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Posts posted by Mousetrap19

  1. Penalties, turnovers and mental mistakes killed Carroll County. Give Ludlow credit. Their running game was the difference in the game. Carroll couldn't stop it, especially in the 2nd half. But mental errors (blocking in the back 20 yards behind a punt returner) among others, is something that cannot happen. These will be corrected I'm sure.


    Hang in there Panthers! Make your adjustments and bring us a win next week.

  2. I heard that penalties were a big problem for Owen and that they seemed somewhat out of sorts. Word is they didn't really show up until the second half and by then it was too little to late. It sounds like they are in for a week of hard work. Perhaps the Owen Henry match up will be an interesting one. I do understand that generally Owen looked much more organized and that they seemed to be well coached. I'm told that they have a superior coaching staff this year. Only one coach returned from last year. Not sure which one. The coaches are working with the players from little league on up. The younger kids lead the Rebels on the field Friday night. Nice job Owen in getting your program headed in the right direction.

  3. Campbellsville has a great school and football program. I am very interested in seeing all the new changes from the new coaching staff. I think their program is on the upswing and holds a lot of promise. I have followed them for years and you just can't beat a great Saturday afternoon watching the maroon and white. GO TIGERS!!!

  4. The two assistants, the new locker room, and field work seem to be good positives for Owen to build on. Any chance the two assistants will be back next year? At least that would be some consistency. I read earlier that one of the assistants was a "cancer". Would that be one of these two that you are talking about, someone else, or was that just one person's perspective? I certainly hope it was not either one of them - just from what I've read, they seem to be the backbone of the program at this point. Do either one of them have much football experience? Have they coached anywhere else or did they play college ball? Are they interested in the head job?

  5. It sure sounds like the Owen AD needs to step up A.S.A.P. and get someone who will be around for a while and make sure he brings back those two assistants who have stepped up in the absence of a head coach. Sounds like they are there for the kids. It truly saddens me to hear of Owen's football struggles. Hopefully, they will get back on track soon.

  6. Uhhh, No, Paducah is like 3+ hours to Campbellsville. Congrats to Coach Thomas. Everytime I've had dealings he's been nothing but gracious! Campbellsville has made a very good hire here!


    This is college football - players come from all over the United States. Why not from Paducah? Go Tigers - sounds like CU has made an excellent choice. Look forward to seeing them back in the runnin' again!

  7. Yes, CoachBuckett, you are correct that attitudes need to change but, is there a concerted effort being made to do so with the coaches, players, and community? Are fans of the football game wrong to express the concerns that have been voiced in this thread? You also mentioned that "maybe this guy wants to do things different" - nothing wrong with that. However, it seems that in this situation different did not euqal better. Wait another year or two - o.k. - but, as I recall, Owen is a small school and they can't afford to loose players. Are the returning players being encouraged to stay with the program? What will/can this coach do to turn things around and build the program in short order? I agree that there are two sides to every story. We've heard a lot from one side. Can someone fill us in on the other? Why didn't buttles get the stats or responses that he requested? Who did hire the assistant coaches (where I'm from the head coach hires the assistants)? I've only seen mention of one assistant coach (Blackburn I believe) was he the only one? Please someone, give us some answers . . . . . . . . .

  8. The kids will play next year no matter who's coaching, because they love to play. They didn't quit this year, They stuck with it till the end.


    Why would any player want to go and work out and be involved in the off-season for a coach who doesn't respect anyone around him? If this guy is in charge of the strength and conditioning, will that be any different than the way he coached during the regular season? Will the same dis-interest be shown in the weight room as was shown when watching film, preparing stats, going over plays, etc...? I say the kids won't bother with the off-season unless Owen hires someone else - FAST. Kids know weight lifting is not a requirement to play but rather just a request from the "guy at the helm". Just from reading all the "stuff" on this thread, it sounds like to me they won't play no matter how much they love it because it won't be worth all the other problems that seem to be going on. Maybe they didn't quit this year because they've been taught to never give up, or maybe they are trying to play on the next level, or perhaps the older players were trying to set a positive example by staying while encouraging the younger players to do the same. Sounds like someone needed to set a good example.

  9. So what happened with the Coach(U??) from last year? Is he coaching somewhere else and was he fired at Owen? I remember them from 7 on 7 and they were very competitive and seemed to be well disciplined.


    That seems to be the $64 question. Why was the previous coach (U) let go? I have seen this asked several times since summer and unless I'm mistaken there hasn't been an answer. Please enlighten me too.

  10. Some of them did act like it was ok to lose, they got used to it. Laughing an joking around after getting their guts beat out. BUT there were others (mostly seniors) that were really upset after every loss. Coach didn't like them it was clear. He would have had the fastest kid on the team #22 touch the ball on offense once in a while, he's been a running back for 3 years. Or he could have had #1 recieve a few passes. He had 8 interceptions,(which I believe is tops for Northern Ky And all class 1A schools) I doubt any one of his recievers had that many receptions. If he did then post some stats.


    Did they keep stats? If so, what do they show? I sure hope they did. Otherwise, I don't think their banquet will go very well. If they don't have any stats to base their awards on . . . .??????

  11. The head coach was 99.9% of the problem. He had no respect for his players or his assistants. Most of the kids and all of his assistants knew a lot more about football than he did, when they would try to talk to him or discuss things , he didn't want to listen. He had the talent but didn't utilize it. He never had the best 11 players on the field.


    I was told that the head coach never went over game film with the players. If the assistant coaches didn't do it, then it wouldn't have gotten done. Anytime that they were watching film, he was always doing something else. What could be more important during practice time, when your preparing for the next game, than to help your players by watching film? Is any of this true? If so, then the new AD better be looking to start interviewing ASAP.

  12. I do not know why Owen was so poor this year. Some people blame it on the administration, while others blame it on the coaches.


    The team had talent, but no desire to win.

    Give Owen a coach with displine and they could turn it around in 2 years.

    The players seem that they did not care if they won or lost.



    I've always heard that a players attitude reflects the leadership of a program. Owen better take notice and get to the bottom of this fast.

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