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Posts posted by LadyCruMom

  1. I should also that all of my comments were directed at Mrs. Roark.


    I do not hide who I am and I speak only of my experience; not of, or for anyone else. Our decision to transfer was complex and we need not justify it to anyone. The post by ‘Guest’ generated a series of texts to our daughter asking why we were posting her comments when we did not. We still have many friends, both students and parents at Conner, some of whom are on the current team. Your assumption that we left because we had a problem with the coach is not entirely accurate, nor is your assumption regarding my daughters’ early start or playing time, or that I broadly condemn your alma mata. I hope that we can agree, Clyde, that the focus here should be on helping the players, who are the innocent bystanders, to get back on the field quickly to finish their season.

  2. Yes sir, I mean 'true teammates'. On April 19 of the year of our transfer (just shortly after the softball season began), my daughters were both together in a horrific car accident going from a SHDHS practice to one of the girl's homes to make signs for lockers. My oldest was taken to the ER from the accident with a moderate concussion. Within hours of my family's arrival home, appeared the Lady Cru softball team (the whole team) on our doorstep with balloons, flowers, & gifts from the Dollar Store, that they split two Happy Meals from McDonald's as their dinner to purchase. These girls and families were and still are true teammates in life and in their support of each other.

  3. My daughter played for Conner. Had two conferences with the athletics director about bullying and favoritism. Nothing was done so we changed schools. It's blatant and this coach is known by coaches all over the area for being a problem. Ask the Cooper coach. Ask coaches from Villa and St.Henry's. She's notorious and not in a good way.


    For the record, "Guest" is not posting comments from anyone in the Roark family. We did make an extremely difficult decision to transfer from Conner to St. Henry three years ago for many reasons, and to my knowledge, we are the only softball family to transfer in the past eight years or so. "Guest" appears to try to give the impression that we are this poster and so now our children are being asked questions & being drug back into memories that we truly have moved on from and put into the past. Also for the record, our daughters were both released to play softball immediately upon arrival at SHDHS by KHSAA. I believe this is because the facts presented in our case were substantial and because the last sentence of our petition letter stated that 'We are far more interested in raising our daughters to be the best young women that they can become, rather than the best young softball players that they can be, regardless of your decision.' Also for the record, we do not behold a grudge against anyone at Conner, but rather we are thankful for the part that each person played in our daughters' transfer to a National Blue Ribbon School where they say the Pledge of Allegiance and pray in school every day. Thanks to our challenging experience at Conner, our daughters received the gift of a better education, better social environment, more friends, more discipline, true team mates, caring families, respected leadership, and a stronger faith that God has a plan for their life. If you're tired of the public school drama, I highly recommend considering a private school like NCC, Notre Dame, or SHDHS. They all have wonderful educational scores, advanced technology, and talented softball organizations. (And this is from the Mom of the Methodist kid who thought that a picture of the Pope was Buddha on our first visit to SHDHS.) We bid you all peace and ask that our name please not be included in discussion of this unfortunate event. Thank you

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