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Posts posted by camelfan2

  1. Wow, that's hilarious...is that kettle black?...is that a spec or a plank in your eye? Ask the BB coaches, photographer, and parents about the first game. Did they yell at, belittle, and taunt a CC player for being pulled down onto a BB player? Did you see a CC parent get on here and whine about that? This was, is, and always will be a heated rivalry...things are going to happen and thick skin is needed.


    I really do not find any humor in it. For the most part I don't have any problem with parents trash talking parents and student sections giving one another a hard time. I was just stating what I witnessed from the parents of one team to the players and coaches of another. I don't want to comment on your allegations from the first game. My guess is its hearsay and you did not hear first hand what was actually said and by who and how the situation might have been handled. I will say again that that CC deserved and did win that game. They played the better game just wish some adults wouldn't ruin what could be a really good environment for the kids to play in.

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