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Posts posted by MR AD

  1. Check Bylaw 23 also. Head coach can not coach own team after season is over during school days. They can coach after school is out or June 1, which ever comes first. Can not coach or be in attendance at games during dead period of own player is playing. For example: volleyball AAU nationals are during the dead period, a head coach could not be at the nationals coaching his AAU team if there are players from his team also playing. Most head coaches will do Middle School age groups because of different times for national tournaments.

  2. I am an AD in Jefferson County and I would like for you, Iam4thecats, to go spend a week with an AD during the different season and then make the comment, JCPS is not getting what the pay for. My day starts at 6:30 and most of the time it ends at 9pm, later on home football Friday night. I have atleast 6 hours of mowing and that does not count the weed eating the fences. I spend about $2000-$3000 of my own money to fix problems that come up because I don't have any budget money. Most of my sports lose money- officials plus security plus bus subtract gate money from home games. I had a varsity boys soccer game and sold 3 tickets=$15, officials cost $150. I work most weekends and yes, I come in on Sunday a few hours to do paperwork or catch up on mowing. So until you walk a mile or two in my shoes or other AD's shoes please don't make a comment that we are overpaid.

  3. AD's in Jefferson County are not Administrators. They get teachers pay, then a stipend and then are on a 220 day contract so they get extra days at daily rate. Sander has not been in JCPS that long so his teacher pay is based on his teaching experience. 2-3 years possible. Stipend will range from $5400 in first year to $8000 in 6th year. They also don't teach but are responsible for all athletic fields. Meaning the must mow fields, weed eat, and fix anything that is broken. Plus do all the paperwork for athletics. AD's that make over $100,000 have been in the JCPS system for 20 plus years.

  4. Seneca started the game with 6 players and one had an asthma attack and did not finish. SHA sat in a 2-3 zone and then shot mostly lay ups beating Seneca down the floor. Seneca coach and AD was not mad about score. Coach Moir is a class act and even apologized after the game. The positive part for Seneca is they scored 21 points, only scored 11 points last year and had more girls and talent. Few of the girls were suspended for not attending practice.

  5. Seneca played 90% freshman and sophomores. Only finished with 4 seniors playing because of injury. I understand what you say when you get a young coach have them understand the situation and winning is secondary. I have been in coaching for over 30 years at all levels, it is not that simple. There is a lot of stress that goes into rebuilding a program. Not all young coaches are able to do it. Losing a young coach is always a chance but when it is time to hire a new coach, then the new coach can come in and start coaching his system, and not have to rebuild from ground zero. You lose kids for all types of reasons. If you say the young coach in waiting has already left, Is he leaving for a Head Coaching job?

  6. Don't think the plan was for Leasor to be there long term. He is there to clean the program up at Seneca and get it organized and structured for a new coach. Why put a young coach in a no win situation. We all know that young coaches want to win out of the gate but that is not what is needed to clean up a program. Why put the stress on a 1st year coach to clean the program up. The season that Seneca and what Leasor had to do was not easy and a unexperienced coach would have struggled. Just my opinion.

  7. They have had 25 players quit, transfer, or injuried during the year. Not that rough of a school. They brought in a new old school coach to turn the program around. Only have 4 seniors playing and 6 juniors. They have played freshman and sophomores all year long. Will not terminate football. Even though JCPS cut all the athletic budget this year, football will not be cut.

  8. Yes, very classy of Trinity. Took over on the 1 with about 2:00 to play and took a knee. Seneca has 22 players that have quit, injured or transferred. New coach has structure and discipline and older kids don't want to get on board. Younger kids are buying into the program and will be stronger each year.

  9. Saturday

    4:00 Butler vs North Hardin- large gym

    PRP vs Bryan Station- small gym

    6:00 Seneca vs KCD- large gym

    Fern Creek vs Valley- small gym


    Sunday games are at 1 pm and 3 pm both gyms

    Monday games are at 11 am and 1 pm both gyms


    Admission is $6 and $4, no coaches passes allowed.


    Monday finals

    11:00- 7th place game Valley vs KCD

    11:00- 3rd place game North Hardin vs Fern Creek

    1:00- 5th place game Butler vs Bryan Station

    1:00- Championship game Seneca vs PRP

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