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Posts posted by reds1921

  1. What does closing a foundation have to do with baseball or Cincinnati? Could Votto not simply keep his foundation running in any other city he went to if he didn't like Cincinnati? Believe it or not it is completely possible that Votto just made a business decision that worked best for him. And to say it makes him look bad is a little much. You have no idea what may have been going on with the foundation.

  2. Ok. Now this one is really going to have you on the floor laughing. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


    I was wrrr. I was wrrooo. I was wroonnnnn. I was wroooonnnnngggggg. David Holmberg is who did me in. I mistook his win for the game where he relieved Axlerod after 1/3 of an inning. That's the win I was giving the bullpen. My apoligies to you and Frank. I'll go climb back down my hole now. :ohbrother::ohbrother:


    Don't go down the hole. I appreciate these conversations. Makes things interesting. And I appreciate/respect it even more when someone has the intestinal fortitude I admit they're wrong.

  3. Since reds1921 can't find it, my guess is there is a win by Holmberg that he did not start the game. I can't remember the details. I just remember him coming in (for Latos?) in the 2nd or 3rd inning and getting the win.


    Holmberg came in for Axelrod against the cards 1 game and the reds lost. Came in for Latos another game and lost. Only win Holmberg has is against the Brewers just recently

  4. You just repeated what I said. We are in agreement. My point was goodell, the fans, media, etc etc all knew what happened from the very start. Rice told them what he did and the video did nothing but confirm what he said. So like I said, everybody knew what happened and he should have been punished from the beginning not given a suspension and then when the video comes out confirming what we already knew cut him and suspend indefinitely.


    No question domestic violence is a long standing, complicated issue. However, Goodell had the facts and whether he admits it or now he had access to the video and he dropped the ball. Now he is caught dropping the ball and it is lie and deny. Mr. Schue got it right and I was thinking the same thing about Goodell and the NFL and all their lies:


  5. What a backwards world we live in. I think this is all ridiculous. Issue number 1- what did this video change? Rice was suspended for "knocking a woman out". Rice publicly said "i knocked my fiance out". Now a video of Rice "knocking a woman out" goes public and everyone is in a craze. The video did nothing but confirm what everyone already knew. Rice should have been cut and suspended indefinitely from the very beginning if he is being suspended now for the video. I do not condone anything that Rice did and I think its disgusting but does nobody else see how ridiculous the media makes things? Issue number 2- I have said this once in an earlier thread already. Why in the world is everybody in uproar now? Do some research. DV is and has been one of the most prevelant crimes for a very long time. And now that a person of celebrity status is caught doing it, its a huge issue. This is all a slap in the face to every person who has been a victim of DV in their life. Was their experience not worth this coverage? Sad that it has to take a celebrity doing something ridiculous to get people to change.

  6. Without getting involved in the coaching debate, or any of the politics that may be involved, I can likely answer your question/post.


    St. Henry was never dominate in baseball, but has had good to very good teams over the years. The very good were pretty scattered in with the good. But, they had a nice run from the late 80's into the late 90's where they were pretty darn good year in and year out.


    Of course it didn't get them any further than the recent teams have gotten. A trip to the regional most years, and an exit in round one or two.


    That said, St. Henry played in a much tougher district during the 80's and 90's, so I think it took much better teams to just get to the region. I think the program has taken a step backward in the last five to 10 years, but it has not been a drastic step.


    I think it's more about perception than anything else. St. Henry programs have been pretty stable in their history, and the recent coaching carousal in baseball shakes things up, and perhaps makes things look worse than they actually are.


    St Henry was in the 33rd district with Ryle, Conner, Boone, and previously Simon Kenton until 2007. They had some very good and talented teams in the early 00's (01-03) and mid 00's (06-07). I gotta believe if they played in the district they do now with some of those teams they would have won a lot more championships.

  7. Someone else brought up games and banquets. I was being sarcastic. Sorry one mustnt joke on here....or say any names.


    Someone's sensitive. And why no names? This is a thread about St. Henry with no doubt people from St. Henry in it. If they don't know their principal, assistant principal, and athletic directors then they're a little of base with bashing the administration. And I only brought them up to prove a point that they did attend games when I attended St. Henry. Nothing wrong about that

  8. It sounds like kywonder has an issue with the administration at St. Henry. The administration isnt the reason the coach left. Or the coach before him or the coach before him. Or the coach before him.

    Agree to an extent but the administration did have something to do with Bieger, Terrell, and Mullins leaving. The administration is also responsible for the Collins hire. Anybody that knew Collins track record knew he wasn't in it for the long haul. Only until something better came around. And the administration is also responsible for finding a coach who is committed to the program. So in a way, it does fall on the administration.

  9. I know that the softball parents tried to do this and were told, "na baby na". Makes ZERO sense when you have volunteers willing to put their own time and MONEY into improving things and they get told NO!.


    There is never anybody stopping you from using a good old fashioned rake and edger. Pull some some weeds, level things out, take care of your dirt and grass, clean things up, etc etc.. You'd be surprised how far that will go. As far as moving a fence and things of that nature, while it may be wanted, it certainly has no bearing on having a good looking field.

  10. The argument of St. Henry only giving money and caring about certain sports is a tired one. I went to St.Henry. I played both baseball, basketball, and soccer. St. Henry has never been and never will be a "baseball school". If you want the field to look like it did then I suggest you take after the coaches and kids that built the field into one of the best in te region. Even before Walts money, Bieger was there and he is who built that field into what it was. Let's just say I doubt he had the money that Walt did. So, if you want the field to go back to what it was then get your butts out on the field and work on it because I can guarantee you, your not going to get any help from the administration.

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