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Posts posted by RandyWatson

  1. Sure, adults should be held accountable for their actions, as should student athletes representing their school. I'll tell you this much. If I had a son on the sidelines, acting like "some" of the LL players were acting, he wouldn't have to worry about playing football anymore.

    I think the solution here is to accommodate "suspect' student athletes that are disrespectful on the sidelines, putting them opposite the main grandstand. Funny how it hasn't been mentioned, but is it possible that the reason there were no issues on the SK sidelines is because their athletes focused on the game, and did not taunt the crowd. There's no mention of this ever being an issue at SK prior to this game, so where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

  2. Just have to make a couple of points.

    I think the 2 long drives that LL made in the 3rd quarter really took the air out of the SK defense, and they were unable to recover. Seemed LL size and speed was too much for SK for 4 quarters.

    As for the unsportsmanlike conduct by players and fans, I have an unbiased take. Not an SK grad, not from Independence, no kids in the system.

    I was sitting in the section next to the SK student section for the entire game, just where my wife and I ended up. I noticed the taunting started after LL's first score. Several players on that end of LL bench were engaging students. I noticed those involved consisted of both offensive and defensive starters, which was kind of surprising. This continued for the first half, which was also surprising because they were down 28-12 for a good bit of the 2nd Q. My wife, who has gone to very few games over the past 30 years, even asked if that was normal behavior for players to act the way some LL players were acting. The taunting only escalated in the 2nd half, with more jawing and vulger gestures. Later in the 2nd half, what appeared to be SK parents/fans were yelling back at some of the LL players. Never heard any fowl language, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I heard one fan behind me say he was going down to tell the LL staff to get their kids under control. I assume that may have been what started the out of control ruckus behind the LL bench, but I wasn't down there. I did see what appeared to be a balled up paper cup thrown at their bench. Didn't see anything else thrown. I've been to less than a handful of SK games over the past 10-15 years, witnessed both SK wins and losses. I've been to many other Ky HS football games over the years, and have never witnessed student athletes act in the manner in which "some" of the LL student athletes acted. No excuse for adults to get drawn into a confrontation with kids, but LL administration should likely address the issue with their coaching staff.

  3. Just watched the video. Really? I see nothing wrong with it. If you listen to all she had to say, I say she was excellent. Was that one statement necessary? No. Did it take away from the award winner? No. Did it slight the voting in the 9th? No. If the voting was done after the tournament, I'd say Coach Murphy would have been coach of the year, but that's not how it's done and I'm good with that. Nothing against coach Richey(very deserving) or any other coaches. Anytime you bring family into a situation, anything can happen. Just think her statements about her brother were from the heart, and Donna wanted to recognize her brother. Put this thread to bed.

  4. There are 2 out of the 6 that have probably made 75% of all the calls so far in the 6 games that have been played and then one of the other 4 caught some fire for the call he made on Saturday that almost sent Cov Cath home, but other than that I don't think they have been bad. I think they were pretty consistent last night in the late game.


    Just curious, but caught fire from whom?

  5. With what Highlands returns next year it will be Holmes right behind Them will be Highlands then it's a toss up from there that's how it is shaping out if it doesn't happen for the Bluebirds next year then the players aren't the issue its above them.


    I believe Holmes started 5 underclassmen last night, so how is Holmes now behind Highlands? Also, I believe a very talented Ryle team is returning their top 8 players. If they can right their ship, they may have something to say about it. I'm just not ready to place Highlands as the preseason favorite for 2015-2016.

  6. Watched the 9th region final last night and the officials from the 16th were not very good. I'd take our 9th Region officials over these guys any day. I had no dog in the fight, just wanted to see the 2 best in the 9th battle it out. It was a very good game, but the officials were not very good on either end of the court. Not an easy job, but 2 of the 3 were not able to keep up with the pace of the game. Needs to be some type of physical requirement in order to be an official.

  7. Mostly about Campbell being good IMO.


    Camels were intense, particularly on the the defensive side of the ball. Wilson blocked or altered a bunch of shots in the 1st half & Scott just never got any rhythm going offensively.


    Wilson was also dominant on the offensive end, having his way on either block. Trent McGovney had a nice game for the Camels as well.


    Campbell looked like the intense group that won the Region last year. Seemed a completely different team from the one I saw in January.


    By the time Wilson scored, the game was already in hand. I believe he was scoreless in the 1st quarter. Just the perfect storm for CC. Wilson's a handful, especially when you have defend with a 6'1 center.

  8. It's no secret that this is Coach Perkins' M.O. As long as they have the talent to pound opponents, that's what he'll try to do. I've heard from several Lady Bulldog fans, and they aren't real proud of what he's done to several opponents this season. Not saying it's right or wrong, just think there has to be some level of sportsmanship in a coach's thought process.

  9. You guys kill me. For me...this has absolutely nothing to do with HHS. NOTHING! Take the "he's an HHS jealous homer" glasses off and listen to what I'm saying. Pretend I'm from Ohio and read it all again.


    I was going to respond, but thought better of it. You're a little too worked up.


    RandyWatson has left the building! SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!!!

  10. Newsflash! Due to the great points made in this thread, and the overwhelming influence of HHS, the KHSAA just ruled that both the boys and girls 2015 All "A" State Champions have been ruled ineligible for their respective Regional Tournament, thus ineligible for the Sweet 16. So, now everyone has a shot at a trophy. No double dipping! :lol2:


  11. How many of those 125 had any kind of chance of winning the A? Until HC got to the third round of the state, they didn't even have a remotely close game. So you can use the overall numbers to make it look better, but in reality, there may have been maybe 10 teams in the entire state with a chance and really everyone know it was pretty much going to come down to the two teams that played in the finals before it started.


    Hasn't it already been established that HC had only won the All "A" 9th Region one time in the history of the tourney? Thought I read that somewhere.

  12. Well you talking to one right now. Sorry to disappoint you. I said it last year and I'll say it again, I could be a Dayton High School grad and fan and still feel exactly the same way. I could care less if HHS ever participates in an All A event. Please tell me why HHS has anything to do with this conversation. If you think it's jealousy, you couldn't be farther from the truth.


    Not disappointed and based on what I've seen on here, you report on many schools and care about the sport. Just not sure this all about the small schools' plight. Maybe some, but not all. Think some poking by a few others on here may have gotten a few Bluebirds sensitive to this issue.

  13. Let me be straight forward - my one and only issue with the All-A is with semantics. It's the word "State"


    I'll paraphrase what is saw posted awhile back somewhere on here that I agree with . . . to you, and I, and people in the know, we all know there's only 1 KHSAA State Champ in almost all sports (football classes are a separate discussion). But to the broader population, and to some extent the media, there is no difference in perception between the All-A winner calling themselves, or being called "State Champs" and the KHSAA State Champs.


    And call me petty, call me whatever, but I love the fact that there's only 1 official State Champ in KY in almost every sport, determined in a true statewide tourney. And whoever wins it is going to have to go through a gauntlet to do so. And that team deserves, in the minds of the general public, to be the sole owner of that title. So when a different team wins a regular season tournament (one that frankly excludes the top teams in the state) and fans, parents, and sometimes (but not always) the schools themselves hail it as a "State Championship" I have a problem with that. Because it does happen..we've all seen it. It gets inflated. Banners, T-Shirts, etc. Celebrate the win? Sure. But does the winner of the LIT or the Traditional Bank Holiday Classic hang a banner and call it a "State Championship"?


    I don't get caught up in the "Hoosiers" romantic feelings towards small school sports. You can't tell me that the level of play at the All-A is better than the LIT. The girls at E-Town, Ashland Blazer, Henderson County, Holmes, and Highlands work just as hard and earn every accolade they get.So have fun, celebrate the tourney, hand out the scholarships, and crown the champs - just call them the "All-A Champs" or "All-A Tournament Champs"


    If anyone compares the All "A" to the LIT, then they really don't know basketball, and I haven't heard of anyone doing that. Again, it appears based on the other sentence bolded, that you're insinuating that other schools are not being recognized for their accomplishments, and that the All "A" has something to do with that.

  14. It has nothing to do with whether HHS can play or not. Even if they were invited and won it, it would be fun and I'd be happy for them, but it wouldn't change my view of this tournament and the real reason for it. NOT ONE BIT!


    Not sure why this State Tournament matters SO deeply to you and Dallaslaredo. HHS is not an "A" school, so move on and pay the tournament no mind. Let the "A" schools that have a problem with the tournament speak up. Not sure I've heard anything negative from any "A" school backers.

    And as far the same 2-3 schools coming out of the same regions every year. Just curious how many "A" schools are in these regions to begin with.

  15. Not a backer or grad of an "A" school, but here's my thought. I think that class "A" should bump up the enrollment classification so that Highlands would be classified as an "A" school and could play in the All "A" State Tournament. This would put this to rest as it appears that the Bluebird faithful have the biggest problem with the tournament.

  16. Both are very long shots. But are you saying both teams are a lock to make it out of the district? Because an outside team winning two games to win the region is pretty far out there. So if you are so sure that it's a higher percentage, I assume you feel you have no doubts who will come out of the 35th?


    Sorry, forgot to put "IMO".

  17. I believe football and basketball cannot be compared when it comes to multi sport athletes. Once kids are in high school, the HS football team is all there is, no AAU for football. Let's see Urban's numbers compared to Duke, Ky, UNC basketball reccruits. I'm sure the recruits for these schools are exclusively one sport athletes, with a few exceptions, of course.

    Just read an article by Urban Meyer. Out of 47 of his recruits, 42 were more than 1 sport and 5 were football only. Very interesting to hear that.
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