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Posts posted by Lumberjack

  1. Who cares where he graduated from. Most people never work where they graduate from. He has spent more time at Colerain than he ever did at Cov Cath. There is no rule that states you can't coach at a place that was your high school rival. This is about an opportunity to be a head coach at a place that may be able to become a good program. Highlands will be good shortly.

  2. "Forced out" maybe maybe not, the Park Hills Mafia Got what they wanted and so did Holmes. Coach L. has and always will be first class. Hoopin you're right on both counts of the politics, best of luck to him and the bulldogs. Will be interesting to see how the crazies react when CCH plays Holmes, Coach L. always made them feel part of the team. He will be missed in many ways at CCH

  3. This idea that kids from Cincy are going to come play at Covington Catholic is crazy. THE PLAYERS IN CINCY ARE ALREADY GETTING EXPOSED TO MAJOR PROGRAMS ALL THE TIME. Do you really think these kids are going to leave playing at Moeller, St. X, Lasalle, and Elder, plus all the major public schools in Cincinnati to go to Covington Catholic because this guy worked at St. Anthony. The reason why there are not many D-1 players in NKY is because there is not much D-1 talent in the area, exposure has nothing to do with it.

  4. Didnt it say he is responsible for the financial aspects of his company that has 700 customers? Why would he need to take on any role at CCH outside of hoops coach?


    I noticed he has his MBA from ND and a former ND player has a son on CovCath's roster. hmmmmmmm


    Not only was his son on the roster but was quite vocal in his disappointment with his son's playing time, had a meeting with the coach and then shortly after the coach steps down and CCH hires an ND guy. Not hard to connect the dots in who really drives the ship.


    Going to bring his son into play as I recall the Listerman boys had tremendous careers at CCH and NKU yet Tieman and staff drew much heat for playing both of them as freshmen and sophmores. Hope he doesn't play is son in front of the wrong kid's parents or his stay in NKY might be shortlived

  5. Interesting hire but I would have to agree with a previous reply that CCH will not be St. Anthony. They will not be able to draw kids from Cincinnati to NKY, these kids already get heavily recruited by colleges all over. Also, remember CCH plays with public schools unlike St. Anthony which means they will not allow CCH to recruit kids all over. We all know that is exactly what St. Anthony does in their area. His background is impressive but he will have to coach players that are not even close to being D-1 prospects, and having those players make coaching a lot easier. It is a good hire but expectations are high at CCH because of what the previous coach did ( just look at his record). I guess the new guy better win a bunch of titles or will the parents complain about him?

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