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Posts posted by BBALL WARRIOR

  1. I know its a long shot but im gonna go with the nets, with possiably getting John Wall with the first pick, Lopez, cdr, an maybe able to trade harris could be a very good team. The team is still near the New York area, an lets not forget the Jay-Z factor. But if hes strictly wanting a ring he should go to the bulls, or if hes really wanting to win an would take a huge pay cut go to the lakers.

  2. If were building this team for the furture id have to take wall an evans, I take evans over curry because i believe evans has a better abailty to defend the elite guards.


    I like ccc comment about kobe relying on the jumpshot to me thats why he'll be able to play later into his career. players like wade an james i think will have a harder time adapting late in there careers. Both rely so much on their athlectism, their both above average shootors but neither are pure shooters. Not saying they cant develope just right now in their careers its not there. Streaky at best.

  3. BBall, you haven't watched the NBA this season then:D. Deron Williams abuses CP3 every time they play and he's a better scorer and defender than Nash and is just as good of a passer. I think DWill is so far ahead of every other PG it's not even funny right now. Rondo can match (and excede) his athleticism, Nash is possibly a better ball handler and passer, and CP3 has a gift of making plays, but DWill is the total package. Look at the scrubs he plays with, and he has them playing as well as they possibly can against the most talented team in the league. JMO, but I don't see how anyone could justify putting anyone ahead of him at this point and time.


    Well does last nites performace change your mind at all. The way he played last nite derek fisher may be better. :D I recently read this article on yahoo that talked about being efficent it took into account every stat an cp3 beat lebron by a close margin d-wade was 6 an kobe was 12

  4. DRose is probably the least offensively efficient of the group. I think that he's next in line after Williams, Nash, Rondo and Paul, but he's not there yet IMO.


    Really Rondo's not as polished offensively as Williams, CP3 and Nash but I think he makes up for it in other areas.



    I dont know if I put wiliams ahead of cp3 or nash but defintily these are your idea guys running the show. Something every team needs is a great point guard. An i wouldnt mind to much if Rondo was mine.

  5. west carter returns a mix of experience with some new faces all an all could be a up and down seaon, i expect anywhere from the 12-16 win range i believe the new guys will surpise alot of people, and it never hurts having jermey webb has a coach.


    aaron rayburn - west carter leading scorer from last yr. around 6,5 excellent shooter, good ball handler. will be expected to carry even a heavier work load this yr. his success will rely alot on production from the his teammates. needs that second scorer to help take the pressure off. areas to improve would have to be strengh and quickness.


    justin jarrell- 6,4 the big man inside big brusier gets alot of put backs. good rebounder. should be around a 10 and 8 guy. the key to his season will be staying out of foul trouble and playin smart. along with some more post moves.


    harrison bond- 5,10should be wc point guard, the so called hustle player. hard worker good defender. does all the little things. his size may be a problem againist bigger guards.


    kyle brown- 6,0a new comer for the comets should be a nice addition, excellent basketball iq, great passer, and a good shooter. how fast will he be able to make the transition to the varisty is the question. needs to improve on defense, strength and quickness. i believe that will come with age tho.


    derek lawson-6,3 young guy, plays hard. good rebounder, well be expected to produce quickly, will be a good surpise for the comets. needs to work on defense.


    cody stamper-6,0 another one the comets young players. very athletic plays hard. can score. really needs to work on the left hand along with some dissusion making. will be a nice player for the comets.


    lets no forget about corey bradley coming off the bench.

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