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Posts posted by Papi22

  1. Alphin may have done the wrong thing by not sliding. However he could have hit the catcher harder had he been swinging a feather pillow. Lot of trashtalking going on, so I can completely understand why it happened. But I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't in my throat... Would have hated to have seen him ejected on that.

  2. I haven't done any research yet. Was there any change made to the Exo or did they simply paint it a new color for 2009 (as they did it 2008 when they painted it white instead of red, but the bat was the exact same).


    I lost all faith the the Stealth flex bat technology. The trampoline effect may work in golf, but not baseball. Those bats lose their pop the quickest of any I've seen, and at $300+, that ain't a good thing. :irked:


    It is very true that it's all hitter preference and style, and while I agree the trampoline effect isn't as useful in baseball, my younger brother used one of his teammates Stealth flex bats while playing this summer, and absolutely loved it. Says he hit the ball further than with a stiff bat and claimed a few balls he put out he didn't catch near solid at all, but he relies mostly on strong hands, so it seems the technology worked in his direction. I personally agree with you, but I was never a longball hitter.

  3. Not to toot the East horn too much, but if anybody gets a chance to watch them this year I think Jimmy Hoffman would be considered a top 2B, has all the tools and has a very nice bat. East has some very solid pitching, nice fundamentals in the field, and I don't think they'll have a very hard time putting up runs.

  4. Bullitt East in the 6th. Some of these kids played in very big tournaments and very big situations at very young ages...together. 4 current starters, Alphin, Bowles, Jones and McCarthy all played together as Central Kentucky Comets, all four of them have ice water in the vains, they aren't intimidated. Jimmy Hoffman is one of the smoothest 2nd basemen I've seen, before he came to East he was invited to try out for the Junior Olympic team as a SS, solid hitter. Not many holes on defense, 1-7 can hit the deep ball...this team can put up some runs, and they have the majority of their innings pitched returning. No knock on PRP, they are the perinnial power in Louisville baseball no doubt, but I think this is the year the "little guy" will take down the giant. Can't speak too much for the other regions, I primarily follow East and the 6th, but I can't wait to see if this baseball team follows up on the football teams run.

  5. I understand about dreams, but getting a great education is what kids should really be worried about! How many people actually make a living playing baseball that played HS or even major D1 ball? If the kid is that good, he will get a D1 offer or if he really, really that good, he will get a MLB offer! If you have the talent, or if you have true potential, the scouts will find you!


    The main issue here is not whether we think kids should strive for a good education. Let me ask you this, if your chosen profession was to be a lawyer, so you go through years and years of schooling, pass the exam, you're now a lawyer. Then somebody tells you the schooling was unnecessary to become a lawyer, all you have to do is pass the bar. Think of time a athlete can spend in a college getting what can be an unnecessary education if he succeeds playing baseball. Don't get me wrong, in no way am I saying education isn't important in life, but it doesn't take a degree to play a little stick ball...In the case in which this thread was originally intended, education is not the biggest of concerns, as was mentioned earlier, a player signing with the MLB has the ability to have an education paid for later by the team in which he signs. That's the great thing about baseball, even if you fail, you can still succeed.

  6. With D-1 schools only being able to give 11.7 scholarships per team, and JUCO being alotted 24, I was just curious if anybody had some insights on wether taking a ride to JUCO as apposed to maybe a 30% scholarship would hurt a players chances come time to enter the draft. Any info would be much appreciated. Any past experiences anyone could share would be very helpful, my younger brother is entering his senior season, and some third party people have told us he's expected to be a pretty good recruit, so we're facing a lot of these decisions, hoping the bluegrass faithful can help educate us some.

  7. I agree...he's a good back.


    Is he a senior.


    Yes, he is a senior. He was a RB through youth league, they felt his tools could be better used at TE, and while I agree he made a good TE, good runblocker, good reciever, he was still in an offense designed to get him the ball only a few times a game. I do thank Coach Preston for giving him a shot, I know for a fact it made his senior year and their playoff run that much sweeter for him personally.

  8. The RB #13 for BE has some kind of heartcondition that caused him not to play for most of the 3rd quarter and his backup got hurt on the opening kickoff with a separated shoulder.That was the big difference in the 2nd half. Once the trainer's got #13 stable he went back in and tried to play.Most kids wouldn't even be playing. A very tough and courageous kid.


    That's my younger brother, he only acutually sat out about 1 offensive series, and part of the next defensive series. He did want me to make sure people didn't look at him as a "heart patient" in his terms. The ailment is referred to as SVT, minor issue where heart developes an extra avenue, sometimes causes a random heartbeat, happens about twice a year. Can be easily fixed, though doctors have told us it's not necessary, so our dad and I haven't seen logic in having the heart of 17 year old operated on for unnecessary reasons. Anyway, went on longer than I was planning, however, I wanted to thank you for your kind words. Great game to watch, Zack says it was an even better game to play in, he said it was very clean, sportsmanlike game, always like to hear two very good teams get together with some sort of mutual respect.

  9. You are correct. If you're losing much of your OL, the spread will often help you create a more effective running game using the "pass to set up the run" mentality. Several teams use this process very effectively, and will actually run as much - or more - than they pass out of the formation.


    Agreed, with a young and unproven line, the spread will allow you to "hide" (for lack of a better term) that possible weakness. IMO all the spread will mean to Ashland is that these backs will have more room to operate, less defenders in the box, and often times can simplify blocking schemes for young linemen...see man, hit man

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