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Posts posted by BigC11

  1. By the chatter in the stands, there are a lot of fans not happy with the Coaches Qb decision, it's not only mine. My son is number 11, Jeff Martin, like everyone doesn't know that by now. He is by far a better Qb, he has more experience on the field as Qb. He also plays well as wide receiver, he is very fast and get open quick. My issue with the Qb is he can't throw the ball that far or he's afraid too, the short passes that were thrown were slow off of release or at the ground. My son was almost completely vertical to catch a pass that was thrown at the ground. There were plenty of times when open receivers were waiving their hands around and he decides to run the ball himself. Conner will struggle using Padgett as Qb. Coach Trosper's decision. We all have to live with it. "It's gonna be a long year." Quoted many parents in the stands.

  2. Like I said in previous predictions, Conner chose the wrong guy for the Qb position and they wouldn't pull out a win with him. The kid is not confident enough to air the ball out, plenty of open receivers in the backfield but he throws to the side or runs him self. Conner will be lucky to pull out a win using him unless they move the end zones to the sidelines. Where is that freshman Qb everyone is talking about, that kid is not afraid to air it out. Why didn't Coach move him up? He is best Qb for the job especially if this is a rebuilding year for Conner. He has size speed and a nice arm, Not afraid to air it out. He would also have 4 years to turn things around for Conner.

  3. If Martin gets to Qb, I think Conner could pull this one out. The coaches seem to keep Martin standing on the sidelines, my opinion he is the better Qb. He was told last year that he was going to start as Qb but haven't seen that yet. There are too many clicks on Conners football team, I'm guessing he is in the wrong one. Conner was using him as WR, he would be open in the back field and Padgett would throw short passes to either side for no yards. I seen the same thing with Michael Postal, wide open, short pass to the side for no yards. They need to air the ball out. I think it's going to be a good game, going with Conner by a touchdown.

  4. Went to Conner's 7 ON 7, They looked pretty good for a running the ball team. The passing game will get better, it's still early, a lot of passes hit the hand but did not get caught. There was a few over thrown, but that is timing. Timing is everything when throwing long passes. Jeff Martin looked good, has a little trouble with staying in the pocket. He has nice speed rolling out to take off though. Padgett looked good too. Pocket Qb, he has nice arm, throwing from the pocket. I've never seen Padget play, so I don't know how he does under pressure. As for Martin, seeing him play, great under pressure, he has quick thinking and even quicker foot work.

    So Good Luck to Conner on there up coming 7 on 7's next week.Tuesday and Wednesday at Dixie at 9:30am and Friday at Highlands 9am.

  5. Maybe some other talents will step up their game, Boone can still have a good year. I've never seen 1 player do everything, the team just needs to come together as one unit, it will be much stronger. Maybe the team will be better off without Floyd. The coaches won't be expecting one player to do all the work.

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