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Posts posted by themayor

  1. One of the worst for me is when people say physical when they mean fiscal. Our Pike County Fiscal Court is commonly referred to as the Physical Court. Ohh drives me crazy.


    Another good one is "for all intensive purposes" when the phrase is "for all intents and purposes"One more that comes to mind is when people say excape or expecially when they mean escape or especially.


    I never use this one because I can never remember which one is correct!

  2. I just recently became aware of hiking trails at the Highland Cemetery in Ft. Mitchell. They are really nice. Over four miles over 150 acres. So I started wondering if there are some other trails that are well kept secrets in NKY. Anyone have suggestions?


    Here is a link to the Highland trails if interested.



  3. Smokey Bones is probably the one I go to the most, but that is because my dad really likes it and always has a $10 if you spend 25 coupon. Famous Daves is definitely good.


    Going a little farther south, I like Doc Crowe's Southern Smokehouse & Raw Bar in Louisville.


    Nothing compares to the BBQ in Memphis though.


    That's why we go to Smokey Bones, too. Went yesterday and the service was terrible! Took forever to get our food. But the kids like it, so that's also why we go as much as we do, too.

  4. So, adding to the friend criteria...


    Do you now or would you "friend" an ex? As in high school sweetheart, college sweetheart, or the one who got away? Out of respect for your current significant other, do you ask them their opinion first? Or out of respect for their current, do you ignore the request or pass up the urge to request them?

  5. This may sound like a silly question, but have you actually seen the fleas? You should be seeding them jump in the carpet. Odd that you are the only one getting bit.


    I was thinking the same thing. I didn't even know fleas would bite people til I read this thread and then looked it up on the internet.


    I have heard that you should have your yard specifically treated for fleas if you have them that bad.

  6. This is going to come off somewhat rude, but here it goes. It is actually more of a theory.


    I have noticed a lot of my contemporaries that have been on FB for almost 10 years, since the time it was exclusive to .edu email addresses are most fed up with FB and what it has evolved in to. Not just from a website perspective, but also the crowd it now attracts. My generation has grown up with computers, so we know the advantages it can bring, but also the negatives. The majority of what myself and friends find "goofy/silly/stupid/etc." content from "friends" comes from those really young that have no idea what they are doing, and those beyond our generation. I think a lot of it is just an unwritten code of FB - and social networking in general - that it takes some time to develop a sense of what is acceptable and what is not. Most people I grew up with or that had accounts from the beginning are nowhere near as active now, because they have aged and matured in FB years. I am not these people do not belong on FB, just that many in my generation feel some need to pass a litmus test first :D


    The best analogy I can make is that at one time everyone was part of a private golf course, then membership was opened up the rest of the nation. Not in a Bushwood, Caddyshack II type of way, but sort of :D


    My 20something adult children would agree with you.

  7. I'm actually starting to question why I'm even on facebook. People are really starting to annoy me more and more. Like many have said on here already, I don't care when you vaccuumed and dusted, where you are eating and what you had, nor do I need to see a picture of your broken foot next to your unbroken foot to really appreciate your injury (yes, I have a friend that did that)!

  8. Sometimes even if I know who they are, but have no reason to ever contact them or whatever, it's a decline. Can't tell you how many times I've gone through my facebook friends and deleted about a hundred at a time.


    I've only ever deleted one person. I'm afraid I'll run into them and they'll ask me why I deleted them. I know that will probably never happen, but if it could happen to anyone, it would be me!


    I've asked to be friends with at least two people who never accepted me. Although they appear to be ones that don't get on facebook much, it still got under my skin. I even went back on one and deleted my request.

  9. I tend to accept anyone who asks as long as I think I know them. Sometimes I'm a little fuzzy on the memory but if they are friends with a lot of my current friends, I figure I must know them or at least used to know them, lol.

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