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Posts posted by BigRedMachine05

  1. 40 times are a tricky measure and tough to put a ton of stock in IMHO.


    Do I think they have a lot of value? Sure


    With that said, there are a lot of kids with blazing 40 times that never pan out. There is also a reason that track stars don't translate to football greats.


    Think about a 40. You are running it in a straight line, wearing very little weight, in track shoes, from starting blocks. In football you are wearing pads, rarely running a straight line, and are starting from a standing position, and often times on fields in cleats with mud or grass.


    I can 100% buy that you want as much speed as possible on your wideout who is running a go pattern or your Safety that is trying to get to the sideline from the hash mark to break up a pass in the air. With that said, how valuable really is a 40 for a slot receiver (like Johnson)? I would probably be more interested in his cone drill, his hands... because lateral quickness, cutting, and catching with tight coverage and a quick reaction will be used considerably more than his need for break away speed.


    I honestly think that part of the reason why you have started to see more parity between the lesser schools in power 5 conferences and schools from mid-majors has a lot to do with people recruiting off of stars and how players look without pads on, rather than what they are seeing in live game situations.


    completely again with this, coaches base too much of their recruiting on scouting services that generally just visit the name school. johnson will do well where ever he lands, heck of a competitor

  2. Wayne Co. just ran into a buzz saw last night against JC. Nothing was working for them offensively and once JC was able to get up a couple scores things snowballed for the Cardinals. This JC defense has taken every team they've played out of their offensive rhythm. JCs pass rush took the Wayne Co. QB out of sync early forcing a lot of missed and forced throws.


    This is exactly how it went down. Great JC team.

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