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The Hulk.......2

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Posts posted by The Hulk.......2

  1. Less than Zero your name fits, before you post get the facts and if you were at the game you would of seen who the better catcher was just to help you out he was wearing RED and White. The best thing Cottingham did was to leave CovCath because there are to many people like you.


    I agree Marley. Cottingham knows the truth and he made the best decision he could of.

  2. Home runs were legit and well deserved. I found the bottom of the sixth a little strange with a runner on third when Fagel walked a hitter with 2 outs and and the batter trotted to first then sprinted to 2nd base uncontested. Strange days.

    I had a bad angle viewing how did that happen?

  3. I still haven't got home yet from the Conner game, which mysteriously did not get any posts from the mighty TIGERS. But I did see the Villa and Bellevue posts. You people are a joke! please pay attention. I said you'll be judged rest of year by the opponents that are at least .500 and that makes it 1 and 1. Which is what you are a 500 team. Maybe you can get that scheduled season opener with Heritage reinstated.


    Hey did you catch the bwood cch score today? ANOTHER quality opponent!

  4. Just my opinion ; Time is on my side. I'm not taking anything away from Beechwood; but in the bigger picture; I believe the it will all be played out. This post is in no way a knock against Beechwood. A win is a win and well deserved. Beechwood hit well and outplayed my Colonels. I tip my hat Coach M. . Please do not start a revolt beechwood.


    No coach would lose a district game on purpose when they could get a shot at the one seed still. Now they're stuck with a 3 seed and will play against a team they've already lost to.

  5. Won't be a tougher opening round district game in all of the 9th region. Pretty certain Krumps wasn't wanting hiding his small-ball trickery just to bring it out for this game. :sssh:


    When is this being made up and whats the score when it gets picked up?

  6. Let's all remember when he left he was playing behind the best player in the history of the school. That being said, Dylan is one heck of a player.


    Rumors say Dylan and the coaches didn't see eye to eye and he wouldn't of started his junior year so he took his talents to Fort Mitchell and here we are today.

  7. Krumps playing Beechwood like a fiddle. He knows we are going to play Beechwood again and never showed BWD anything. Congrats to Beechwood but believe you me; Krumps knows when to hold and when to fold.


    Good One. He was telling the pitcher to give up homeruns to Cottingham and Bergfeld.

  8. I agree Hulk. What a joke they have over there in Park Hills to say that one of the best catchers in Nky if not, the best wasnt good enough to play for them. Congrats Beechwood, hope you play them again and beat them by double digits.

    Cottingham had to have the greatest feeling ever as he was trotting around the bases.

  9. When it comes to class I don't care but when a well respected coach has the nerve to stare down a 17 year old third baseman its crazy....Were all forgetting what a coaches job is. It is to build character and then worry about whens and when an 35 year coach does that I loose all respect for him.

  10. Some of these games at the Freedom draw no more than 60-70 people, sometimes less. Gate admission hardly covers that, especially when your $3 ticket also gets you a free drink at the concession stand. Fans are only there for 2 1/2 hours at most, so they don't exactly do raging concession sales. I'm assuming you feel no beer either at all the festivals that hundreds and hundreds of students attend every weekend in the late Spring and Summer?


    The young people at the Freedom are either playing the game or watching the game. They could care less, nor are they morally harmed, because a couple of adults around them are drinking beers. It's no worse than taking them to Applebee's where adults at the next table (or the very table where the kids sit) are drinking alcohol. If they (Freedom) start having issues - loud, obnoxious, drunk patrons or drinks getting into the hands of minors - then I can understand. Otherwise, hard to see the harm in it, especially if it is what the Freedom needs to open up their park for free for these games. What a great experience for these high schoolers.


    I agree. I honestly don't think the kids or schools are affected if beer is served until there is a issue. Freedom is nice enough to let them use the field let them try to make some cash!

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