always doing what is best for kids and for his team and so the season went by and there was little more said about it despite the impression that Kuehn and Huff's relationship had soured.

    Prior to the meeting, Coach Kuehn had informed Mr. Huff that he (Kuehn) would be calling the offense that year, a job which, the year before, Mr. Huff had done. Mr. Huff was very upset about this and took the opportunity after the meeting to pile on Coach Kuehn. Throughout the course of the season, my understanding is that Mr. Huff remained on staff but very rarely stayed at practice and never really coached. He was present but did not participate in any team activity, leaving Kuehn, and his 4 other assistants to do everything. That season, Kuehn and his coaches led BC to its best season ever, going 9-3, making it to the 3rd round of the playoffs, supporting a state leading rusher, etc. On top of that, the team had an excellent GPA and I rarely, if ever, heard of a football player needing disciplinary action at school. Kuehn, his coaches, and his players, were truly leaders and sources of excitement within the school.

    At the conclusion of the season, Coach Kuehn met with all of his coaches. Kuehn released the father who had started everything (with permission from the district AD) and sought to release Mr. Huff on the basis that he did not fulfill the coaching duties for which he had been payed. Mr. Huff, however, continuously avoided meeting with Kuehn and AD Wells showed no interest in getting a letter of resignation from him.

    Shortly into the off-season (about a month ago I think), the school became aware that Coach Kuehn had been fired. This seemed odd to students, teachers, and members of the community alike because Kuehn's reputation was nothing but glowing. The reasoning given was because of "numbers". By all accounts, the number of players coming to off-season practice were normal for the other 2 high schools in the county and normal for BC so this stuck out as odd. Then the reason changed to a "difference in vision". The reason has since changed depending on who has spoken to the principal so it is hard to tell why Kuehn was actually fired. 

    Here is what I know for sure since Kuehn's firing. It came out that Mr. Huff had sent a message through a student (the son of the father who started everything) to players who will be seniors in 2022 encouraging them not to go to off-season practice so that Coach Kuehn would get fired. Mr. Huff is now an assistant AD with Bullitt Central. The other 2 head coaches from the county are also no longer in their positions (may be unrelated but odd). Coach Kuehn is obviously no longer on staff since he was fired, one other assistant coach was fired without anyone speaking to him, Jason Schum (who was to be the DC in 2022) has resigned as a coach and has not applied for the HC job, Brian Michael (who was to be the OC in 2022) has not resigned but plans to and has not applied for the HC job. Mr. Huff, who never resigned, remains on the staff payroll. As of yesterday, the off-season program has been given to Mr. Huff and the father who wrote the email to run. Both of them have close personal relationships to the principal and AD Wells.

    AD Wells has also handled the job opening strangely. The job was only posted on the district website for two days and prior to its posting, he was telling people that he was conducting phone interviews with potential candidates by himself. He also strongly encouraged both assistant coaches in the building (Schum and Michael) to resign their positions which seems odd because they are both awesome, hard working, caring people. On top of that, he has been calling kids and other stakeholders into his office and telling people that Kuehn, Schum, and Michael "quit on the kids" when he is the one who forcefully made them quit or fired them.

    Now for the part that I do not know for sure but definitely suspect. The most credible and widely believed theory is that Devin Huff and the father conspired with AD Wells and maybe the principal to get Kuehn fired so that Huff can be the new HC. Everything points to this being the case. All of this because Kuehn coached a player and took over play calling on Fridays. I will say this, which is just my opinion: Matt Kuehn is a fantastic teacher, coach, and co-worker. Nothing I have seen would lead me to believe otherwise. His 2 assistants that worked in the building (Schum and Michael) are also fantastic people who worked hard as teachers and coaches (and, I am sure, will be looking for other coaching opportunities). This has all definitely been dirty. Something underhanded has gone on here and it seems like it is being covered up. 

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