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red card

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Posts posted by red card

  1. Seems odd that the Bluegrass Games would count as a regular season game... I do not see the results on anyone's record... this makes me think that they actually do not.

    The Bluegrass games are not considered to be official preseason scrimmages like Soccerama for instance. If a player is ejected in official preseason match, by rule he would have to sit out the first two games of the season. Teams play in the Bluegrass games for this reason, extra games that do not count toward the official max number of allowable preseason games.

  2. Seems odd that the Bluegrass Games would count as a regular season game... I do not see the results on anyone's record... this makes me think that they actually do not.

    The Bluegrass games are not considered to official preseason scrimmages like Soccerama for instance. If a player is ejected in official preseason match, by rule he would have to sit out the first two games of the season. Teams play in the Bluegrass games for this reason, extra games that do not count toward the official max number of preseason games.

  3. Looking that far ahead would just be foolhardy on Cooper or Scott''s. Both teams are capable of winning or losing any game on their schedule.

    I do get a kick out of the double black hat scenario. Who do we like less? I don't really get the whole thing about this game getting out of control, like there is some kind of bad blood between the two teams. To my knowledge there isn't, nor has there ever been. Look forward to the game when it's played, but there other things to worry about before then.

  4. As a player I had a handful of dissent cards, but now as an adult I realize the stupidity of it. So it's important that coaches recognize when their players are getting mouthy with the ref or another player and interject themselves. And yes, they're not going to see everything. To put it blunt, knock it off and play... you're not going to overturn the call. Couldn't agree with you more. Soccer refs are very thinned skin and that varies by ref. If you've ever talked to a high school football coach ask them the things they say to the refs. In no way am I saying soccer coaches should act like that.

    Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with the just knock it off and play statement. There's just nothing be gained from it and plenty to lose.

  5. I think you, as well as the majority of people that have posted here are off base. I think the referees are good for the most part. The fans are the ones that I don't think understand. Frankly after listening to some of the comments, they wouldn't know a well officiated match from hole in the ground.


    Second issue is that the teams are very inconsistent as well. Its pretty easy to call a good game when all the teams are of the same relative skill like in the premier league or at the state cup club level.


    Thirdly, I do believe that cumulative cautions would help but we are getting way to complicated here. One caution is the same as the others. They are all because someone was either stupid or lost their temper, sometimes both.


    Lastly, two cautions should have the same penalty as all other send offs. If you are not able to control yourself enough to avoid a second caution you are just as foolish as the player that loses their head and commits a foul denying a goal scoring opportunity. They are all send offs.


    Just my opinion.

    To me the inconsistency, arises more in yellows issued for dissent. Referees personalties vary widely just like players. Some refs or much more thin skinned than other. I've seen yellows issued for not much more than raising an eyebrow on a questionable call with a very confrontational approach. I've seen others more even keeled refs more than willing to talk to the player, tell him what he did wrong and then say, let's go play soccer and don't do it again, Id rather not have give you a red.To say that refs don't have an eye on certain players going into games and are quicker with the card with those players just goes against human nature regardless of how unbiased they are supposed to be.

  6. Red...I understand....again, hard to look at numbers without taking a look at schedules.....and no disparaging O and S .......but the statement was best "offense" and to me that means top to bottom.....so considering ALL midfield and attacking defense AND forwards.......


    ....again, I do not agree with the statement.


    No offense taken and you are entitled to that opinion

  7. Objectively......it depends on what you consider the "offense." They each have a forward with better known names and going D1......so looking at forwards only.....no arguing there.....


    However....."offense" in my opinion, includes the mids and also the attacking defenders......


    Taking all of that into consideration, I definitely "dispute."

    They may not get much from defenders scoring wise, but I would certainly consider O'Brien and Snow to be legitimate and consistent threats from the midfield. With 5 players with at least 2 goals through 6 games, some of the younger or lesser known players have proven to be reliable opportunistic scorers.

  8. I for one, am glad to see Cooper playing "soccer", it is a nice change from the "hope we can out score you" version that they were pretty well forced to play the past couple of years... credit goes out to the staff for working to build a soccer program at Cooper.


    I liked the changes they have made at Morscher, when completed, I think it will be a nice field... adding some stands would make it a nice venue. I thought the surface was in nice shape, I guess this is all relative, I have been looking at Cooper's field the past couple of weeks.

    Totally different team defensively. Williams has been great in the goal. Goal scoring has been distributed very well, 5 players with at least 2 goals. I like the recipe.

  9. I would certainly agree with representation aspect and teams being heavily senior laden, although players on the better teams get some leeway as well. I don't really have a problem with that necessarily, to the victors go the spoils and all that. It can be a double edge sword though. A good player on a weaker team sometimes is assumed to have inflated numbers because everything revolves around him/her or they play a weak schedule. I would argue that the same player could have lesser numbers on a stronger team and receive much more credibilty. This is one that could be argued all day long, but one thing is for sure, the voting process isn't changing anytime soon. The media doesn't cover soccer enough to have any valid input and I don't think we want a parent vote. That leaves us with the coaches, which is where we are already... Just my opinion.

  10. You're not obsessed yet you know how many district games CCH has played the last few years? Why would you care or why would anyone care? If Holmes, Latin or Holy Cross want to play I'm pretty sure CCH accommodates them. Backed out of what game?


    That assertion is interesting. I've lost count of how many posts I've read reference to Cooper's inferior schedule.

  11. No, not at all. it's just the first district game CCH has played in two seasons to my knowledge. According to Oldtime in a another thread, it was only being played as a courtesy to Holmes in the first place. I just thought they would be more inclined to try and reschedule Cooper since they "backed out" of the game earlier and all.... seeding purposes?... C'MON MAN!

  12. You're comparing the record of a single team (2013) that was one of the most mediocre in recent history. You could do the same for any school that plays a tough schedule in any sport where they have a down year and say "why are you guys playing these games?" We play them because we want to face the toughest challenge year in and year out that we can on the soccer field. My guess is it's the same for the football, baseball and basketball programs at CCH. The kids want to be challenged and excel. That's what sets us apart.


    Actually, I think you could say the same for St. Henry, Highlands or a couple of other schools who play challenging schedules.

    There is merit to what you say and I would agree that that there is value to these types of games even in a loss for post season preparation. I only use 2013 as an example because it's the most recent and seems to be more relevant than mentioning a more successful season that doesn't include any current players.

  13. I don't completely disagree with what you say Oldtime. But if you play the Columbus Crew

    20 times in the regular season and go 0-20, it does nothing to prevent you from advancing to the regional tournament. In reality, despite a weaker regular season schedule, Cooper's path to the regional tournament is infinitely more difficult than Cov Cath's.... Ryle, Boone, Conner vs Holmes, Latin, Holy Cross

    In fact, your record in 2013, against, Ryle, Boone, Cooper, and Conner in 2013 was 2-1-1 with a goal differential of 0.

    Your combined record against Ohio, Indiana, Louisville, and Lexnigton schools was 1-4-2 with a goal differential of minus 7.

    Other than saying you played the games, what is it that sets you so far apart from the rest of NKY?

  14. No control over who is in the district. CCH schedules Holmes if they want as a courtesy for proximity. Only play the others in the district tourny.


    Full control over regular scheduled games...Cooper actively scheduled HC, Latin, Calv Xian, St. Francis......

    I don't completely disagree with what you say Oldtime. But if you play the Columbus Crew

    20 times in the regular season and go 0-20, it does nothing to prevent you from advancing to the regional tournament. In reality, despite a weaker regular season schedule, Cooper's path to the regional tournament is infinitely more difficult than Cov Cath's.... Ryle, Boone, Conner vs Holmes, Latin, Holy Cross

  15. I am not sure that the match against Summit will provide an indication of whether CCH can win State, it could, but I do not feel that Summit is equal to the top few teams in KY this year.


    I believe that Summit could be down a little this year, a lot will depend on how well the underclassmen are able to step up. I also feel that although CCH has several upperclassmen, they will also need some time to pull together in hopes of making a deep run.


    This being said, they both have 4 weeks to work on things before they meet on 9/27.


    They may very well do so in dsitrict play... Latin, Holmes, if they choose to make it up, and Holy Cross.

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