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Michael Scarn

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Posts posted by Michael Scarn

  1. Shelby Combs is gonna have nightmares of guarding Jared Shoemaker for the rest of his life


    I can't see why he would. I thought Combs did a pretty good job guarding a much smaller, quicker player on the perimeter. The majority of Shoemaker's buckets came when Combs was sagging off playing help D. From what I remember, every time Shoemaker tried to drive on Combs from the top of the key, he stayed in front and forced him to dish it out.

  2. He doesn't live and breath baseball every day. Baseball is a big part of his life for three hours a day, four months out of the year.


    These are real BG's. Combs doesn't even know how to put down a batters box (and that's a fact).


    Of all the nonsensical, baseless statements you've made, this one really, and I mean really, bothers me. I was gonna say we can agree to disagree, buy this statement enrages me. You have no idea what you're talking about. I'll tell you what though, you're an expert name-dropper. I got some advice for you, why don't you go ask Saunders, or any of your other "BGs", what they think about Combs. Their responses may shock you. There's probably no more 10 days out of the 365 that makes up a year, that Combs is not on the baseball diamond (and that's a fact). Also, Combs does know how to line a batter's box, I've seen it many times. Have you not seen any of his team's fields while he was coach? Also, I'm not talking about the umpires on that list, I'm talking about the coaches. Give me the name of one mediocre coach on that list. You can't. I also heard what ASB heard, Combs took the Wolfe job as a last resort 'cause he didn't want to uproot his family again and did not want to take a year off from coaching. When it comes down to it, you're the one with mediocre knowledge about baseball. Well, except for a few NAIA trick plays and the "vault" from second base. You're insulting a person you have no clue about. You talk to him for 5 minutes about baseball and I guarantee you, your mind will be changed

  3. You can name any team that that dude has coached and I guarantee I could have started as a 6th grader.


    And I could have started on your little club team when I was in the 5th.


    And you saying you could start as a 6th grader on his teams only further proves how good of a coach he is. If he achieved the record he has with a talent pool so scarce that a 6th grader would start, regardless of how good that 6th grader is, he really is a heck of coach... Think about it.

  4. Combs is mediocre on his best day. Not really a great baseball mind.




    Dude, what's with your vendetta against Combs? Anytime anything is said about him on here, you offer up some form of bashing, often in an ill-founded nature. Anyone who's talked to Combs knows he has a great baseball mind. I just don't get the hate, man.

  5. You knew that


    No I did not, and I do not think that information is true. But if he truly did apply and they did not hire him, then that proves my point even further. They wanted to hire a young no-name that they could control.

  6. From what i have heard about Coach Hackett, he is going to do whatever it takes to win games regardless of it ticking a parent off or not! Good luck MCHS in the region!!!!


    I'm sure he wants to win, what coach doesn't? However, I've heard othewise when it comes to "ticking" parents off. He seems like a knowledgeable, enthusiastic young coach, but let's be honest here, he was brought in by the new administration and the booster's club because they felt they could control him to a certain extent. From what I have heard, he's done what he's been told to do, to a certain extent. That is not shot at him, or his coaching ability. Many coming into a similar situation (one of unfamiliarality) trying to establish a good relationship with the community, would do the same. However, I predict that as he proceeds along his tenure, this will likely change and he will do as he pleases. Then, the boosters will simply look for another young coach they can control and the cycle will repeat itself. In summation, calling coach Hackett a young, fearless, gunslinging savior is solid propaganda, but it is not an accurate label. Once again, I would like to say that this is not a shot at Coach Hackett or the team, and I wish them the best of luck at the regional tournament. I hope they come away champions. This post is aimed at my disapproval of the administration and the booster's club decision making abilities and overall intentions. I, as an alumni, have lost all respect for them.

  7. All they needed was a half way decent coach that knows just a little bit about baseball. Imagine how good they will be next year when Hackett gets to bring in his own assistants instead of the clowns he inherited.


    This post is laughable. I want to know the standards you are going by that allow you to judge the previous coach, other wise known as Coach Combs, as less than "half way decent," and the current coach as "half way decent?" Would you like to compare the two? Let's start with Coach Hackett. He seems like a good, young coach, but this is his first year as a head coach. He inherited a plethora of upperclassmen (around 10 seniors I believe), and the 40th district, talent wise, is at its lowest point in 10 years. Seems like favorable circumstances for any coach. Lets talk about the old coach, Coach Combs. The reason why I am even posting on this thread is because I played for him in his early years at MoCo. He inherited the program when it was at its lowest point in a very long time and was able to turn it around. I have never seen a coach work harder than him nor met a better man. Also, Coach Combs has a few credentials. He is in the KHSBCA Hall of Fame with nearly 400 wins, and I believe he has been coaching for around 17-18 years. I'm no mathematician, but that's around a 20 win average yearly. I could go on if you would like me to...

  8. Do you really believe that?


    The statement is factual. If I do recall correctly, the call blockhead is referring to was a call at home plate that decided the game. A GRC player was called safe, and the next day, the paper in Montgomery County had a picture of the play on the front page that clearly showed he was out. I have some friends close to Montgomery County's program and I have heard this particular story, along with many others, told too many times...

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