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Posts posted by wildcat38

  1. I do like the idea of a bigger venue as I to am a 13th region fan, but if you had it in a larger area like some of you are talking about would they charge more at the door. I know that this is kind of off the subject but it seems to me as some of us were discussing the other day some of the admissions that are being charged at these games as well as other such as football, baseball etc are becoming very expensive for a large family of 5 or 6 it becomes very expensive on the wallet.

  2. I understand what everyone on here is saying about loyalities but your work is totally seperate from your family or at least I was always taught that way. I think that in the long run the decisions are really no one elses concern but the parents and the kids. What is good for this particular child may not be for another one. I know a teacher that taught and retired from one school system. She had 6 kids 3 went to the county she taught in while 3 others went to another county. It just all depends on the kids and what the parents may think are the best. I work in a hospital and not all of us see the same doctors that we work with on a daily basis.

  3. The only problem I have with the rules and it is simply this, if an athelete can't play for a team and in some cases its just because the coach does not like the kid for whatever reason, then why should a kid have to stop enjoying something that they love to do just to appease other peoples opinion. Now in no way do I mean if you are a superstar or get ample time in the sport of your choice should you just up and decide to move just because. But a kid that does not or will not help your program in any way why should they stay and wait for something that is never going to happen. After all these kids have to get out in the real world in 4 years or less and then life really does begin. This is just my opinion.....

  4. I agree but for our area I think that (and I know I am gonna get alot of flak for this) but playing kids up and in front of players that have developed skills not only hurts the team if it is not handled right but it also hurts future players because, these are just kids even though they are older they are still kids, boys think if "bobby" did it why can't I.


    Now I know there are kids that have exceptional talent and that are awesome players but all kids are different and some kids grow/develop skills late.


    I know I am just rambling but this is something that I have seen more so with girls but in some situations with boys as well.

  5. I agree with just about everything that everyone has posted especially the part about how adults have taken the fun out of sports. I do have one question for everyone and it is in no way being smart but for those on this thread that have worked have you always worked the same job, or have you quit for say better pay, less stressful surroundings, or to be a stay at home mom or dad? If you answered yes to any of these does that make us quitters as well or just human? Also I do not agree with quitting something everytime you start it but I do feel as if sometimes there are circumstances that are out of our control that just walking away and quitting would be the best for all involved. Just my opinion

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