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Posts posted by jackdaddy

  1. I agree to a point, but Trinity's schedule was sick. Not saying Tracy doesn't deserve it, but what Trinity is doing for KY high school football right now is great! TO have the best team high school team in the country is awesome!
    You can't be serious. Any moron can coach a team that's bought and paid for. A complete embarrassment to the khsaa and everyone that does things the right way.
  2. Oh the irony. :lol::lol::lol:


    What? The Catholic community of Trinity and St.X is now a Baptist revival? But just for athletes don't forget. Or that X operates the same as T but some cowardly public schools still opt to play them? The whole thing is a joke. You know it. Everyone knows it. Oh wait, they work harder. I forgot.

  3. ^ Let me ask you why you feel we have such an advantage? There was a time where we had zero advantages, yet stayed true to the course. Yes, we have advantages now....some of this is do to winning, the other is due to parents wanting their kids to have the most fair shake available. Either way, we earned our "advantages"......should we secede them now?


    Earned your advantages?? What a joke. You mean bought your advantages? But I'm quite sure that every player spanning the entire border of Jefferson County, Shelby County, Bullitt County, Oldham County, and of course, Indiana, is at Trinity because they just wanted to go to school there. After all, isn't that the "archdiocese of Louisville" boundaries? Or are there more counties? And it looks from the Friday night programs that the archdiocese now extends to the Baptist faith as well. What a joke!! Good to see the public schools finally have some guts and quite playing them!

  4. The new super district in 6A will have a big effect on 6A, I'm just not sure what it will be. One possibility is that teams that haven't been able to win a district title will now do so and generate enthusiasm and growth for their program. The other possibility is that the super district will suck all of the air out of 6A and the rest of 6A will be ignored. Male was largely overlooked this year on their way to the championship game. Will a super district do the same thing to Ballard? It will be fun to see how it plays out. I have maintained from the beginning that the new alignment has the least affect on Trinity and X. To win the title they have to beat the other and four others. That is the same under both the old and new alignment. The public school rising powers like Ballard will win their district but they will enter the playoffs with zero experience against the teams you have to beqat on the way to the title. Male and Manual could end up as the eventual public school winners from this.


    The effect will be that just one of the "universities" in Louisville will play for and demolish a public school in the state championship game. What a joke the KHSAA and the universities are!!

  5. And 48 other states classify basketball by school size, do you want that too??


    No. I never said that. I never said anything about the classification system. Never mentioned it. Read again. The public/private issue is not a classification issue. I'm sure you know in the state of Kentucky the only sport that is classified is football.

  6. Where privates and how privates get kids to come to their school is completely different. Lexington Catholic, according to the archidiocese of Lexington, can accept students from numerous counties (something like 30 or more counties). That is absurd. Privates in Louisville, the same thing. For the purpose of athletic competition, this is not the same as public schools. Period. No restrictions, no policy to follow, nothing. Just go. Doesn't matter how or why.


    That's like the SEC telling Kentucky they can only recruit in Kentucky, but they still have to play all the other SEC schools who are allowed to recruit the entire country. Why don't they do that? Answer. Equal playing field


    Why do all Division 1 schools have a limit of 85 scholarships in football? Why do they have scholarship limits in all sports? Answer. Equality. For the purpose of ATHLETICS, everyone is operating under the same policy.


    Why do professional sports have salary caps? Answer. Equality. Equal playing field. ATHLETIC equality. Everyone operating under the same regulations.


    Why do 39 of our 50 states have complete or partial seperation of their public and private schools? Do I need to give you the answer?


    Does anyone seriously think the public and private schools in Kentucky are the same animal?

  7. There is one "restriction" on private (Catholic) school attendance in Jefferson County that is just a tad significant in my view. How about paying about $10,500 per year? If any public school parents want to fork over this amount, then they can free themselves of the public school "restrictions," whether real or perceived.


    For the purposes of athletics, that is totally irrelevant.

  8. I understand the concepts of deadlines and "home schools" brother, I have lived in Louisville my whole life. Even so the children are not chained to a particular school, there is a degree of choice.


    Explain this to me then who sets these limits on the Public Schools and why?


    The local school districts do, why are they so unwilling to allow complete autonomy to the individual families in regards to their students educations? We hear the mantra of parental involvement being a problem all the time and yet this concept is something that the public schools will not even consider.


    You can't place one set of rules on yourself and expect everyone else to follow them.


    The rules we COMPETE by are the same, those rules are defined by the KHSAA. The rules by which we get our students are different because the public schools have decided not to allow complete autonomy to families.


    I, personally, am 100% for complete school choice across the state. Allow all funding that would be given to a school per student to follow them no matter which public school they attend in the state. I can understand issues with out of state students, but they are not as common as people like to think they are. Eliminate the boundaries and allow the students and parents total choice. Give them a role in their child's education that allows them to set the path as opposed to forcing them to accept something.


    I, too, brother, have lived in Louisville my whole life. The bottom line is that the boundaries that private schools have, which are none, are extremely larger, different, and in most cases, don't even exist. In public schools, that is not the case. The public schools in Kentucky and the private schools in Kentucky, are in fact, two different animals. For the purposes of athletics, not education or educational choice, or family autonomy, they are two seperate animals. Yet compete for the same trophy. 39 other states have recognized this and have complete or partial seperation for championship play (i.e. the playoffs). Why doesn't Kentucky?

  9. Give me a break. NO kid gets an athletic scholarship. NO kid receives more than 50% total tuition aid to attend even if they AREN'T an athlete.


    Frankly, most kids receive much less than 50%.



    They are not called scholarships anymore. They are "sponsors" or "sponsorships." Starts in the Catholic middle schools. It's not a secret or anything anyone tries to hide. Just ask them, they'll tell you.

  10. Actually in Jefferson County if you want to attend any public school you don't have to move. All you have to do is apply. Open Enrollment it is called and if you had researched any of this or perused half of the threads in this forum before posting here you would have been enlightened as to the details.


    Public schools can choose to limit themselves to smaller areas or they can allow any student they want to attend. Frankly the idea of forcing anyone to move just to attend a school strikes me, to borrow a term from the guru, Un-American.


    We are for choice when it comes to everything except where kids can attend school. That is set in stone by geography and if you want to change that then you have to sell your house and move, a difficult prospect in the current real-estate climate.


    Why not, if limits are required, try an option that allows for school choice? set a limit according to say 10-20 miles in a radius around a school? The funding follows the student automatically no matter which public school they choose to attend so long as they can arrange transportation. If not, then the student needs to go to the local school.



    Actually in Jefferson County, you have deadlines to meet, applications to fill out, get approved, be accepted, and still have defined boundaries where that are still considered "home school" boundaries. BUT, the point is this.....if a kid does want to come from another state (which is absurd in itself) or come across county lines, the option is to pay fees, PLUS go througt the entire application/acceptance process or buy and sell a new home. For privates, this does not exist. You just go. Two sets of rules/policies/guidelines for public schools and private schools. Yet they compete in the same districts for the same championships. How is that equal?


    Will private schools be willing to accept a 10 mile radius? They have already said they wouldn't.

  11. The issue on feeder schools is apples and oranges when discussing the public/private debate. For example, in Lexington, public school feeder middle schools are clearly defined and set. The private schools in Lexington who, under the archdiocese, is defined by what? 25 counties? I think even more than that. In Louisville, the private schools have no boundries, defined feeder schools, or limitations whatsoever. So, for example, if a young man wants to come say, across county lines or state lines, or from one end of Jefferson Co., all he and his family have to do is go. If that same young man wants to attend a public school, the family either has to buy and sell a home, pay fees, apply, etc. etc. It is a clear example of policy not being the same. Two sets of policies/rules/regulations. Yet the same schools competing for the same championships.

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