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Posts posted by Thecloser

  1. HHS is definitely a favorite on paper this season... But last season proved that teams can surpass expectations and teams certainly can fall short.

    Conner did better overall than I expected...

    And SK, regardless of tourney draw or whatever... Going as far as they did for sure exceeded expectations.. And I thought it was awesome! I spoke to several SK players after that run and they were themselves happily surprised.

    Like many have said, they got it done when it counted most and I hope it sets an example for future teams that are in a position to go on a run like that.

    Given a choice, I'd rather "over achieve" than "under achieve" any day.

    And I know SK lost a lot of seniors, but I believe their number 1 pitcher is back this season... So, you never know. Another run like last season may not be likely, but surely isn't impossible.

    I'd be psyched to see another NKY team get that far this season... Although I'm most familiar with the 9th region... If a team from the 8th or 10th can do it, fine by me.

    Lawrence may be the #1 this year but I would say Marcum was the number one last year he certainly in my estimation pitched against tougher teams with less run support. At the tournament, Marcum quite possibly could have been MVP with the performances he had if they had won the championship. S.K. is returning a good core group of players this season. I do agree that they may not return to state, but its not out of the realm of possibility. This is looking to be an interesting season and I for one will be happy when it begins.

  2. Overstatement of the obvious? Yeah, you're right. My mistake. Patronizing? Hardly. Implies intent to offend, not my intent in any way. Show some class? Really? Quite frankly I thought I was backing up the SK team, kids and coach without some of the hyperbole and without the "my dad can beat up your dad" stuff concerning the "best" region or team. However, if I offended you, you have my apologies. I happen to admire the SK program as well as their kids and their entire coaching staff and was thrilled for their success. And, as you said, "with that said", yeah, Highlands has great players, great kids and great coaching. They will certainly be considered a main contender. I wish them much success (except for maybe a couple of times).[/quote


    You were being patronizing and I quote "Who cares if they were your choice as best team"! What is the title of this thread? Throwing curves was responding to FAUXTIGER'S statement that S.K. was a mediocre team. I appreciate that an obviously educated man such as yourself has coached for over 30 years but don't talk to or treat us like we are ignorant to what you and others have said about their choices or predictions. To my understanding that's what this site is about. Most of the posters on this site are knowledgeable about baseball. Few have no clue and just ride their team so hard even if they don't live up to expectations and feel that if they shoot down other teams success and claim they were "mediocre" or "their bracket seeding" was what contributed to their success. S.K. pitched 23 scoreless innings at state and made it to the championship. That in mind the title of this thread was about best teams. This year we believe, "ThrowingCurves" and I, Highlands stands the best chance out of NKY teams.......... We predicted S.K.'s success and was saying watch out for them coming down the stretch. Plain and simple people thought we were out of our minds and said as much. Still do even after the fact "FauxTiger".

  3. Listen, I am still standing behind Throwing Curves........and if some have coached 30 plus years then you should understand you wanna play your best ball at the end of the season NOT THE BEGINNING. Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if its coming from left field and full of nonsense. you guys on here argue about the past like it happened different, if we done this or if we had done that. Bottom line and you all can eat it S.K. was runner up and their wasn't 9th region team in the finals. Still you say that any 9th region is all that, take off the blinders and stop drinking the cool-aid.

  4. Just to add to Throwing Curves I also felt that S.K. flew under the radar. Mediocre is just a phrase used by a sore loser who was unhappy their team didn't exceed expectations and choked when it really mattered. I know most of you ride the 9th region like they are the region to beat. Fact is Conner won and none of you even gave them a chance in the 9th. S.K. and oh last year I even said Scott was underrated, you folks downed the 8th region like there was no competition. I would stack the 8th against the 9th and from top to bottom pound for pound the 8th has more quality teams. S.K. did not and I repeat did not have an easy bracket and Marcum shut down 2 of the better teams in the state. Lawrence had a very strong outing against the best team in the state, so for you guys that like to play home team favorites and never give good teams their due, how did it feel watching the state tournament from home.

  5. I'd throw in Combs (Beechwood), King (Dixie), Dunn (Cooper), Gannes (Boone), and Marcum (Simon Kenton). I am sure there are others, but I've seen these guys throw. Marcum was the feature of an article recently written by James Weber in the Community Press after a strong complete game shutout of Bellevue. I know Dunn and Gannes are committed D-1 and Marcum is committed to UC Clermont. Those three will be continuing their careers beyond high school as they should I believe they are that good.

  6. Sounds like a tough game.
    I think so too. Seems they are finding out who they are as a team. The coach is playing around with lineups for what reason he did this with a team in his region is beyond me, but you do at some point have to see what you have in reserves and what lineup works the best together.
  7. In my opinion, out of the 50 players listed there is at least 10 players who should not be ranked this high. It is a travesty that Adam Daria and Tristen Marcum are not on this list!
    I completely agree those two not being in the top fifty is a travesty. I believe one of the players on this list could not beat Marcum out for #1 in summer ball pitching rotation.
  8. I haven't seen it posted or printed anywhere else so I figured I would put it out there. Especially since some games have already been played.


    1. Beechwood 169 (11)

    2. Dixie 146 (2)

    3. Ryle 134 (3)

    4. Cov Cath 125 (0)

    5. Highlands 115 (2)

    6. NCC 67

    7. Campbell County 54

    8. Cooper 39

    9. Boone County 32

    10. Bishop Brossart 30


    I guess this is a 9th region poll only. If its NKY why isnt Simon Kenton and Scott getting any press. I know Scott lost a lot but I think these schools are still in NKY and Bishop Brossart lost its first three games scoring only one run but giving up 31.

  9. I agree Simon Kenton has a good crop of players. They can make a deep run in the 8th which I see as being a tough regional. That makes good on the ability of an 8th region team doing very well in the state tourney. I'm interested in Tristen Marcum and Sean Lawrence success in the rotation. Fielding last year for me in some of the games I saw was an issue I hope they have worked that out.

  10. parent cost may have something to do with it. Seems like Summer basketball would have the same issues.

    Ok summer basketball..... hmmm growing up in Covington there were pickup games on just about every basketball court in the city "have basketball will play" not to mention with baseball, permits were needed to even get on field, finding 15-20 guys with gloves bats and balls was pretty much a rare event. Lets not forget basketball is king at Holmes and has been for my 42 years of life. my point baseball costs money that many inner city kids would rather spend on sports they know draw attention to them.For Newport and Holmes its basketball, be it cause of budget or attention they would get from the schools popular sport. I just don't wanna say they are under privileged or have no talent for baseball, its just not in their social or economic "wheelhouse" so to speak.

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