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Posts posted by SpecialK

  1. The last time BW was calling the plays it didn't look much better at all.


    That was then and this is now. Coach Weinrich was given a very strict Comprehensive Plan of Action to follow by the Administration and he felt like this move was in the best interest of improving his team and retaining his job as head football coach.


    He is fully responsible for the team's successes and spoils and this message has been delivered in a very clear manner.

  2. Heard from a friend in the know that BW hired anew OC to run the offense.


    No other than BW himself will be calling the plays.


    So it looks like the Umberg coach that verbally attacked a player’s reputation has been reprimanded and demoted.


    I don't know how you people get your information before others do or before the people involved know but I will confirm you are correct on most of this report.


    Coach Umberg wasn't necessarily reprimanded but he has been demoted from his position as the Offensive Coordinator effective immediately.


    Mr Nick Behymer has been named assistant Defensive Coordinator taking over for Coach Weinrich and Coach Weinrich will take over as sole Offensive Coordinator and assist Coach Behymer on defense as well.


    Our analytics show that this may be a good match in shoring up both the offense and defense. If we can score more points then the defense allows then that equals wins.


    Go Bluebirds

  3. The school board cannot be involved in any way with the hiring and firing of personnel. It is strictly a SBDM, principal and suerintendent decision. If the board intervenes in any way, they can be reprimanded or in the worst case scenario, removed.


    The Board of Education can only hire and fire the Superintendent, board treasurer, board attorney and board secretary.


    Now if you mean the superintendent's office, they can intervene to a point. But really it is the principal that calls teh shots.


    Nobody said the school board is involved with hiring or firing anyone

  4. Will Coach Weinrich be able to deliver the requests of the Administration.


    Iam not a fan of this type of dictatorship but it is evident that the alumn football players voice has been heard and delivered in black and white.


    When you have 2 All Americans/ 1 Mr Football/ 1 Mr Basketball/ many other successful collegiate players/ and Highlands most decorated football player at all levels voicing their concerns people must be listening.


    The demands set forth very well could be unattainable and unreasonable in my opinion but when the horses speak people are listening


    I can not discuss the plan of action but should this type of action be taken considering the last 3 yrs of mediocrity especially after the players have spoke.


    These are the players that endorsed him but it is fact that their very leader expressed to the administration that his lack of winning is mainly because he doesn’t have the talent.


    Should be interesting

  5. Listen,’I was and still in favor of a regime change. But I guess it is what it is. But to say there were “threatening” emails. Child please!!! I just don’t believe that. Then again, I live in the hills so kinda out of touch over here lol!


    I don’t know who you are or do I care. I am telling my people to stay strong and do not buckle under pressure to those ppl that do not matter in this whole thing.


    I heard first hand that the private meeting between administrators was very uncomfortable for Coach which eventually succumbed him to tears, that is just wrong.


    There are some very mean people out there that just don’t get it but I do understand the upset boosters that were thrown under the bus.


    And yes they were threatening emails

  6. I know for a fact that someone very very close to BW was offering up all kinds of information via texts phone calls and emails so perhaps it was self inflicted . I admire the support and passion for BW and the program from this individual so to suggest it could be school board or principal is silly. You didn’t name AD but who knows.


    So are you telling us it was the AD that leaked sensitive information, because I know you are dead wrong on this matter.


    According to folks that are in the know the spilled information came from Coach Weinrichs wife. She didnt know it but she was the person leaking information because she thought she was doing the loving and honorably thing for her husband by calling anyone or anybody that would listen to the threatening letters and emails that her husband was receiving.


    She acknowledged to other people that the Superintendent of Highlands Karen Cheser indeed emailed her husband with sensitive and private information lending Coach Weinrich the opportunity to defend himself and use that information to gain personal leverage throughout the community in a last ditch effort to salvage his job.


    You may be correct about the corruption going on mainly with this matter but you had better get your facts straight.


    As they say in this business, "keep your friends close but your enemies closer"

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