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Posts posted by jay310j

  1. I stopped by the visitation tonight that was from 4-8. I got there around 5 and the line stretched all the way down the street past Jordan's house. When I finally got into the funeral home at around 7:50, I looked back from the steps and the line still had stretched all the way down the street past Jordan's house. He was an incredible person and this just goes to show that one person really can make a difference in the world.

  2. Jordan was an amazing individual. I was lucky enough to play football with both him and futurecoach in high school. Jordan dreamed big and everyone fed off of his passion and love for the game of football. Jordan and myself both started coaching for Ludlow at the same time and I can say I've never had as much fun as I did when I was around him. When I left to coach at Cooper, Jordan would call me every Friday night to let me know how Ludlow had done and to reassure me that things at Cooper were going to be special one day. After talking to another coach today about Jordan's passing, he summed it up perfectly by saying that, "Jordan is someone you want your kids to be around and learn from." That is a perfect description. Such an intense individual who loved sports and people. I'll miss you Jordan.


    Coach Csolkovits Cooper High School

  3. Here is Desean's highlight video from his freshman year.



    Wow he can sure go up and get the ball. That's exactly what you want from a WR.. And only a freshman last year! This kid could be amazing in a few years.


    If the Cooper Jags can establish a legit passing attack, look for Ryan Klute to have a good year. Not the biggest kid but runs good, smart routes. Pretty good set of hands too.

  4. If Bradley stays healthy and the O Line can hold there own I think Cooper will give Boone, Conner and Campbell all they want, toss up games IMO and I think they win 2 of 3. They had Lloyd down last year I believe by 14 or more in the 4th quarter and lost it at the end so I think they win that one this year. They beat Shawnee and Newport and I think they will again. Holmes will be interesting but I give the edge to Holmes overall speed. I believe they will beat Scott this year as well.


    IMO Morris will be the QB and with his running and throwing accuracy along with some Soph's to be that are athletes and can consistently catch the ball along with Bradley who will be one of the top backs in NKY if not the State, this year should be interesting.


    Cooper can very well be a darkhorse team in NKY. With Bradley in the backfield every play can be a big one. They also return all their starters at the WR position as well as some up and comers from the freshman team of last year. If this Morris kid can be the QB and actually give Cooper a legit passing attack, Cooper could very well win 6 games this year. Maybe more... That's why you play the game!:thumb:

  5. Morris will be a good QB but their is alot of work to be done for him to compete at the Varsity level. He is very agile and quick but not very big and has to learn to use his Offense of threat in the spread. He has to work on keeping his head up and looking down the field but it will come in due time . Good luck to Jags.:ylsuper:


    Sounds like a very good, fair evaluation. I heard there was another young QB out there who could be in the mix as well. Another sophomore I believe. Do you know his name or anything about him?

  6. Not sure if I'm spelling right but Coach Bernett is back, also they have a new QB Coach not sure his name.


    Coach Burnett has returned to the staff. The QB coach is Mike Lewis. If anyone can remember he played at Ludlow and was a stud at QB. Cooper's wide receiver coach accepted the same position with Turpin High School in Ohio so he will not be returning. Should be a very exciting year for the Jaguars with a majority of the players returning. Anyone know who could possibly take over at QB for the Jags? What about that Freshman QB Morris I believe.

  7. Here's how you can look at it. Ryle gave up a lot of yards to PRP which had one good back. I do not think Ryle will even come close to stopping a three headed monster in St. X running backs. Ryle is the most balanced team in NKY, but that means nothing when you take a trip down 71. Plus travel and a banged up recieving core has all the possible makings for a old fashioned schooling. X 52- Ryle 14.

    The best possible chance for an upset comes the week after when X meets SK.

  8. Will be fun to follow next year. What kind of team is coming back with him?


    Cooper is returning the majority of their team who will all be two year starters minus a few sophomores that may fill in. The majority of their team that plays will be seniors. Could be a very nice season for the Jags.

  9. It has nothing to do with wins and losses. It has to do with building a program. Do most schools have there varsity coach and there assistants speak to the freshman coaches and players or go out of there way to look the other way when they come in a door? I hate to coach bash but from people I talk to they say that Borchers has told the freshman coaches not to be on the sidelines on Friday nights. Borchers told them that the varsity assistant coaches didn't feel right having them there. Mind you, the coaches that I saw from the stands "were not" coaching the kids but mearly standing on the track behind the action. You would think that the coach would want his lower level coaches learning how he does things. I have had varsity parents tell me that Borchers does not return e-mails or phone calls, that has to do with banquets and fund-raising. There is a big mess with a program that didn't get done for football and that was an AD thing but no backing from the coach. Every varsity parent that I have heard feels sorry for this program and believes the freshman kids who are very talented are not going to be coached to be successful. There are so many more issues that Borchers and the AD have with this program that people don't realize. This school should do all possible to fix things before next season. The coaches should all be on the same TEAM and not be jealous over one being more successful than the other. The kids seem to get along just fine.:madman:


    It seems very obvious here that you have been misinformed about many of the problems involving the school. Please get your facts straight. It is rather annoying for people to get on here and bash someone when they have nothing to go by other than here say. You do a great job in all four of your previous posts to bash a guy who in my opinion has taken a program in the right direction. Hey Cooper is not quite where they want to be yet, but if there is anyone who can get it there in a good time it is Coach Borchers. Cooper Pride said it best. Look at the strides they have made in just one year, and furthermore the strides that will be made next year. It's a growing process. Programs aren't built in one night. You have a varsity coach to coach the varsity and a freshman coach to coach the freshman. That would be why they hire a freshmen coach. With that, I am positive that Coach Borchers has been to every Freshmen Home game, I have personally seen him there. In terms fundraiser's or banquets. Be assured that Coach Borchers wants nothing but the best for his kids. The guy has a passion for football, and building outstanding and role model type football players, that's what he preaches. So please get your facts straight and get off the guys back. :madman::madman:

  10. The kids and coaching staff at Cooper need to be applauded. They have hung in there and fought every week with really only two games being out of reach (compared to what, 8 games last year?) The kids are working their tails off and they believe in what Coach Borchers and staff are doing. Get ready for Conner this week!

  11. Originally Posted by jay310j View Post

    In this one I would take SK. They are too big up front and Simpson will be too much for the Ryle defense. I also think that the Ryle offense will be shut down. Their run game is nice but SK will bring pressure in that 3-5 Defense and shut down anything in the Ryle playbook. At the end of the day the better team will win and after seeing them both play I'll take SK by 4 scores. 48-21. Two of the Ryle scores coming with the second team.



    Hmmmmm. Just want to say that all of the people on here who made fun of the post that I originally posted, well I guess I told ya so. Not a fan of either team but man do i make a pretty good prediction. Maybe we should think of what we post before we shut someone down, especially when he proves himself correct. And please don't blame it on the rain or any other possible factor. The better team won. :lol::rolleyes:

  12. You honestly think Cooper has a better passing game than Boone??? While Boone's is indeed poor, Cooper's is almost non-existent. They may be two similar backs, but they are not running behind two similar lines and are not running against two similar defenses. Boone wins this in a rout.


    Yes. Because Cooper has showed at times that they can throw the ball. Boone probably has no more than 5 passing plays in their playbook. At the end of the day both teams are gonna run, I'm not disputing that, however if it came to throwing i would take Cooper's QB and receivers.

  13. Cooper's one-dimensional offense will be contained by Boone. That's not to say that Bradley isn't a solid back or that Cooper doesn't have a decent running game. But that's all they have and it makes it much easier for a defense when they can focus on one guy and/or one particular aspect of the game. The fact that Boone has given up large rushing amounts in prior games doesn't apply here - they were playing much stronger opponents and opponents who also presented passing threats. Boone 42, Cooper 14.


    Whose to talk anything about a one dimensional offense. Boone for years has only ran the ball and if anyone is one dimensional it is them. Defenses only key on the run when Boone comes to town. If anyone puts all the eggs in one basket it's Boone County and their running backs. At the end of the day I think you will see a lot of points on the board in this one, two good backs going head to head. But IMO if it comes down to passing Cooper has a slight advantage due to the fact that Boone County NEVER throws the ball. This has the potential of being a trap game. Watch out B.C. I wouldn't look further than Friday night.



  14. Scott County tried to throw in the final two minutes with no success but I really don't remember them throwing too much throughout the game. I've watched too much football to remember back to week one with NCC so I'm not sure if they did or not. I will say this, there has never been a time this year where I thought "we need to learn to stop the pass". NCC moved the ball in the first half and had one score on a long run. Then Cooper had three games where they didn't even give up positive yards by their first string defense. Then they played Scott County who moved the ball 3-4 yards at a time with their strong line and big back in the first half. The second half they held Scott County scoreless. Cooper just has a lot of good athletes across the board. The only way I think they are stopped this year is if they continue to move kids up to varsity and not let them play freshman.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Cooper only moved one Freshman up?

  15. In this one I would take SK. They are too big up front and Simpson will be too much for the Ryle defense. I also think that the Ryle offense will be shut down. Their run game is nice but SK will bring pressure in that 3-5 Defense and shut down anything in the Ryle playbook. At the end of the day the better team will win and after seeing them both play I'll take SK by 4 scores. 48-21. Two of the Ryle scores coming with the second team.

  16. Impressed? Going for the 2-point conversion was the only real option they had! They hadn't made an extra point all night...


    I meant the call of the play. I was thinking they would have ran between the tackles like they did all night. Not having the Q.B. keep it on a roll out.

  17. Cooper came out very flat to start the game but at the end of the day Scott was not able to hold a 13 point lead with 8 minutes left. You can be the better team for 40 minutes but when push comes to shove I think Cooper wanted this game more. The defense had to step up on a huge 4th and 1 with under three minutes to go and they did. Also from the stands you got a feeling that the boys on the Cooper sidelines were more conditioned to play out the whole game. It's the first time that they had a chance to get a come from behind win and they proved that as a team they could do it. Was also impressed with the play call for the two point conversion. The Q.B. for Cooper showed a lot of heart fighting his way into the endzone. You cannot be upset if you thought Cooper was going to win by 2 or 3 scores at the end of the day those boys are 2-0.

  18. Boone will come out a winner in this one. The only way to stop the Boone offense is to stack the box, if more teams would have done that this year rushing numbers for Boone wouldn't be that great. Campbell Co. stacked up against Boone and did a good job containing Quinoo. Once teams realize that Boone runs the same handful of plays 90% of them running and adjust their defenses, Boone won't be stopped untill they meet a Louisville powerhouse. Once that happens it's game over. It's an unfair advantages for private schools to not have their own divisions and untill that happes 2 Louisville teams will be in the state title game.


    Boone 42

    Dunbar 7

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