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Posts posted by BallHauler

  1. Agree! Hartfiel is a great player. She'll be fun to watch over the next couple of years. Enjoyed watching her and Rader play together this year. Dixie definitely missed their senior point guard on the court in this district game. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery to Karli as she has ACL surgery in a couple of weeks and then gets ready for her enlistment in the U.S. Marine Corp!

  2. Very nice by Dixie! Carley Rader was hurt in the Brossart game,any news?


    Rader is a very good point guard, she does not get a lot of pub, but a very good player.


    We hope she is ok.


    Unfortunately for Karli her season came to and end on senior night. She found out yesterday that her ACL is torn and will have surgery in about 6 weeks. She was a very good player and just loved the game! A very sad senior night for her.

  3. Elkus was handed a real mess IMO. There is also another dynamic at play here. In the MS the play is really thin. The addition of the Boone middle schools back into the league has done a couple things...


    1. It has given MS teams a schedule as long as the HS. 26 games before league championships and any tournaments. That is good and bad. Lots of playtime but a long whipping if you have a low talent swing or in Kenton MS position cherry picked teams.


    2. HS in Kenton are all pulling up seventh - eighth graders. This places Kenton MS at disadvantage since I know for a fact that Summit View is playing with only 7 eighth graders and Turkeyfoot is using seventh graders to field an 8th grade team. Additionally, Summit View has finished a game or two with only four players because of injuries.


    3. That starts a chain reaction problem because you start moving 6th - 7th graders all around and according to NKMSAA rules players can only play one game a night and it must be up not down.


    4. MS programs in Kenton have traditionally thinned themselves out from the sixth grade season to the eighth grade season. Start with 14-15 and end three years later with 8-10.


    5. It is obvious that the lack of play between Kenton and Boone MS girls has hurt Kenton over the last few years. Kenton pushed around a lot of smaller schools during that period and neither the coaches nor players were really prepared for the readmission of Boone. You coach and play to a different level based on the competition.


    (MPO) If HS coaches became more involved in the whole development, process rather than cherry picking players all HS programs would benefit.


    Not sure how this relates to the question at hand!! Which is ...what is going on with Dixie basketball?

    I have to agree with Colonel75 that Elkus was not handed a mess. The past year and half the program has taken quite a turn for the worst. The frustration level of players and parents has escalated to an almost unbearable level at this point. How sad to see players who once loved the game feel such frustration ,that in their minds ..the only thing to do is quit. Do I agree with allowing our kids to quit when things don't go their ways? Absolutely not. But I do know it must feel very lonely for a player who has played since they were 5 to get to the high school varsity level and realize that this is what they get!!! And no one seems to care. The "powers that be" know what the problem is at Dixie...they choose to look the other way. After all...it's only girls basketball!!

  4. Knowing Chelsea since she was 10, I will put my two cents in! Chelsea is a phenomenal player, an excellent student and a very responsible mature young lady. She has enjoyed her basketball career and will do the Lady Pioneers proud in the Sweet Sixteen. Her choice to continue her education close to home speaks much about her. She realized half way thru her last AAU season that there are many more important things in life than basketball (a lesson many of us should remember). She quickly prioritized things and moved on. She will go far in life and Miss Basketball or not ..I will always remember her for her kindness and friendship with my daughter. You are awesome MOUSE!!

  5. This happened a recent Dixie/Lloyd boy/girl double-header, in which the boys played first. After the boys game, the announcer said, "Please make sure you have all of your personal belongings and have a safe trip home"!!!! Not one mention of the upcoming girls game or encouraging anyone to stay for it. Also the boys team got on the bus and headed home.... WOW. Would it really have been so hard for them to stay to support the girls?! So I say...Girls First!!

  6. From an "outside" perspective, it appears to me as though you have some players that are more concerned about their personal stats and large ego's than they are about the team. Dixie has talent and athleticism, but hasn't learned that it's a team game. Perhaps they should go watch Conner play a few games and see what a difference team play makes.


    Just my opinion....



    Thanks for an outside perspective. I agree that I do see this happening at times also. Definitely part of the problem. Is this something that a coach can instill in his players? Is this a lack of discipline in the team? How can this best be remedied?

  7. (Sorry, should be KHSAA) I have been told that there is a new rule that states a player can now only play four years of Varsity basketball. Is this true? and I'm assuming if it is ..that it will include a grandfathering clause for players currently playing who may break that rule.

  8. Does Dixie have a new coach this year?


    Bowman, Rader & Walter are good players. I would think Dixie should be competitive this season. What is their problem?


    Yes there is a new coach. And yes they should be VERY competitive this year. I have voiced part of my opinion on "what their problem" is. I would love to hear from anyone who has been to a Dixie game. What have you seen and what do you think is going on? It is not the players lack of effort. They are working as hard as they are "allowed" to work. What can it be?? Please....anybody!?

  9. Does Spritzky know you're available to coach?


    This has nothing to do with my thinking I can coach. This is trying to understand why a team that should be very competitive this year is performing the way they are. And trying to understand why almost every player on the team is miserable. And trying to understand why girls who have played the game for ten years, now hate it. And trying to understand why the players ideas in regards to what might be helpful to their team, are ignored. These girls get to have this high school experience only once in their life. To know how this is affecting these players and wanting to understand what a possible solution could be is what I am concerned about!

  10. Slow start (again)for Dixie. Thought the margin here would be much greater!!! Bowman had a game high 21 points and was 11 for 11 from the foul line. Walter ended up with a double double. Otherwise, Dixie continues to struggle! They seem confused on the court. One play being called by the point guard, and immediately a different one being called by the coach keeps the team always wondering, "What the HECK" as they hesitate and change gears!!!! This then, at times causes conflict on the court between players, from the frustration of truly not knowing what they are to be executing!!!! When there is OBVIOUS disagreement among the coaches on what play needs to be executed....(what else can you say)!! Minimal shooting drills at practice may not be working too well for them either!! THIS IS AN AREA IN WHICH THE TEAM IS BEGGING FOR HELP!!!! And not getting it!! :confused:

    So far, a very disappointing season for a team with enough talent and heart to get the job done!!!!

  11. Yes. Coach Elkus.


    He comes to Dixie with no Varsity experience. It seems that there is a lack of motivating both on and off the court. The team is not being pushed by the coaching staff to help them to realize what they are really capable of. They seem to have "settled". Hopefully he can get this team focused and working together quickly. The past few games have been quite an embarrassment!!

  12. Long has not committed. Thomas More is interested and she really likes the school and Coach Neal. No other colleges have expressed any interest.


    Wow I would imagine she will have several more offers before all's said and done. Have watched her play since she was 10. She is a great player and overall nice girl.

  13. Bradley - Boone Co.

    Tolliver - Simon Kenton

    Long - Conner


    All deserve looks. I don't believe you can select a pure top 5 or 10 for that matter. I watched Tolliver as a Jr. and Connelly as a Sr. at SK last year hold Franklin-Simpson guards to 10 points in a Sweet 16 game and half of those points came off free throws in the 4th qtr.


    Lots of talant in this Sr. Class.


    Does anyone know where Tolliver and Long may be looking to play at the next level?

  14. I don't remember the girl's name but Dixie has a really, really good guard and another girl that shoots the 3 fairly well.


    Dixie definitely has some talent. I believe a couple of the best guards in the district. Their biggest problem is lack of a true post player. The team is physically small. They have a lot of heart and are determined to show others in the region what they are capable of. This team has played together for several years. They are now figuring things out under a new coach. The starting five include 2 seniors, 2 juniors, and a sophmore. We wish them the best of luck this season!

  15. This is purely a coach issue. Actually a Leadership issue. People will do what you let them do and what they have seen others do before them. If as a leader, you are consistent and fair you will gain the trust and respect that is needed to lead any organization or in this case team. So how do you handle it? Like a leader. You begin each year by expressing your expectations and your dos and don'ts and the consequences for misconduct. Then when someone breaks a team rule, you follow thru with what you said you would do regardless of the talent. Sure you and the team take one in the chin during that instance, but your reputation of not allowing sub standard conduct will carry with you and possibly keep it from happening in the future. The key is the respect. Once you earn the respect alot of these conduct type issues won't happen.


    ABSOLUTELY!!!!! The reputation of not allowing sub standard conduct is by far one of the most important traits (IMO) of an EXCELLENT coach. It is way too easy to quit things these days when the going gets tough!! Awesome post!!!!!

  16. Wow what is going on with players who are "missing", "get mad and quit" or "disappear" because of some other conflict with fellow players and/or coaches. I personally have seen this over and over where parents and/or players want to be begged to continue playing on a particular team. How does everyone think situations like these should be handled? It seems as if it is not sending the right message when, in these situations, coaches just welcome players back with open arms...no questions asked.

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