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Posts posted by sportsfan09

  1. McCombs pitched the district final 5/21 came back 3 days later pitched regional opener 5/25. Will only have 2 days rest for regional final. That's alot of pitches in a weeks time for someone that hasn't pitched that much this year. Right on Park1221 with a kid that has a career and future.

  2. Good game. Good hitting and 4 huge double plays. Trinity turned double plays in the first 3 innings and of course a double play to end the game. When a team turns 4 double plays in 7 innings that's a hard one to beat. Littrel started 2 of the double plays with the other 2 being turned up the middle. Pitchers best friend.

  3. There are probably a handful of .400 and .500 hitters in highschool. That is why it is important that no one is on base when these hitters come to bat. Lets say a team gets 9 hits in a seven inning game. That would make them 9-30 in seven innings. Do the math? Team batting average .300

  4. Park 1221, throwing offspeed when you're ahead 0-2 or 1-2 can be effective if you locate your pitches. How did you get to 0-2 or 1-2? Was it with fastballs or offspeed? Maybe fastballs are all that you need especially if it has movement and you can locate up/down/in or out and hit your spots. Then again you said they throw first pitch fastballs 90% of the time. Of that 90% what is the % of first pitch strikes and getting ahead of the hitters? Remember in baseball good hitters make outs 7 out of 10 times.

  5. From the games that I have witnessed it seems like the St X pitchers have had trouble throwing their off speed pitches for strikes. If you can't throw curveballs/changeups etc for strikes what other option does that leave you. Especially if you fall behind in the count. Also its not about blowing fastballs by hitters its about the location of the pitches.

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