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Posts posted by TheReturn

  1. No way you can do that! The media has always been biased towards Lexington/ Louisville schools. Very few mountain teams would ever get a look if you did a playoff system like that.


    Make sure their is an equal amount of newspapers and voting coaches from the mountain area and it should be fine.

  2. I do not have to be at practice to realize that most of the Lynn Camp fans did not give them a chance. You yourself put post on here to that affect. I have spoken to many Lynn Camp fans who definetly feel that way. The last three seasons (all losing records) does not inspire confidence in beating a good team.


    As far as the posting survey's. I am not even sure what to make of that. What does that matter anyway?


    I am not sure what to make of the rivalry comments either.


    Why does every Lynn Camp fan say the same thing (Joe Roskoph). First off he played in the game and got hurt. He had 2 carries for negative 20 yards. For a career the kid was 1-4 against the Burg. But my point is still true about comparing scores.



    Next, Williamsburg plays LCA next week not Lynn Camp. That game has been played and is over. There are a lot bigger fish to fry out there.

  3. Only one district team should advance. Period. Let's not reward any one who does not win.


    District winners only should advance. Shortens everything and no bad teams advance. Don't reward anyone but the district winners. We all have our chance to win the district, and if we don't, we sit. Simple and tough, but let's reward the winners and sideline the losers, 2nd place included.

    Good luck next week and be safe coming down this way!!!!



    I can think of several teams that did not win the district, but won the state championship. The best two teams in the state could very well be in the same district. I think the districts should have nothing to do with the playoffs.

    Top 16 out of each class go to the playoffs(top 16 would be done by coaches/media poll). Every team belongs to a conference to help them schedule games and reward kids after the season. Two hours to travel to a district game, that is too far.

  4. The penalties were all earned. Williamsburg must play with more discipline next week. Paris was no match for them physically and but for that lack of discipline this game would have been much worse.


    What game were you watching? Paris had the 2 best athletes on the field. There were some pretty crazy penalties in the game, and we did earn a couple of them but it got stupid. Especially the pass interferance call were the widereciever contacts the DB when he picks off a ball (the db does have the right to just stop and catch the ball).

  5. Dead on, Chant.:thumb:


    This is a very dangerous team that W'burg is facing. Give them an inch,they take a mile. If you give them breaks, this one is over very fast. They are efficient with their possesions. I swear it was 40 to nothing before I really could grasp what was going on. Williamsburg had better play better defense than they have played all year and come up with a way to stop the RB and QB, plus control their receivers, or this game is over before LCA leaves Lexington, IMO.I plan on coming up to the game, but I really feel that Williamsburg's best efforts may come up short. After seeing where LCA is this year and watching our district play, I can see no compairison at all.



    I think Lynn camp was mentally defeated before the game even started. Most people did not give them a chance and it had been a long season for them.


    I really do not think the Jackets have to play lights out. They just have to play well. They will be at home, and they will definetly battle your tail off. I think this will be a good game, and I wouldn't dare pick a favorite.


    As far as comparing the Lynn Camp/Williamsburg score to LCA/ Williamsburg score is a little ridiculous. Williamsburg had a lot of kids banged up that week, and their best reciever was playing with a pulled hamstring from that week in practice. Plus that is a rivalry game and, you would expect Lynn Camp to play better than normal.

  6. Watching wburg play several times and Hazard on film a few...I think Wburg is better.

    A wise man once said you cant base games on "commen opponents" or scores from other games because teams match up differently.

    I personally think Wburg matches up with LCA very well. If Wburg wins they will have to win the TO battle and make 1 or 2 big special teams plays.


    I couldn't agree more, you look at last years district Lynn Camp beat Campbellsville, Campbellsville beat Williamsburg by 40, and then Williamsburg beats Lynn Camp.

  7. LCA is finally playing defense and it shows. Keep it up this week and the game will be all eagles like last years regular season meeting. What was that score? 62-28.


    Last year, Williamsburg was in shock at LCA. That happened to them at Campbellsville as well. It was about the same difference in score. By the end of 2007 the Jackets could play some D, and they have been pretty solid this year.

  8. I was replying to Mr. Fundamental, Return. he was talking about programs and the past.

    I really don't think you would want Corbin after you got them on the schedule.


    I think that LC/KC and WCHS/WHS not playing has a lot to do with past problems on and off the field. Bad situations and ugly situations.


    First we had them on the schedule and still want them. You made your point, but I think you give Corbin way to much credit than they deserve. I think you are right about the LC/KC game and the WCHS/WHS game.

  9. And Pineville was a power house in mountain HS football before Bell County existed.

    Things change. W'burg has a good program. LC has a good program. WC has a good program. Do we match up well with Corbin? No.

    No one is taking that awy from them, but we should not think that Williamsburg could win 25% of their games against Corbin now, in this day and age. The down cycles would kill any chances of that.


    Right now we are at 50% (that is talking recently not past), and then Corbin did not want to play no more. They should schedule Williamsburg bottom line.

  10. I know last year in 1-A Clinton Co. was 0-10 regular season went to the playoffs, was 0-11 after their playoff game and their coach George Hatcher was voted district coach of the year. Now, you tell me how that is justified before talking about winless teams not making the playoffs.:ylsuper:


    What makes a good coach has nothing to do with the record.

  11. I will just say this in the tri-county area Williamsburg is the second best team from a historical stand-point! Winning record against, Knox, Whitley, Lynn Camp, only one not Corbin.


    That is the history. Like it or not that is how it is.


    How many times have the two teams played? I am sure Corbin probably does have an edge. You would have to go back to along time ago before you could even say. That is my point, take the history out of it. Everyone in the area is closing the gap on Corbin. Right now they are the second best team in the area and a very good football team (slightly behind Whitley just an opinnion not arguing). I just do not understand why they can not play a team in there own county that could give them a pretty good game every year. The last series was one game a piece, and Corbin would not play anymore. I just do not understand that.

  12. Not sure how many times Corbin and Williamsburg have played over the past decades......or how many of those games Corbin has won. It seems I remember (don't hold me to this) that might have been Williamsburg's first and only win. Regardless, I would think Williamsburg might need to redeem themselves a few more times before they start talking smack. As would most local teams. Local being more than the tri-county.............


    When have they ever played Williamsburg? Was it when they were in the same district, before classifications? That was when Willard and Archie Powers was still at Williamsburg. It definetlty was not there only win against Corbin in the history, but they simply have not played. It is easy to say ther was not a win against Corbin, because it is hard to get one if they are not playing each other.

  13. Whitley would still come away with about as many losses against Corbin as Lynn Camp and Williamsburg would. Corbin does know how to win. Local teams put all their stock into beating Corbin. The Hounds would treat the same game as just another game. Part of the mystique around Corbin.


    I agree they have a mystique, but it is my opinnion the only way they get to keep it is to avoid playing everybody else. They have accomplished great things in the past, and I do not take anything away from their past. They are still a good team, but they are not so dominate that they can just run over everybody. I think you are giving to much credit.

  14. I guess they could regain the upper hand by beating W'burg. Maybe this time Corbin wouldn't turn the ball over 7 times, as far as a "good series", not sure about that. If they played 10 years in a row Corbin would probley win 9 of those, but IMO that would be true of a lot teams they may play, not knocking the Jackets.


    I do not see why anybody would believe that. They turned the ball over because they were exhausted from trying to cover (either that was the worst conditioned buch of kids or Williamsburg has a pretty good game plan). The same reason everybody turns the ball over a lot against the Jackets. The last time we played Corbin we won, and made them our home coming game. If I was a redhound fan, I would be pressuring Corbin to play this game just to get redemption for that alone.Corbin gets credit for a whole lot of things they really do not accomplish. The reason they do not schedule this game is that way Corbin fans can keep beliving they could win 9 out of 10 against the Jackets. Really does not matter, Coach Jewell will not schedule Williamsburg. Why do you think all Jacket fans want this game so bad? It is not because we expect to loose.

  15. Agree, in games with W'burg or LC, nothing to gain, alot to lose. Whitley on the other hand a whole different story, IMO should play.


    Hold on a second, nothing to gain from beating Williamsburg. I am not sure if that is true at all. It would be a a good series. It would have beem a good game this year. This game needs to be played. They should also play Lynn Camp. The schools are to close not to play.

  16. Corbin and Whitley traditionally have not played because the Whitley Co. program wasn't the rising star it has been over the past decade or so. I wouldn't rule out seeing this matchup in the next couple of years. I know there will be those who will say one is afraid to play the other. However, I have seen both of these teams play several times over the past few years and I don't think either one of the current Coaches (and definately not the players) would have any reservations about lining up against the other.


    I would disagree about the coaches comment. Coach Black would love to get Whitley on the schedule (as would Williamsburg) but you will not see Coach Jewel scheduling this game.

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