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Posts posted by TrueLies

  1. Mark Starns, current coach at Union County being considered for the Daviess County job. He previously was at Henderson County, got fired, went to Fleming County where he won the region two straight years. Did not have a good year at Union and in talking to friends there will not be missed if he left.

    Don't know where you get your information from and who are your friends? Or tell me you won't reveal your source or sources. This is example of irresponsible post. The only ones that matter to me are the people I work for and support me! I tell administrators, "Parents generally like discipline until it affects their child then it's not right or fair, it's someone else's fault."

    The administration at Union want to change the culture at Union and that's all that matters. I'm not or was not tooting my horn in original post, I was simply stated the facts. Again, I will not apologize for stating facts!

    Sometimes when you wrestle with pigs you're gonna get mud on you. Can't win arguments with idiots.

  2. As Coach Pitino once said, the bolgs and talk shows are for the fellowship of the miserable.... Time to give it up Starns


    Basketballfullofeggs, what should I call you? Mr. Jealous? I appreciate it when you welcome me with "open arms" to the community two trips to State! You could have been a role model for the boys but you chose not to be! Cowards will always hide!

  3. Mr. Viking, Good for me, I recognize talent when I see it!! What an awesome trait for a Coach to have!! I'm glad you recognize that trait in me as well! My former boss Rick Pitino, would be pleased with that as well. Good piece of advise he gave me long ago was to chase winning and your dreams and that's exactly what I'm doing. This is Coach Starns, not hiding behind the moniker that you have what cowards do. As Coach Pitino once said, the bolgs and talk shows are for the fellowship of the miserable put irresponsible post up and not being held accountable. You know nothing about me. I was with Coach Kelly Wells, at Mason for 4 years, I guess we chased talent, no we chased a Championship. When he left due to circumstances out of my control and if you do your homework and speak to the right people they will tell you the real story. Johnson Central just to happen to be looking for a Coach and was able to get the position and in my first year the boys at JCHS took me to the State. When interviewed I was promised total control of the program. When you promise a candidate things in an interview then don't live up to those promises then that my friend that is a breach in a relationship, and due to the FB coach sabotaging and telling people that won't happen again because he made that statement to faculty members, I went right to administration, and said you can't pretend that you head is in the sand on this. I'm so proud of my former assistant Tommy McKenzie, going to 4 straight trips to the State 5 out 9 years not to shabby! Did talent dry up there? I think not. I took position at Henderson and stayed 5 years until politics came in and new principal and removed me from that position. That senior group this year I played as freshmen (David Simmons ect..) do you homework on that and you find the correct answer. I took position at Fleming because administrator was making it difficult to stay in building with new head coach. I was humiliated and the Good Lord vindicated me with talented group at Fleming and the boys at FCHS took me to two trips to State! Coach Kelly, left Fleming due to family reasons and went to be back with his family in Tennessee. I was ask to stay at least 2 years with that group at Fleming and I keep my promise to them. I left Fleming to take Union Co position and to be with my wife who still lived in Henderson same reason as Coach Kelly. I will not apologize for that or chasing winning and my dreams!

  4. If I'm applying for a job at Montgomery Co. HS, I'm worried about impressing 3 people: the Principal, the AD and maybe the Superintendent. I don't care what Joe Bob down at the bank thinks about me. Just my opinion.


    There are politics invovled in coaching no 2 ways about it and if you don't think so you're mistaken. That Joe Bob that works at a bank you mention walks into school with enough political clout and complains to the right ones to get you fired or pull monies from programs, I believe you would change you thinking on that subject real quick! Just IMO! Sounds like he was doing the and making right moves to me.

  5. Not hearsay at all. Experienced it myself.

    Starns basically "campaigned" for the job around town. He visited businesses in Mt. Sterling trying to "show he cares". That's taking it too far to me and I guess those involved in the hiring process as well.


    IMO I don't think Josh or Gene want people working in Montgomery County school system being there spokes person. I believe they will be the ones pulling the trigger on who they want. Good for Starns if he campaigned for it, sounds like to me a lot of insecure folks at MCHS. I would want a coach that is aggressive their teams usually play that way.

  6. Mark Starns is a great guy and a great coach.

    With that said, he will not be the next coach at Montgomery Co. He applied for the job when Tony Wise was hired and left a bad taste in the mouth of many people that matter in MC Athletics. I don't know all the details, but that's what I've been told from my sources.


    I agree, how did he leave a bad taste? Aren't you suppose to put your best foot forward in interviews and be aggressive to get jobs? Who are your sources? If you can't name them or tell I wouldn't put much credibility or stock in hearsay!!! IMO if that was their position they lost out, their track record as of to date isn't to good changing coaches like changing underwear. LOL!!! Question, was the current adminstration at Montgomery around when Starns last interviewed?

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