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Quicker than Slick

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Posts posted by Quicker than Slick

  1. Let's say Drew Barker lights up BW. Does that by itself tell me anything about BW? No. I'd have to have a bunch of questions answered. Did they have everyone healthy? Did they have new guys playing D? What positions? Did they run a base set? Did they scout Conner? Did they play their best 11 or did they run a bunch of guys in to see who can play?


    Way too many questions. Score is 100% irrelevant unless both coaches say before the game that they're playing to win , everyone is healthy, and they are using the full playbook.



    I think you meant did Conner scout BW!:D

  2. How does Boone's defense look? Curious to see how they develop on that side of the ball this season.


    They are physical; however, I don't believe they'll be able to stop the run playing the coverage they played in the 7 on 7. Press man on all receivers with 2 deep safeties. I'm sure they're only playing it in the 7 on 7's and will change once the run is an option for the opposing team.

  3. I don't know mayfields coaches, so I can't speak to how well they coach. I will say this, having a really really good player doesn't take much coaching.....


    Now, as far as beechwoods coaches.....they are a really good group of guys that do an exceptional job at coaching. I don't think beechwood has been very good the last few years with the exception of 11. The 11 team I thought was pretty good but injuries at a small school are hard to over come. Rash is a fine coach that genuinely cares about his kids and program.


    Before voice chimes in with something negative. I said before, I didn't think the 10 team was in NCC's league, but you see it all the time. A much better team takes the other team lightly and you get beat. In 11, as good as I thought beechwood was, a level playing field, both QBs healthy, NCC was better. Voice, you brought up the fact beechwoods QB was out. It's much easier to prepare all week to go with the backup then to lose your starter in the game and try to win with a backup QB that took no reps during the week. And the game was still close.....the 12 team was just not very good, had some good players but that's all.


    They should be very good with the young guys they coming up.


    In 2010 NCC was definitely a better team, Beechwood played their best game all season that night and won one of the better high school games you will ever see. If they played 10 times NCC wins at least 7 of those. However,in 2011, Beechwood went into that game with a RB at QB and he got hurt in the 2nd quarter with a concussion. The second half was played with a 3rd string QB, and by not having Nussbaum available it weakened Beechwood on offense and defense. So their was no advantage gained by Hightchew going out because Beechwood lost Nussbaum almost immediately afterwards.

  4. I never threw the players under the bus. Beechwood's players work as hard or harder than any team in the state. However, if you can honestly say that in 2009, 2010, and 2012 that Mayfield didn't have a clear advantage in personnel, then you are delusional!

    You talk about halftime adjustments in last years game. Here was the halftime adjustment by Mayfield: Jonathan Jackson took over the game, plain and simple![/QUO


    Not exactly the whole story with last years game. It was tied at the half though Mf had some uncharacteristic drop balls that looked like they would have had the chance to take to the house. At the half Mf adjusted things on both sides of the ball and it started with the passing game where we started catching the ball. On defense the Cards adjusted to what Bw was doing and it appears to have caught Rash and company without a plan B as it was brutal to watch Bw on offense.


    Eye of the Tiger's game report stated " As others stated above, it was no contest in the second half. Beechwood had 4 possessions, three 3 and outs and then finally one first down on their last drive. On the other side, Mayfield seemed to move the ball at will"


    VOR stated "I am not sure I know what the heck happened in the second half. It is easy to say Jonathon Jackson and use that as an "excuse". But there is much more to it than that. The thought that comes to mind is the Mayfield coaches made adjustments that worked and Beechwood didn't. How else do you explain it? All you can do is tip your hat and say congratulations to the Cardinals. They have Beechwood figured out and Beechwood can't figure them out"


    Mayfield's adjustments started with catching the ball on offense? That's an unbelievable halftime adjustment, you must have Bill Walsh in your locker room!

    I think that falls under execution! The plays weren't made in the first half and they made them in the second half.

  5. Well, first off. I never said 'Great'. But not surprised that you would put words in my mouth. But, whatever!

    All I know is that they have embarrassed you and the Beechwood staff the past 3 years and you guys have a huge monkey on your back that you can't shake. I just love how when you guys lose to them 'Beechwood is down', 'we got beat by a better team'. I have been to the banquets and I have heard your fearless leader say those things. I guess if he says it enough, it becomes true in the other coaches minds. This is only my opinion, but you guys need to look in the mirror and quit throwing the kids under the bus. They work their tails off all season long only to see their staff scramble like little school girls when they play a competitive team. I can tell you for a fact, the folks in Ft. Mitchell are tired of that. Last year, at halftime, there were no visible adjustments from your side after halftime. The winning team adjusted. Also, I will not believe for a minute that the 2011 team was not as good as Mayfield. Choked again!


    I understand that sometimes teams are just better than others (see above) but in this case, Coach Morris is 2 or 3 steps ahead of you guys. I'll bet you a hot fudge sundae that if the two of you make it to the semi's again this year.....same result.


    I never threw the players under the bus. Beechwood's players work as hard or harder than any team in the state. However, if you can honestly say that in 2009, 2010, and 2012 that Mayfield didn't have a clear advantage in personnel, then you are delusional!

    You talk about halftime adjustments in last years game. Here was the halftime adjustment by Mayfield: Jonathan Jackson took over the game, plain and simple!

  6. I hope you are kidding. Shoot, I blind man can see that in single A there is no one to play until you get to the semi-finals. Nice try though to pat yourself on the back. You crack me up!


    No I'm not kidding, and you are actually helping to make my point. You say Class A is a joke until the semis. Then explain to me why Mayfield, with their "great" coaches, couldn't get past Frankfort and Crittenden Co. in the regional finals in 2007 and 2008? I'll tell you why, because they weren't very good those two years. Beechwood hammered both of those teams on their way to state titles those years. Beechwood gets to Mayfield when they are down, Mayfield doesn't get to the semis to face Beechwood when they are down. If 1A is so bad they should get to the semis every year based on your logic.

  7. Sorry bro, mayfield isn't in NCC's class and would have lost in 10, 11 and 12. I hate to burst your bubble. Would have been out played and out coached all three years, sorry.

    Hate to burst your bubble bro, but last year Mayfield was better than NCC. Last game of the year Mayfield beat Caldwell Co. 48-7, the same team that took NCC to the wire.

    In 2011 Mayfield was better than NCC.

    In 2010 both teams were very good, it would have been the ultimate contrast of styles. NCC's smash mouth running game against the speed of Mayfield. I can tell you that NCC would have had a lot of problems handling Mayfield's speed on the perimeter, and Mayfield would have had some trouble handling the pounding NCC running game. Whichever team got the early lead would have had a big advantage to dictate how that game went. To say Mayfield is not in NCC's class is nonsense.

  8. That 11 team was very good, I'm not disputing that. But a healthy hightchew and a healthy QB for you guys, NCC wins. Got your butts handed to you last season however. Just wasn't a very good beechwood team, all I was saying. Neither was the 10 beechwood team, But that's what you get in a rivalry game. The tigers have some serious talent coming up for the next few years.


    Oh by the way, the field goal was good. The dropped pass in overtime was not.

    The field goal in 2010 was wide right, and the video shows that! As for your comment about the 2011 game, NCC couldn't even get past Holy Cross in the regional finals. You could have Hightchew and give Beechwood their QB and Nussbaum back and the score would have been even more lopsided! As for last years game, NCC was obviously better. I've stated earlier, Beechwood was in a down year.

  9. I appreciate the research VOR. Furthermore, I think you would agree that the perception of Beechwood around the state has dropped. It used to be when people talked about Northern Kentucky football the rank order would go Highlands, Beechwood, CCH, NCC. I think Beechwood has fallen to the four hole now, and throw in the fact that Holy Cross won a state title lately as well.


    The slippage may have begun under Yeagle, but I would say the lack lately for the Tigers to win a state championship is near drought mode, and again, it really should have been easier with the Commonwealth going to 6 classes of football. The younger kids look good, but as you know the Tigers might be elevated to 2A status soon with the ever shifting sands of enrollment for various schools around the state.


    All is not lost as NCC went through a dark period years ago, and then to his credit Coach Bob Schneider dramatically changed the way his teams played on offense. The changes resulted in state championships and have continued beyond his coaching tenure. Coach Rash has the ability and personnel to do the same.


    Did you really just mention Holy Cross? You mean the same Holy Cross that has never beaten Beechwood? Or the one that was beaten 69-26 by Beechwood in the year they won their state title? C'mon!

  10. Also, if Beechwood's coaches are so poor, how come they get to the semi finals year after year even in down years? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the BGP playoff preview have Frankfort beating Beechwood in the regional finals? Most posters on this site had Frankfort whipping Beechwood in that game. Well, not only did Beechwood win, but it wasn't even close! Furthermore, everybody brings up the fact that Beechwood has never beaten Mayfield. This is true, they haven't, but nobody mentions the years of 2004, 2007, and 2008 when Beechwood won the state titles and thumped Danville, Frankfort, and Crittenden Co., all of whom beat Mayfield those years. Does that mean in those years Mayfield's coaching was not good? No, it means sometimes you have the horses and sometimes you don't. The fact that Beechwood continuously gets to the semis even when they aren't as talented is a credit to their coaching. If Mayfield would have gotten through to play Beechwood in those years then we wouldn't be having this conversation, because it would have been 3 losses for Mayfield!

    Also, anybody wanting to debate just how big of an X Factor Jonathan Jackson was, need look no further than the 2012 state title game when he played virtually on one leg with a sprained MCL and Hazard dominated them on both sides of the ball. He was a shell of himself and Mayfield had no answers without him.

  11. I have nothing but respect for the Mayfield coaches. However, people say that Beechwood gets "out coached" every year. To say this is not accurate. In 3 of the 4 years Mayfield was clearly the more talented team, in 2011 Beechwood probably had the slight edge, but lost their starting QB to a broken collarbone early in the 3rd quarter. That proved to be a tough break to overcome, and I won't even get into the questionable officiating at the end of the game. Jonathan Jackson was one of the most dominant 2 way players to come along in a long time! The kid took over games on both sides of the ball! He can make a lot of coaches look smart.

  12. You talk about the "blown" call in overtime in the 2010 game. When the score was 25-15 Beechwood, NCC missed a field goal wide right that was ruled good. Take that away and the game never goes to overtime. As for the 2011 game, Hightchew was hurt late in the second quarter and Beechwood's starting QB never suited up. Nussbaum started QB and didn't play the second half do to a concussion, so Beechwood played the entire second half with their 3rd string QB. Oh,and by the way, Beechwood took a knee on the 1 yard line or the score would have been worse.

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