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Posts posted by RoundBallFanatic

  1. Watched a video on IHigh but the video was way too grainy to tell one way or the other. I will say that neither of the two officials on the camera shot signaled a 3 pointer. You can't see the other official. The scoreboard on IHigh shows tie game then officials huddle up and then come out and signal a 3. Anyone got a better video?

  2. I say Owen is the 4th or 5th best team in the region, just as I thought before the game. :popcorn:


    That very well could be. But if that is the case there isn't much difference between #1 and #5. This region is wide open and to think anything different is competely naive. That is why people continue to talk about Owen and Collins having a shot and to dismiss them would be making a big mistake.

  3. This should've been a no call plain and simple. There was no contact at all when the shot was released. If there was any contact at all it came as Jackson was coming down and kicked his leg out ala Reggie Miller. The contact did not effect the shot at all and the official should have let the players settled the outcome in overtime. A good officiating crew is the one in which no one knows that they were even part of the game. Everyone left the gym last night talking about the officials instead of a group of kids from both teams that left their hearts and souls out there on the floor. That is the real shame of it all!!!!

  4. The only problem that I see with the "system" is that a lot of the voting is probably done on "reputation". When you consider how broad the region is, there's a lot of teams that will be more likely to play teams out of their region, than in their region. For example, Simon Kenton played 8 games in the region this year...but, 6 of them (3 teams, twice) were in their district. So, those 3 teams, along with the 2 others, for a total of 5, actually had coaches that had to face Wainscott.


    Meanwhile, Walton-Verona played 9 different teams in the region, so Dixon was seen by nearly twice as many coaches. And yet Wainscott is POY? And before all the Lady Pioneer fans jump my case, I'm not saying she's not deserving! She's a heck of a ball player. I've seen her play this year. I'm just wondering how many of the other 8th region coaches can say the same thing? It's not like they can go home after their game and turn on Sportscenter and even see a highlight package of what she did that night.


    At least at the tournament, those voting actually see the players they're voting for.


    I would say that most if not all the coaches have seen every team play more than once. Scouting is an essential part of coaching and there has never been a game that I have attended that other coaches were not in attendance.

  5. Two things here:


    One, it was rumored that Hammond forbid his players from playing outside the framework of their summer ball team, which was supposed to be comprised of Henry Clay players. With the recent proliferation of many different Central Kentucky travel ball programs, this mandate somewhat limited his high school players from playing for these teams which would give them outstanding college and professional exposure. From what I understand, this has become a big point of contention at HC, especially with guys like Will Hurt who played for the Kentucky Baseball Club last year, where he began to gain notoriety already, still as a freshman.


    Two: Lexington Catholic's head coach is a big part of the Kentucky baseball club program, and surely there were conversations between he and the Hurts regarding the prohibitive situation of summer ball and subsequent exposure. It would be a long shot to say that Hurt simply decided on a whim to transfer to Lex Cath - there were almost certainly discussions about this move conducted behind closed doors which could be construed as "recruiting."


    It feels as though neither parties in this situation are totally free and clear of guilt. The fact of the matter, though, is that if Hammond had allowed his players to do whatever they wish for summer ball, then this whole situation could have been avoided. When it all comes down to it, baseball should be about the kids and they should be free to do whatever they want outside of the high school season so that they can gain the best chances to play after college if that's what they desire.


    I'm sorry to hear about Coach Hammond's dismissal, as I've heard nothing but great things about him, but I'm also glad that the player in the situation will not be penalized for transferring because after all, it's about the kids, not the adults as we sometimes forget.


    I do not agree that KBA or any other organization offers more exposure than the Henry Clay baseball program. They have always played a top notch summer schedule and there have been numerous players play both at the college level as well as professional. I do not have the numbers in front of me but I would say that Henry Clay has sent as many baseball players to college under Coach Hammond as any team in the city and maybe even the state.

  6. In the vast marjority of transfer cases, the motivation behind a transfer is rarely known. I do not believe that the KHSAA would have ruled the kid eligible if they had evidence that the transfer was athletically motivated.


    What is known is that Hammond broke KHSAA rules.


    Also no matter if the reason behind the transfer was legit or not, I find it very troubling that an adult educator would send an email asking the Lex. Cath. coach not to play the kid. That speaks more to me about the character of the coach than the 17 years he put into the program. Sounds like a bitter person with a fragile ego.


    Although I do not agree with wanting a kid to have to sit out I can see Coach Hammond's frustration as he has had several kids "transfer" away. Most after playing or being involved in another summer ball organization.

  7. This is a political situation plain and clear. Coach Hammond did break some rules but none should have cost him his position, but an afluent parent approached a political minded superintendent and this is the result. The KHSAA had nothing to do with the firing. More than likely if they were involved it would have only resulted in some type of suspension or probationary period based upon previous incidents of other coaches across the state. This should have been a KHSAA and "school" handled situation but was not. Although the superintendent really does not have authority in the hiring and firing of this position Stu Silberman did the firing. He has the power to fire a principal and used that card to pull the trigger on this firing plain and simple.

  8. I really like the Fayette County rule of, no school, then no practice, nor games that day.


    Getting an education is the reason for our children having to attend school and not high school sports, so if a Superintend feels it is too dangerous to attend school that day, then it is then still to dangerous to practice or play a game that day and or night.


    Anyone who disagrees with the above is only kidding themselves if they say that education is more important than sports but gee the roads were fine by game time, so why not play.


    In this, The Commonwealth of Kentucky, we need to start putting the education of our children first, second and third and realize that this is the only way that our children and The Commonwealth will advance their lives and thus our Commonwealth.


    "Sports are for fun, but a great education, lasts a lifetime"!


    You obviously are very passionate about this issue. The one thing you failed to mention is that missed school days are made up at the end of the school calendar. Are you going to postpone and back up all the seasons because of snow? Just because you play a game when you don't have school says nothing about the importance of education. If the powers to be in a particular county deem that the roads have been cleared enough to practice and or play I don't see that it is anyone not privied to all the facts make judgements about it. Your argument while passionate is ridiculous.

  9. I find it funny that everyone is so critical after game number 4 as if teams should be in post season form at the beginning of the year. Owen is a very inexperienced team and it will take time for them work out all of the kinks. How about everyone just say congratulations on being 3 and 1 and wait and see how the season progresses. I don't think any of the coaches in the 31st district are going to want to open up with Owen come tournament time.

  10. You've obviously seen a different Sawyer Williams play than I have. I'm not saying that he doesn't have potential but alot of young kids do well as Freshman and Sophmores and then tend to level off as a Varsity player. He may be just a step above average for his age but there are several players out there that will matchup with him. I think there will have to be quite a bit of improvement for Division 1!


    Williams will definitely be a force to deal with over the next 3 years. His game improved dramatically over the Summer. That being said, he is still just a Soph. so I am sure there will be growing pains in making the transition from JV to Varsity.

  11. Russell is definitely a talented player and in my opinion the best high school player in the 8th region. I think that alot of us look at who is going where and what their potential is after high school when rating players but what are they doing right now for their teams. There isn't a player in the region that I would want over Jacob Russell. That being said the regional title will still have to go through Anderson Co.

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