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Posts posted by syndromeX

  1. So you are telling us that if you are behind and the other team puts in some younger players then you should just give up and back off because they are younger. :confused::isurrender:


    No, not at all. Keep playing to win no matter what and never give up but it is how you play.


    Rose Hill garnered such a big lead because of the unwise choice of trying to press Kala Faulkner of Rose Hill, this led to wide open layups for Rose Hill.


    After the game was decided you would think you would quit pressing if you are getting waxed in that particular defense, they didnt. So Rose Hill's starters went back into the game and it was laupville all over again. West would have been better off in a 3/2 or something. No one in the state could press Kala Faulkner that year and not pay for it.

  2. Saw them play starters in All A final vs West Carter one year till they scored 100. Pressing the whole time.


    You are correct and there was a reason behind that, they kept trying to press the younger ones after the starters went out of the game so the starters we re-inserted. West stayed in the press and it was layup city.

    You seem to be a Rose Hill Historian, so what are the other games that they ran the score up?

  3. Straight-up- If I were the Rose Hill coach, I would have had my players throw the ball in the Lawrence County basket! A 71 point spread and to score 106 points isn't necessary at any level. My opinion.


    This is probably one where there was some previous animosity, payback etc. but come on. Seems like every year there is a game on here that is debated where this happens.



    He actually thought about giving the coach the game ball after it was over...


    It is somewhat of an unspoken courtesy or code that when the losing coach pulls his starters after trailing by 25 points that the winning coach usually does the same, this was not the case. His starters trapped and pressed a 6th grader, 3 seventh graders and 1 eigth grader....It was a great display of sportsmanship and class. Hats off to the former alumni.

  4. Leslie Eagle...


    She has not played softball in two years, but as a youngster was regarded as one of the best around and is a pure athlete. The ability to run, jump, and put body in athletic positions and make plays defines an athlete to me. Reminds me a lot of Andy Lewis on the boy's side who could do anything athletically on the football field and basketball court. Her instincts, strength, and athleticism is big time.


    Hard to judge if she is a better athlete than those mentioned, but she is at least to that level and just as good in terms of athleticsim. The rest is purely argumentative and all have valid points.


    Good points.

  5. Since the title of the this thread is greatest athlete/basketball, I will suggest some of the past first.


    1975-1980 Boyd County's Vanessa Terry and Russell's Regina Carrol


    1980-1985 Rowan's Julie Magrane and Fairview's Toni Wright


    1985-1990 Ashland's Angie Johnson (I think she played during this time)


    1990-2000 Boyd's Laura Luken comes to mind, excelled in both Softball and Basketball


    2000-Present No one comes close to Russell's Chinwe Okoro and Rose Hill's Emily Queen




    Emily Queen is the all time leading scorer and rebounder in both girls and boys in 16th regional history...


    Both Okoro and Queen are both 6'1 very athletic and especially Queen did things at that size that only guards are supposed to do. No offense to any other girl in the region but to think that anyone else is a better athlete/basketball player than Chinwe is sadly mistaken, maybe the best physical specimen of any girl player to come through this area, all others fade in comparison to her and Queen.

  6. I didnt state that they were a better team than previous years but I do believe that they have more talent over all than any other RH team except that of the OJ led teams. Last year was a two man show. There were talented kids last year but they were not used as a team the way they should have been. That is not a reflection of Coach Fraley or the kids, is just the facts and it happened for whatever reason.


    Terry and Gregg are probably the best freshmen in the region, and two of the best players in the district along with Evans, Jackson and Collins of Fairview.


    I am not going to give a run down on the top ten players at the Hill but they have the talent to be a top 3 or 4 team this year in the Region.


    0 and 4 is not a good start that is for sure but let me stand up for some coaches in our region this year.


    Kidwell at Russell

    Wooten at Boyd County

    Bush at Rose Hill



    These coaches have inherited a mess and have taken on a personal journey of pulling hair and staying up late at night trying to solve and fix problems.


    Kidwell and Wooten have major over hauling to do from bottom to top

    (Grade school to Varsity)


    Bush has a good feeder system (Thankfully). His coaching is going to be more teaching this year, he has very few experienced players back. But they still have the talent to win.


    Euton and Jackson are hard to replace but Davis was not a factor (Good player but hard to play when on the bench) So I stand by my statements that this years team has more talent than last years team that was on the floor.


    I would rather play 5 on 5 anyday then play 2 on 5.

  7. I have no statistical information to support my claim but I think that most people across the state would say that Clark Co. has had more success over the past 25 years. Comparing regional titles is like apples to oranges due to the strength of the respective regions. If I'm not mistaken, and I very well could be, isn't Mason and Clark in the same region?


    My point is and remains that the days were Ashland is a major player on the state level are no longer. Not a slap on them but a declining population and the emergence of large county school such as Clark Co has been major contributors.


    That is true and probably could be said about a lot of teams, I was just showing them as a top regional program not state contender. I must have mis read the thread. Go back a few more years and you would see that Ashland in either 80 or 81 was ranked nationally, have they fallen from their throne as a year in year out power house? Yes. All great Empires collapse over time.

  8. Last 25 years of 16th Regional winners

    From 1983-2008


    Ashland: 92, 93, 96, 2001, 2002


    Boyd: 84, 90, 94, 95, 98, 99, 2000


    East: 86


    Elliot: 2007, 2008


    Greenup: 83, 85, 91, 97


    Morgan: 2004


    Rose Hill: 2003


    Rowan: 87, 88, 89, 2005


    Russell: 2006


    Ashland, Boyd, Greenup and Rowan were the top programs in the 16th Region over the last 25 years.

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