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Posts posted by marvel

  1. Too bad it is the Republican Party and not the Buffalo Wild Wings Party. They got rid of their spokesperson and removed his commercials who lied on 9/11.


    Democrats have Hillary....who has an almost unprecedented unfavorability rating.....for being considered untrustworthy and a liar.


    Perception as a liar for anyone in either party doesn't compare.

  2. It's amazing to me how many people to this day believe it was all perpetrated and carried out by the US...and that demolition charges brought down all of the buildings.


    I was referring to Trump's comments. The media quadrupled down crying, "THAT NEVER HAPPENED!"


    They were wrong. And it's elevated Trump.

  3. Seriously though, I'm in favor of ISIS being militarily destroyed, but it should be Arab boots -- Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq etc -- and EU countries that could be affected, like France, Germany, England.


    In no way am I in favor of sending more US troops for another 20 year war.


    First things first: quit trying to undermine Bashar al-Assad (and Putin for that matter) from destroying ISIS in Syria.


    A no-fly zone was a hot topic in the GOP debates. Some candidates have since made comments about shooting Russian planes (which would presumably be bombing ISIS and affiliates) if they don't abide by the proposed no-fly zone.



  4. So was the desegregation of the University of Alabama a law on the books?


    I don't think so. It was based on Brown v Board and had to take federal troops 9 years later to be implemented even though it had been law since 1954. Those troops and Kennedy acted on the SCOTUS striking down the Segregation laws in the states.

    You are correct regarding public schools etc. I was referencing private segregation (businesses) which the Civil Rights Act abolished.

  5. Let's hope that another state doesn't enact a law legalizing slavery. That darned ol' activist SCOTUS might decide it's unconstitutional.


    I couldn't take another eleventy billion posts on the finer points of constitutional law.


    Everything mexitucky mentioned was passed through Congress as legislation or an amendment....not the SCOTUS making up a new found power.


    Which furthers my point: You can get to where you want policy wise, but you should probably follow the rule of law and our system of checks and balances --like it was intended.

  6. The Supreme Court did not write a new law. They said marriage laws must provide to same-sex couples what they provide to opposite-sex couples: "...State laws challenged by Petitioners in these cases are now held invalid to the extent they exclude same-sex couples from civil marriage on the same terms and conditions as opposite-sex couples." There's no confusion or mystery here. Marriage is extended to same-sex couples.


    You say they didn't create a new law.


    Gay marriage is considered federal law -- who wrote it?


    Even Justice Roberts stated "The majority's decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court's precedent..." He went on to say his decision was based on judicial restraint.


    Do you not share Roberts' legal concerns of how we got here?


    And for the record, I'm fine with the result, just don't agree with the means.

  7. Or for willfully disobeying the order of a judge. Want to get rid of contempt of court as something that can land somebody in a jail cell? Great. Lots of judges have agreed with you over the years. I'd probably agree with you. But for now, contempt of court gets you the stocks.


    I don't really care if we get rid of it. My problem is the judicial supremacy that has happened, first at the SCOTUS and their newly created law (which they have no authority over). Second, Bunning going by the SCOTUS case, ignored KY law regarding gay marriage. Also, what's the point of the KY Religious Freedom Act if it isn't even going to be taken into consideration in court....is it not applicable in this case?

  8. So what did she violate to end up in the pokey and why hasn't she sued for false imprisonment? Isn't false imprisonment against the law or is it just something?


    I have no idea. All I know is there is no federal law on the books and Bunning's jail sentence on Davis most likely wouldn't have stuck with a higher court.


    The only reason the Bunning changed his mind and freed Davis is because he didn't want his ruling overturned.

  9. Forgive me and my lack of knowledge on laws and the correct wording of laws and who does what to make them laws. I do know that she violated something by not providing marriage licenses and she went to jail over contempt of court as a result.


    Don't people go to jail for violating something?


    They go to jail for violating the law.

  10. You know. The one the Supreme Court voted into effect by a 5-4 vote. The one that at last reports 117/120 clerks in KY plan to follow. The one that allows homosexuals the right to a same sex marriage that Kim Davis refused to follow which landed her in jail for contempt of court.


    That law.


    So you're saying the SCOTUS ruling has been codified into law? Can you please give me a link?


    I could have sworn Congress can only vote laws into effect.

  11. Just like with Mrs. Davis until someone challenges the actions......


    Right. I'm not a legal expert, but it seems to me she is being indefinitely detained without trail by jury. Seems like a dangerous precedent.


    Beshear could convene a special session so the Senate and House can vote to impeach.


    He refuses to do so for the sake of Jack Conway and other political reasons.

  12. What about when a Sheriff decides he doesn't want to enforce Obama's gun regulations, breaking federal law?


    Or when Governors abide by their own state laws legalizing Marijuana and therefore breaking federal law?


    Or when cities offer sanctuary to illegal immigrants, again breaking federal law.


    Is the precedent being set that a judge has the power to detain an official indefinitely without a trial by jury?

  13. Hell of a leap in logic. A+B does not equal Z in this equation.


    All I'm saying is this board is flooded with threads about PP and abortion, and every other politically-related thread seems to have someone interjecting abortion into it even when it doesn't remotely apply.


    Call it weariness.


    You're weary of these Planned Parenthood posts....imagine how those of us who are adamantly pro-Life feel about the constant steam of new videos showcasing PP's brutality.


    Blame it on PP.

  14. 7th Shocking Video Catches Planned Parenthood Harvesting Brain of Aborted Baby Who Was Still Alive | LifeNews.com


    The organization that has released six videos exposing the scandal of Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies and their body parts has released a new undercover video today with another shocking discovery. This latest video catches the nation’s biggest abortion business harvesting the brain of an aborted baby who was still alive...



    ...Today’s video contains heartrending admissions about the absolute barbarism of Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and baby parts sales in which fetuses are sometimes delivered intact and alive. Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization from the top down and should be immediately stripped of taxpayer funding and prosecuted for their atrocities against humanity

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