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Posts posted by BigCatDaddy

  1. Wow, as a fan of HC and a parent I can honesly say this is aweful. How can you bail out on kids that you committed to this close to the season! Total lack of class in my book. He never should have applied if he wasnt all in. Hope Coach Ledford gets it. At least he is in it for the right reasons. :thumb:

  2. Actually it wasn't the KHSAA, it was the steering committee (made up of coaches from both football & basketball) that suggested this idiotic move of no 7 on 7 in June. The schools then voted to approve the bill that the steering committe devised. I was a head coach in KY when this was coming into legislation and voiced my opinion against it, but there were several key coaches on the committee that "drank the kool aid" or saw it benefiting their program and supported it. It has been and will continue to be a bad deal for H.S. football in KY.


    If you run the wishbone, I agree. If you spread the ball, it helps with timing, efficiency, progression, etc...I have been doing 7 v 7 for a long time and have NOT seen an injury at a 7 on 7. However, I have seen injuries in the weightroom...should teams stop that too? Heck, I have seen kids roll ankles getting out of their cars. IMO it's worth the "risk" if it gets you better.

  3. :laugh::laugh::laugh: You need new sources... :lol::lol::lol:


    What's the "27,000" bit?




    He hasn't. He played HS ball in GA and all his coaching experience has been in GA. He was a QB at Tusculum College.


    Some rather surprising - and very impressive - applicants for this job within the state. Some, unfortunately, had to be discarded right off the bat because they didn't have a teaching certificate.


    My source is someone VERY close to you...a current coach who has lived and attended school in the county for over 20 yrs.. I'll take his word over yours until someone higher up can verify. :thumb:

  4. South Oldham's facilities say otherwise. Because they are as good as there are in the state. I don't think it has anything to do with "not caring" as much as it does the fact that there seems to be a click a parents that need to be told how things are going be run, and if they don't like it, take their crap/their son(s) and be gone; while having the administration completely supporting the coach and his staff.


    Private donar came up with the funds (so my sources say), not the school. So 1 guy cared about sports...27,000 to go!

  5. I think they should set specific dates for spring football. Start right after the Sweet Sixteen and everyone is practicing on the same days. It seems that it would be in the KHSAA's best interests for making sure everyone is within the rules on this as well.

    Make it like the dead period. Same dates every year so there is no confusion.


    That's actually not a bad idea, it also would not interfere with testing.

  6. Are you serious....Football is a sport that can be played in any sports and with the turf fields popping up "left and right" especially in NKY weather (particularly rain) shouldn't cancel a game....guess your not custom to baseball in late March and early April that range from the low 40's to the mid 50's, if were lucky. Also, last time I checked no portion of the Football field is dirt/clay...pretty certain it is GRASS or TURF field....to enlighten you Baseballs primary playing surface (Mound/Batters Box / Base Paths) are dirt/clay....when it rains or in this cases snows it takes time for them to dryout thus cancels games....yeah GRASS Football fields do get slopply but still can pretty much play the game without concern for players health...not the case in Baseball. Think about it.....


    There is no grass left on our feild in November! Sounds to me like baseball needs to be an indoor sport. I would also wager that less than 10% of kentucky schools have turf! Poor arguement. 40's and 50's sound awesome compared to playing in the lower 30's! So how would this change with fall ball? That's the price you pay for playing an outdoor sport!!! You have similar challenges in the fall, seems like a useless arguemnet and one that probably should be moved to the BASEBALL forum.

  7. Open to anything that truly levels the playing field....logic is clear on this argument....by far baseball/softball are affected by weather more so than any other high school sport....season is typically shortended (never play all games that were schedule - understand you will have rainouts, but some years it has been a 3rd or even half the season taken away --- yet to see a season in FOOTBALL or BASKETBALL when this happened)


    Football sees WORSE weather than any other sport. Football starts when it's 90 plus and ends when it its often below 32 (baseball doesn't play when its that HOT!)...we just happen to play when it rains/snows and don't cancel games due to weather. Football PLAYS in bad weather...they DONT cancel!

  8. Good luck to Coach Graham. My son played for Coach E and I can honestly say he is a better person for having Coach E as his coach. The pride I see in Henry Co. football in every way has never been as high as it has under his tenure. I wish the man luck and hope his family can heal. GO CATS!

  9. Questioning doesn't bother me, I don't have a dog in this fight neccessarily, it just bothers me when people bash hires and coaches on here. I don't have a problem with diagreeing either, but try not to bash the guy when you don't know anything about him, or the program he comes from. I agree that beating those teams is important but you'll have to wait and see, the man has an excellent track record throughout his career. What got me argumentative was blindly proclaiming it a bad hire without giving the man a chance. He had nothing to do with the sitation with Nichols, who had 9 years to produce the results you are calling for without the results you are calling for. Inevitably, he will be compared to past coaches and other programs but let the man get his system in place or at least coach a game before critisizing, which also is inevitable. I think it is a good hire, from what I gather he works hard and is great with kids and can win.


    By the way, why is BS the school with the most talent? I watched the HC BS game and Clay had more talent and speed on the field. The last NFL player from BS was Eric Shelton and he's been out of HS for 10 years. What has that got to do with the kids they have now?


    Go reread my post...never said it was a bad hire. I said it was a push, meaning there was nothing noticbly gained by the release of one and the hire of the other!! I also never critisized him, just looked at his track record in KY and there isn't anything overwhelming to speak of. Not a knock on the person, just didn't see anything to write home about. Traditionaly speaking they have more talent and produced more talent. I have watched both BS and HC play, I would not say there was much if any better speed or overall athleticism on the HC team vs BS. Redistricting didn't really hurt BS either, so if their talent is down it might also be safe to say that Lex as a whole is down by comparison.

  10. I've made no claim about Henry Clay nor am I a "Louisville" guy. Then again you don't care about that. If this kind of questioning bothers you, you are going to really hate the fact that he will be Manual's coach. He will be under an intense microscope and consantly compared to EVERYONE else, including X and T. Also, eventually isn't going to cut it there. I am sure he knows that. If he doesn't get it done in the next 3-4 years, I would expect that the insane admin at Manual will look to make another change.


    I never disputed the fact that the guy has changed a "culture" at BS. My whole point is he hasn't done anything "spectacular" in the eyes of MANY folks around the state. That doesn't mean he hasn't done spectacular things for BS. Not making it to the Regional Finals will be a valid sticking point IF he doesn't do so at Manual. My WHOLE POINT was what makes him the guy and why couldn't he accomplish the same type of results at a school that has similar talent? Can he beat out Ballard, Male, T and X on the kids he MUST have to make a legit shot? I understand tradition is a big deal...but it doesn't make you or break you. I know these are all "what if's", but they are important to speculate about.

  11. HAHA No one cares who you are, trust me. I would be very surprised if you had any quality coaching experience simply based off of your comments. You obviously know nothing of Coach Lucas or any of his staff, so why comment on him? Comment on your expertise like cow tipping.


    :clap: Wow, nice post. Way to come out, lay down some good solid support for the man you have so much passion for. I bet he's excited you are showing us what to expect from his program. So I am sure, since he is your area of expertise, that you can explain exactly how he's going to beat the big 2. Or maybe you did that while I was out "cow tipping". :popcorn:

  12. BigCatDaddy, it is clear you have limited knowledge into the sport of football and what it takes to establish a quality program. Yes Bryan Station does have talent, however that is not all that it takes. If your evaluation of coaching is correct, any half way decent coach should coach over at Bryan Station and win state next year, correct? Coach Lucas is a top notch coach who will do great things at Manual.


    If getting on here and attacking me makes you feel like a big boy, keep in mind you have NO idea who I am. For all you knowI coach a major program that just won a title...be carefule what you say. Second, did I say talent is all it takes to win and establish a program...try re-reading my post. I said he did a good job with the talent he had, but DID NOT go above that talent...so how does that JUSTIFY his hire over Nichols NON-RENEWAL? Did I say you should win state at BS??? NOPE-won't happen. Don't imply and assume...you know what they say about assuming! BUT the expectation at Manual WILL be to COMPETE for a state title...if he DIDN'T do that at BS (didn't compete at the Regional level) where his talent pool was VERY good, EXPLAIN how he will do that at Manual? Please, enlighten me!

  13. He inherited a team that went 1-9 in '05. He proceeded to improve their program each season he was at BS (2-8, 4-7, 6-5, 9-3), and from all accounts, he's very well respected.


    I understand the "turnaround" he had, but he didn't do it without talent. I think he did pretty well with the talent he had, but nothing really EXCEPTIONAL to speak of. My point is, I don't believe the trade off justifies the means. It's not like they went out and grabbed somebody who has proven they can do better than the talent level they posess. Nothing that speaks volumes about being able to compete with X and T...this hire is a push at best IMO.

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