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Posts posted by SEF1

  1. In the first three games of the state tournament, Scott scored 11 goals total and won all three games. Of those 11 goals, Treadway had 8 of them. Not a difference maker? Hello? Anyone in there? Do they get past Boyle County without him?


    In the final, he appeared to me to have an off night really and I didn't think threatened much. The other difference makers were not enough and they lost.


    " I agree Treadway is the top player on the team " .. I don't know where you got that I said he was not a difference maker. I was just arguing that Morgan and Schnieder were also difference makes. At least to the Scott program, without them along side Treadway, he wouldn't have had as much success. I do not agree with your comment that Treadway had an off night and that the other difference makers were not enough. The difference makes in the game on Scott's side were Morgan, Schnieder, and Treadway who netted 4 goals. However the defense is what let the eagles down that night. BG had a very strong offense and a strong defense keeping Treadway out of the game, they really were one of thop top back lines, it wasn't an off game for Treadway he was just up against a quality defense that kept him in check which is what left Morgan and Schnieder up to make the difference, like I said the defense let them down. When you're up 3 to 1 you never expect to let the other team come back. Congratulations to BG, they were the real deal and had some quality quality players.

  2. On a statewide level? Yes, average at best. Seay is a good keeper, I agree.......but lots of good keepers out there this year though, including in N. Ky. The other two, yes good players but lots of those are out there as well. Neither is a difference maker like Treadway in my opinion. You could probably look through the top 10 teams in N. Ky. and find a couple good ones (at least) on each team.


    Did you watch the final game? You're saying you don't think Morgan is a difference maker? He in my opinion is what kept the Eagles in the game. Not only did he score a goal to take thee as in the first half but also the 4th goal in the second half to bring them back in it. Morgan finished the season with 16 goals and 24 assists. Not a difference maker? That's is funny. And as for Schnieder, 30 goals isn't enough to be considered a difference maker? I agree that Treadway is the top player on the team but Shnieder and Morgan would add a quality improvement to any team. You just put down every kid in NKY by saying Treadway is the best player out there and no matter who he plays with, they would be just as successful. Treadway can take the field by himself and win? Interesting concept. Let me see if I have this right, Treadway alone vs Cooper, you think he would win? Your posts just sound beyond ridiculous right now.

  3. Last time I looked we weren't at a college or professional game.


    Don't recall saying we were :clap::clap:... But that's the highest level of soccer and it just goes to show that you are expected to see a couple cards here and there. You can't belittle a team because they receive a card, or many cards. It's a part of the game.

  4. How sad is it when people expect a team to draw cards and seem to revel in it? Does that encourage dirty play?
    How many college and professional level games go with no cards being given? Doesn't happen very often. I guess that Trinity just is not used to losing so they have to come up with some sort of excuse and " dirty play " is all they can think of. Also for anyone who wasn't at the game Scott recieved 3 yellow cards and Trinity recieved 3 yellow cards. Both teams had questionable late hits and hard tackles but that's a part of the game. Not something to whine over.
  5. I heard about that remark, and also the remarks about how Scott has no real technical skill or class on the field. It's mainly through dirty, dangerous play that they won. Nevertheless, they did win, and whatever tactics they used, worked... Scott should enjoy their success this year because when Treadway and Schneider are gone that team will be nothing special. I agree that Morgan has had a good season too, but mainly due to the help of the other two boys. Are they all seniors? Or is Morgan a junior? I read somewhere that Morgan is on the same club team as a 5 or 6 NKY players that are seniors this year.

    Morgan is a junior and yes he is on that club team. He currently has 25 assists I believe and Treadway and Schnieder would not be as successful without him in the middle same vise versa

  6. " Scott is the dirtiest team I've ever seen " was what some Trinity coaches and supporters had to say. This was a very physical match ( as expected ) and no I don't believe there was any moments where I would say wow that was so dirty. Rough play on both sides. However I do not believe Trinity was a team that had seen much of this type of aggression play. Treadway did have a great game ( NOT the game of his life ) but he came up big when he needed to. Without the help of Schnieder and Morgan he wouldn't have been in the opprrtunits he was today. Amazing to see this team make it this far and they deserve every bit of it. Ready to win the state title for the first time ever for scott and any other NKY school.

  7. Trinity 6- Highlands 0/ Scott 2-Highlands 2

    Trinity 3- KCD 0/ Scott 2- KCD 1

    Trinity 1 CCH 0/ Scott 0- CCH 1

    Trinty 5 goals allowed vs. KHSAA opp. / Scott 25 goals against KHSAA opp.


    All teams have to play weak district/regional foes, usually numbers don't lie. History is usually the best predictor of future performance.


    Just to be fair...

    Scott vs Highlands : Scott's 1st game, although dominated this game with 26 shots and highlands having 4 Scott was going through normal first game jitters.

    Scott vs KCD : Scott had a tough game early in the same day where they beat Ballard 3 to 1 and then having to play KCD the same day without a key player Luke Treadway.

    Scott vs CCH : This was a fun one to watch, very competitive game where I believe the score could have gone either way,I would think CCH supporters would feel the same way. I do believe Scott has several chances hit the frame, not to take away from CCH, It was a hard fought game and deservedly won by the colonials. Also I'd like to add that from everything I have heard the CCH vs Trinity game was a complete toss up resulting in a hard fought match with trinity winning 1 to 0 off a CCH own goal.

  8. It was the worst Scott's defense has came out all year. First time Scott has ever let in more than 3 goals in a game


    Wow Scott has had a soccer program for many years.....

    First time they've given up 3 goals in a game, quite impressive


    :laugh: sorry for not implying that this was the first time Scott has given up more than 3 goals in the 2014 season....

  9. I am curious about all of the scoring in Scott's last game. Is the defense bad or were both offenses that good. Thrinity hasn't given up a goal since September.


    It was the worst Scott's defense has came out all year. First time Scott has ever let in more than 3 goals in a game and the first time Scott has let in a goal since the post season started. It was very nerve racking for the defense because most of them aren't used to playing in a game as intense as it was. I do believe that in the second half they were able to figure it out and get it together. Scott's defense will determine the final score against trinity on Saturday.

  10. I saw it from a distance it happended quick and was over just as quick. It looked like his emotions may have gotten the best of him. On another note this kid played an outstanding match he kept the Montgomery attackers away from Paulin most of the night. Like I said it looked like his emotions just got the best of him nothing more from what I saw.

    Just for a clearer understanding of what happened (atleast from my point of view) only being a couple feet away. The player ran on to the field screaming and yelling at the refs as if he was going to attack them with fits flying around and it took maybe 4 or 5 Brossart players to stop him. The coach also had to jump in. I do understand that emotions get to you but I wouldn't say this was a quick situation. If it wasn't for the teammates getting him under control one of the refs would have probably ended up on the ground.

  11. So I will ask.......should the coach have pulled him out after the first card when Scott was up 2-0. mr t has a history of playing hard and receiving yellows.......


    .......for the team.....take him out and protect him for future games.........

    You will ask and I will answer. The second goal did not come till after the second yellow card.

  12. I understand that he is possibly being targeted, I have seen it happen, IMO...it also falls under the whole perception theory. I also do not think it is correct to place the entire blame on the ref, not sure I see how you can say the ref took him out of the game, this statemant makes it sound like he did absolutely nothing to deserve either card.

    Giving a player a yellow for taking a shot in a loud environment directly after the whistle when he states he didn't hear it was already a little bit harsh. But to give him a second yellow for his first foul? It was a challenge against the keeper and believe me if you didn't see it you probably have the wrong perception as it was not your typical goalie player collision. It was both players leaving the ground at the same time and T attemptimg to win the ball. The goalie caught the ball but Treadways head knockit it out of his hands. Yes a foul, but to give a player a second yellow for his first foul for something this weak after you already gave him a yellow for something rash, that's two yellows for his fist two offenses. I don't consider it wrong for me to feel as if the ref was trying to take him out of the game. Again I guess if you were not there to see it you wouldn't understand.

  13. Sounds as if Morgan and Schneider was all the offense that the eagles needed.......when T received his first yellow, right or wrong ......does the coach even think of holding him back to protect him.......mostly from himself, but partially from the refs that, if I am reading into these correctly, may be targeting him........

    Like I mentioned the first yellow was in the first 11 minutes. I so know that the Scott coach wanted to win these two games really bad and try to make a statement. Sadly it does seem as if back in NKY Treadway is targeted, but we were way out of NKY so no one expected for the ref to take Treadway out of the game as quickly a he did. Since this was a showcase game Treadway only had to sit out the next game, which the eagles were still able to hold thier own against KCD which I do believe with Treadway in the game it would have had a big impact due to the fact that everyone was tired from the Ballard game.

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