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Posts posted by Bear19

  1. I just want to take a moment to apologize to Trey Deaton. I didn't that giving my opinion would cause you all the negative drama. As for the coach I definitely agree that he comes with a great resume but how may of those seasons he had a son on the team? Lastly if He thought his son was the better of the 2 why would he lead Deaton to think he was starting all summer?

  2. I don't have anything personal to gain from my post I'm just calling it how I see it. I originally was just answering the previous post when someone asked about Deaton then it turned into a whole different discussion and I'm not trying to help or hurt anybody so sorry Oldercoach if I upset you. The fact is there a big distraction on the team and it's making its way to the field.

  3. Sorry if I upset anybody with my post but it was my honest opinion but the fact is I have played with Deaton for a long time. As for Deaton performance last year I don't recall him doing anything wrong. He made the plays he was expected to make but our running game was working but when it didn't he made plays. ON the other hand this year our qb is responsible for I believe every turnover we had not to mention the downs we lost for fumbled snaps. I know people have their opinion as well but I'm just calling it how I see from the inside. I have no problem with our qb as a person but I believe that atheletes should earn their stripes and coaches should judge players by performance aND nothing else even when it comes to family

  4. Deaton would be much better suited, I thought the position was his until a week before the game. Politics is killing our teams energy and morale and if something isn't changed all teams will have to do is focus on our running game and short passes because the current qb can't throw over 25 yards. I think the coach took everything Deaton has worked for and GAVE it to his son because I don't believe he earned it and every other teammate will say the same thing.

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