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Mustang Nation

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Posts posted by Mustang Nation

  1. Kentucky will be represented by seven from the states 2014 Junior class resulting from combine results and evaluation that moved these kids from the State combine to the regional's in Indianapolis and now on to the Nationals at the Univ. Of Oklahoma.


    They are:

    Botts - Montg. Co OL

    Davis - Union Co. LB

    Jacoby- Holly Cross OL

    Moffitt- Doss WR

    Rawlins- Henry Clay OL

    Skidmore- Somerset OL

    Steinfeld- North Oldham LB




    As described from NUC web site.


    "NUC Top Prospect Elite Camp


    July 22nd and 23rd

    This is the Top 20 Players in nation from each grade and each position, Competing For the Opportunity to Get Invited to the NUC All World Events and NUC Five Star. The MVPS of the Rising Senior Group will get invited to the All World Game. 80% of the players in the The Camp have gone D-1. They are chosen from NationalUnderclassmen.com recommendations, U100 Camp Top Performers, NUC Overall MVPs (that are chosen), and Scouting service recommendations such as Rivals.com, Scout.com, 24sports, ESPN.com and NCSA."

  2. Could be a special year for the Mustang faithful as a large number of quality returning seniors make up a very sizable line on both sides of the ball.

    The big question mark is at the vacant QB spot. The lead dog has to be Junior Keenan Dowd who is a big physical stud and only needs to get experience ,learn the system and find a comfort zone at the position to be real asset for North.HUGE POTENTIAL to this kid. A strong group of returning Linebackers look good in the middle.

    Every year it seems that Billy Martin's kids find great offensive production from seemingly average looking players that step up with above average talent,speed and desire. Several of these types lurk again.

  3. I just had this same conversation with a roofer that came by the house.

    I think it's obvious that a lot has to do with the change in demographics and populations both in the rural parts of the state but also within the more populated towns and cities.


    Oldham County is no different than most other countie in that once there was one High School and now the student athlete numbers are divided into three county high's. The once formidable Shelby County has been left decimated with the opening of Collins High that has a good program from year one.


    You take a look at the top teams in our 4A and at the top you have a few programs that really don't match equally to the up and coming 4A teams that will always have a tough time matching up with their talent pool and when you also add talented coaching in these places it becomes very formidable to catch up to.

    Don't think this is sour grapes motivated. Going back to my first point, I believe the KHSAA attempts to do the right thing but it's like trying to slice a piece of pie while it's spinning and moving.


    In 6a Louisville you have schools like Shawnee, Moore etc that just don't have the numbers they once did.Throw busing into the equation and there go many of the once power programs within the city and county.


    Then you jump to the Trinity's and Highlands type programs. I won't start down the "it's unfair road" even as a former 6A Louisville grad but the reality is that you have a higher number of kids concentrating within some very dominate programs and to their credit who wouldn't want to be part of a winning tradition.


    The last point I'll throw out is the coaching pool. An unfortunate reality these days is the ever increasing challenge to find quality head coaches and assistant coaches that are will to take the extraordinary amount of time that is required week in and week out to develop and maintain a program.They make little to no money, most are parents. most are married and in this day and age to get a group of these guy's that really know what they are doing to come together in one place is becoming harder and harder. The top programs obviously attract a more consistent quality level so you can add an additional separation level.

  4. Collins by a bunch. Collins takes control of district. Spencer will also beat the Stangs and get the second seed.


    Jake you made my day with your predictions.


    Based on your 0-2 prediction record on us last season (Henry Co, Western Hills) I have additional optimism for wins at Collins and Spencer County.


    Keep up the good work buddy!

  5. At our half time the chick fil-a folks trotted out a pair of kids picked from the crowd to try three field goal kicks to win sandwich coupons for the crowd.


    The young lady picked ...well ....lets just say tried hard but missed.

    Then a senior soccer player in jeans and sneakers taking a two step drop and hardly paying attention proceeds to boom three in a row through first from the 20 ,then the 30 and then the 35. Missed a 50 yard kick by inches. All were booming, way high and straight as an arrow.


    The kids got him to go out to the practice field the following Monday where he put two fifty yarders through in a row. Again with a two step drop.


    Word is he is a good soccer player but not scholarship level and his family does not want him on the football field. So much for a full ride D1 opportunity.

  6. Is N.Oldham getting any consideration in the polls? They've also been pretty solid.


    Unfortunately North has been getting very little respect. Despite wins over two 5A teams (Oldham and South Oldham) and a good CAl team the reality is that Win/Loss ratio of the beaten teams make it easy to forget about this very capable Mustang team.

    I suppose it's not unfair for many to be waiting for the Mustangs to meet up with Collins in a few weeks to find out how North measures up with a higher caliber team.

  7. I have not confirmed the bad news but it appears to not be good for sure.

    The North running talent is deep but you cannot replace that kind of talent and speed.

    North most definitely does have the depth to continue winning and to make a run deep into the playoffs.


    It will however require the entire team to step up and do their jobs better.

  8. Navajo,


    The consensus Friday night was badly sprained but no ligament damage. Let's hope so. He has be plagued with health issues in the past.

    The good news is that North has a Bye week so Zack can have two weeks to recover and actually three if needed as our opponent after the bye is Waggener which North should be able to take care of without needing Zack in the line up if need be.


    Zach's junior brother Jake should be back by then as well coming off a knee injury. Not quite the blazing speed of Zack but bigger and a great asset none the less.


    The biggest test of the season comes after Waggener in district foe Collins.

  9. This one played out about as predicted.

    Could South handle the North ground game and could North handle the South air attack.

    Answer ?... neither team had one to stop the other.

    From the first series you knew this was going to be a game of who has the ball last wins and that's about how it played out.


    Plenty of room for critique on both sides of the ball but forget about that. This is a hard core rivalry game that's worth far more than the five bucks the fans paid to see it. Intense, hard fought and nothing held back.


    Congratulations to the 5-0 Mustangs.

  10. Navajo,


    You are correct that North Oldham and Oldham County had never played each other before this season.

    The North and South rivalry goes back to just about day one in 2003 when North first opened.

    We are still a very young program.


    Perhaps Knute will clarify with greater accuracy.


    IN MY OPINION the rivalry has gotten very intense between the two schools the last few seasons for a lot of reasons.

    The North Program began to emerge as formidable and at times a dominate adversary several seasons ago and that certainly did not sit well with the more established guard around the area. The past few seasons South has seen a definite upturn in their program as well.

    Throw in very close proximity to each other, a swelling of involvement and passion by students and the community , great facilities at both, quality coaching at both , good football being played and you have the ingredients for ....well there's no other way to put it, the development of a very competitive dislike of each other.

    I am also the first to admit that the recent success of North's athletics have put a noticeable confidence in the once insecure and fledgling program.


    Again, one man's opinion!


    Thanks for your interest and please stop by and tailgate with us on a Friday night before watching a North game.

  11. Navajo,

    Make no mistake, South is very good and certainly has to be given serious attention.

    This game Friday will not effect either team as their district goes but will certainly be looked at as a good barometer to get a feel how far along they both are playing against a higher level of competition.


    On paper this has the makings of a great game.

    If either defense can hold to less than 17 on the scoreboard I would consider that a man-up effort.

  12. I can't articulate it better than our "wordsmith" Col Mike !


    The lack of respect the Mustangs have gotten may just keep a nice attitude provoking chip on the shoulders of this team.

    No real surprises in this game as the big boys up front continue to show why it will likely take the best of the best in 4A (or anyone else for that matter) to challenge them and keep the OL from opening the door for no less than five high octane ground gainers for the Mustangs.


    Some encouraging pressure coming from the defense but they still need to come together and reduce the big play syndrome that plagued them last night.



    3-0 Great Job Stangs!

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