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Posts posted by VBMOM

  1. The public schools where I live just recently FINALLY added basketball at the grade school level. They had boosters for basketball which was held at one school. The success has been very good for the past 6+ years that some of the other public schools have begun their own teams which is wonderful news IMO.

    Now across the river in Ohio, this has been going on for YEARS, why it took KY so long I don't know. But Ohio also supports football and baseball, albeit this is normally for boys, they have been working on the girls end also, but slower.

    This is a great opportunity to keep the kids in shape and have fun. Perhaps some of our high school girls can lend their expertise and experience onto the younger girls in both public and private elementary schools. Great chance to give back to the community.:p

  2. Word has it at NDA that the sisters are considering letting the girls out early in order to attend the match. I have not heard anything about a bus. Using a bus would permit all the girls to attend, even the Freshman and Sophmores who may not have the ability to drive themselves there or be reliant upon their parents who will be working. In addition, how cool would that be to have a bus load of fans dropped off to cheer their team to victory. How fun would it be to be on the bus! I guess we just have to wait and see what the sisters decide.

  3. Seems like this is the second occurance when fans/parents get a bit out of hand and forget that we are examples to our children and represent the school. The images of a school can be very fragile and unsportsmanship conduct by the fans can be viewed as a "black eye" to the school.

    We all can get caught up in the excitement of a match/game but we represent the school as much as our players. The players are held accountable for poor sportsmanship and it appears that the fans/parents may need to be reminded of their role and responsiblity to the team.

    Just my thoughts.

  4. What an awesome match last night in Louisville. It went 5 games but NDA came out on top!!!

    25-22, 19-25,14-25, 25-20 and 15-13

    Congratulation ladies :dancingpa


    Nice article which mentions how this is SHA fourth defeat to a KY team and the first by a KY team outside of Louisville. Huge accomplishment for the Pandas! Great wave to ride in to play Mercy Louisville tomorrow night at home.

  5. I have to tell you the crowd and excitement was amazing. Both schools cheering section was exciting to behold. At times, the cheering was so loud many folks were covering their ears!!!

    The match was everything it was pumped up to being. The Crusdaders came out strong as did the Pandas. The first two game's score tell the story, it was a nail biter. But the Pandas continued to ride the wave of momentum to bring it home in three. A fantastic game played by both teams :dancingpa


    All of the money will be donated to the "I Have Wings" foundation. A very worthy cause that helps ladies with breast cancer in many different ways. From a wig, to a mattress, to meals, to helping them pay their utilities. The foundation is amazing and we are so very lucky to have them to help those during what can be very difficult times.


    Thank again to EVERYONE from both teams for making this a wildly successful evening. Thanks girls for playing so hard, it was a very exciting match to watch.

  6. CC played a very tough match against NDA. Congrats CC on a great match!


    Appears NDA coaching staff has not yet "found" their starting line up as witness to their performance this weekend as well as yesterday's match against CC. This needs to be determined very quickly as they head into their toughest matches of the season.

  7. It is unclear to me why the public elementary schools are not encouraging young ladies to play VB by hosting teams for them. Many of this gals are not even introduced to what a VB is until they attend middle school which is a huge diservice to them and puts them behind those in the parocial school systems. Which then ultimately feeds into the high school systems which in NKY is why NDA and St H, NCC do better than some of the public high schools due to experience of the years which the girls have had their hands on a VB.

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