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Posts posted by Dr.Feelgood

  1. I watch these programs from a far and the differences are interesting. There is no denying that Mayfield has established dominance over Murray and every other program in the area for that matter. I am interested to get a Mayfield point of view because there is no shortage of you bloggers. To me there is no advantage that Mayfield has over Murray as far as resources or talent. To me the difference has been coaching consistency over many years and the establishment of culture. I think Murray suffered a little under Fishers leadership and that creates a lot of the bad blood Mayfield and Murray feel towards one another. Since Fisher left I think Murray has had good men coaching the team but each had their flaws stemming from being to conservative or not having an identity. Murray really needs coaching leadership that is going to establish an identity and a culture that will be consistent for years. Only then can they close the large gap that exist between the two schools which should not be that big.


    We have already touched on the identity and culture they have developed over the years in this thread. It's not a respected program in the area, and probably never will be. In my mind, Murray has never been a program that wins the games they shouldn't. For years they filled their schedule with teams they should and did beat. While beating these teams, they would pound their chest like they were really doing something. They avoided good competition that would make them better in the long run. In doing this the identity and culture of the program was built........a team full of players and coaches that are not confident in themselves going into a game that they probably shouldn't win. So, with MF you have a program that is respected by the teams that do and will in the future play them and a team that will go into EVERY game with the mindset that NOBODY will beat them. On the other hand, with Murray you have a program that is not (and more than likely will not) be respected by other programs they face, and when they approach a a team that they maybe shouldn't beat, they likely will not do so.


    There are other factors that apply to the situation, but that is my view of the comparison.

  2. I hate to, but I will give them a little credit. Since Fisher left, they have actually started scheduling some better competition. Back then they beat up on the Fultons and ran from the Cards. One thing that still hasn't changed is the cheap shots and trash talking. It must be taught as a fundamental in little league.

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