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Posts posted by NJAK

  1. Heard the Dirty Birds lived up to the name a few times last night with a few elbows here and there. But hey, onto football season.


    And how was that KNOW IT ALL? Another of those that has no clue what they are talking about, but get on and post about it.


    Why don't you stick to the Newport program and see how many kids they can get kicked off the team between now and next week. Lucky for them they drew Bellevue or they would be done now.


    I will wait to hear what you HEARD. Sure it is about half truths to say the least.

  2. OK people, it's time to get a life. Nothing's going to change. Highlands Girls Soccer is moving forward, and there is nothing that can be done about it. If.... changes were going to be made, they would have been made. The girls are playing good soccer, and they are trying to figure everything out. How is that a problem ? If they {the girls} are ok with the way things are going, what does it matter what the adults think ? For the most part, these girls have forgotten more about soccer than most of the adults will ever know. That said, give it, and them, a break ! Jesus, talk about trying to tear apart a program, because he said.. that she said... that they said.. is a stupid premise. Get over it, and move on ! This group has a ton of potential. Rather than trying to rip it apart, get behind the program. If you can't do that... then you truly have no compassion for what the kids, and coaching staff are trying to accomplish. Life can be bittersweet, but that doesn't mean it has to last a lifetime ! These are kids trying to do their best, and represent their school. How is that a bad thing ? Go Highlands Athletes & Coaches, there are many in the community that support you, and all that you do !


    If you want it to go away then why make a post about it? Is it really a he said, she said, they said situation? Funny how certain posters continue to get on here and try to stir it all back up.

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