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Posts posted by Lexhsfball

  1. Male beat Trinity twice.


    He was not disrespectful, there is nothing to be mad about. If you look at this from his preception the Lafayette vs Trinity game, Lafayette couldn't get their offense going and they couldn't make stops on defensive. The Layette vs Male game, Lafayette drove the ball, but made mistakes in the red zone and couldn't execute. Lafayette Defensively made some key stops and cause a couple of turnovers. Lafayette killed themselves in the Male game, they couldn't stop Trinity. Perception is reality for most, not that it's true just what you perceive it to be. People really need to give the kid a break he just lost his last game of his high school career. I wish all the best for Young at UK. He has a very bright future.

  2. I just hear/ read through tweeter that one of these team are traveling to BG on Thursday. Any truth to this and why would you have your team travel on a Thursday when your game is not till Saturday late afternoon?


    What relevance does this have other than to stir the pot? Why does it matter what day they leave? Clearly if they left they have their reasons. Both teams will see each other Sat.

  3. It all comes down to this everyone, (IF) SK has been putting home fans behind the visitors bench it is a violation of the sport specific football competition rules. Whatever their reasoning it is wrong to do. SK should either move sidelines or move their fans, problem solved.



    ) Location of Home Team / Fans

    1) It is a home game management decision as to which side of

    the field is designated for home team fans and which side is

    designated for visiting team fans.

    2) The home team benches shall be located on the side of the

    field designated to the home team fans and the visiting team

    benches shall be located on the side of the

    field designated for

    visiting team fans.


    Now that it has become an issue, I wonder if KHSAA will continue to allow SK to put the visting bench in front of the home fans??

  4. It has never been an issue before.


    How many times before was Simon Kenton losing at home during a Semi Final game? I'm sure emotion were involved between both fans and players, but it could have been avoided if Simon Kenton was on their fans sidelines. It's over and done with now, so no point in pointing fingers or throwing out the word classless because it was an impossible situation. It was never going to end without some issue starting.

  5. Not sure who started it or if it was one sided, but I did see a tweet from the Lexington Herald Leader reporter. That tweet said the SK fans are now throwing cups at Lafayette. Not sure if that happened or not can anyone confirm if it happened and what lead to it.


    This is what was reported on Twitter by Josh Moore the Hearald Leader Reporter.



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