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Posts posted by Prepstar22

  1. Limb?? I dont need a limb to be on cuz I am to big for that.


    I dont say better coach but better fit. Players felt more comfortable by the end of 2007 with what was going on and there was as much talent in 2008 but a lot more experience but no where near the same results!!


    Chemistry wasnt the same on the Defensive side of the ball!!


    I am not taking anything away from Ray, just giving credit where it is due to Mark Carroll!! If you go to the state championship, and lose a very close game then why go out looking for a new DC??


    The LCA defense isnt the one that lost that game against Beechwood; it was special teams!!!



    Can't put it all on that, but I believe you do have an interesting point. I have heard Carroll was loved. They also got rid of another coach from the defensive side that helped Carroll as well.


    Still, Derek Johnson and Raines were just as big a part of the defense in that 07 season as those 2 coaches. Chemistry is very important. Would not know if that were a reason or not in 08.

  2. Best from the 90's- Joel Thompson, Petie Spaulding, Tim Mays were on a different level. Orlando Taylor, Gribbins, Mccarty, Deener and a few others were close. I know I am leaving out tons of linemen that were as good as any in the state.


    They had 2-3 WR's a year in the 90's that were miles better than what they've had in the last 3-4 years. I would think only the Hoskins kid had as much talent as some of the 90's in that same last 3-4 years. I'm not even sold on Bridgewater after a couple of games I saw.


    Think the coach had anything to do with turning out so many more players in the 90's than now? How could you not?

  3. Downs is the one I was thinking of. He just needs to add a little toughness. He already has all the physcial tools. I really like the Altman kid. Reminds me of some C-ville guys from back in my day. Tough, hard-nosed, utility guy!! This could be a team that breaks a few of my generation's records!


    Coach Hard-Not sure which gen. you are from, but I'm prety certain this years squad won't be breaking many records.:cool:


    They might put together a nice team, but I see no stars like they have had on many teams in the past, even some of the bad ones had some realyl talented players. However, they might develop some of the hard-nosed types you speak of, but they need double those to get anywhere near some of the former Cville teams of the nineties, and a few in the eighties, even the 2000's IMO.


    Best of luck to Cville this season, tough looking schedule, very nice opening matchup it seems!

  4. Campbellsville returns 20 of 22 starters. Must replace Shumari Bridgewater but there is a line of running backs waiting for their shot to pack the mail. The most important part ( Offensive Line and Defensive Line ) returns all starters from last year.


    I believe Campbellsville opens up with Lexington Christian in their bowl game this year.



    Could be an interesting and fun game to watch!

  5. Catholic is the best team in the tourn. by far. Having said that, UHA is probably 3rd or 4th best team. Meaning this will be an exciting game. I also felt the Station/Catholic game was exciting, but Catholic manhandled them and won by 17. I see this game going something similar. Catholic wins by 12, Hopson may get 15 or so, maybe even 20 but it won't matter.


    This will be Catholics closest game of the tourney until Mason.


    I say Catholic walks through the tourney this year. Too much fire power from 4 different players with a good ball handling PG.

  6. They apparently lost the defensive coordinator, as well as his assistant/special teams guy. I guess with so many new players to the defense it won't be so bad to get a new D coordinator, but I felt they did a decent job the last couple of years against some high powered offenses. And even though getting beat 38-35 in the championship by Beechwood, I believe they held beechwood to the lowest, or one of the lowest rushing outputs of their season. Can anyone confirm that???

    Beechwood towered over LCA's whole defense, that must be a feat in itself to hold a team like that to a low rushing total (for their standards).

  7. The Duff kid signed with Georgetown College I believe, and also Gaffney is walking on at Western. Congratulations to them.


    LCA lost a lot it seems on both sides of the ball, but they have a ton back on offense, it will probably be more potent than last season?? Not sure about their defense, but if they lost 7 seniors they may be hurting? I think they lost their 2 defensive coaches as well.


    I would think they are still the team to beat in that district and top 5-6 in the state as of now.

  8. This was not done by LCA to encourage or recruit players to their program. These students were already receiving Church scholarships before playing high school athletics. LCA was unaware that this was illegal once they suddenly became a high school athlete. LCA would never knowingly let students receive funds from anyone, if they knew it were breaking rules. Coaches/PLayers are punished for a simple curseword slip, do you really think they would knowingly cheat ? Believe me, this is not the way that this Christain Institution works. It is ran to the best ability possible through glorifying Jesus Christ.

  9. The best post on the cartoon. Cartoons are ridicule, humor, satire. If the posts of many are accepted ...this is about the kids, not adults, then accept the cartoon. It mocks the coaches (adults) who experienced punishments by the KHSAA for the very thing being mocked.


    The real outrage are for the parents who pony up tens of thousands of dollars to both of these schools for something more over public education. If I was one of those parents you bet I would be screaming at the school leadership. The decisions of the athletic interests in the school overrode the mission statements of the school (and they still have a job:thumb:).


    The coaches at LCA and Lex Cath that were involved in these past problems deserve the fate and the ridicule. They let the kids down. There is nothing wrong in pointing that out because they expect a fair amount of committment in return to their programs from players and the families. It is a two way street on matters of conduct.


    It is a cartoon and I wonder how we all would post if the cartoon was showing the KHSAA as spineless and leadership weak?



    The administration and coaches in no way went against the mission statement, at LCA. There was no intentional offerings/recruitment to any player of any sport. Kids that had been getting church scholarships to attend LCA since before entering high school and then continuing to get those scholarships once playing sports is what LCA is being punished for. LCA did nothing intentional nor was any program in the athletic department ever recruiting. I am not saying that no private school recruits in this state, but LCA does not-whether you believe or not. The administration and coaches there would not go outside of their mission statement for anything.


    God Bless.

  10. After the many posts on what actually happened and what was found to be illegal, its hard to believe that anyone still says LCA recruits athletes. Especially the football team who did not have even 1 player (last season) that was involved in the church scholarships.


    Read and catch up to the rest of the forum crush, and others.

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