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true blue bobcat

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Posts posted by true blue bobcat

  1. I can't hold it in....... My son is a lineman, and probably out of position for his size (6' 215lbs). But I have watched this kid open enormous holes and drive people 10 -20 yards off the line of scrimmage this past year. Often outsized by 50 even 100 pounds. Truly remarkable. I don't expect coverage nor does he. But these teams with good rushing numbers got them from the line opening holes. I believe games are won and lost on the line of scrimmage. The guys in the trenches deserve some individual recognition. :ylsuper:


    Bell County has lineman that I think deserve more then they get. I know without these guys they would have never won the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. Only a few where mentioned for anything. But what can anyone do or say about how things are done for them. Really bad when a kid works his tail off for years, yes WE won STATE but really, some awards really hit some kids hard when they know they deserve alot more credit. lineman in my opinion get left out alot. As you said opening holes for the runners is a hugh effort. Really shameful to ever overlook them ALL!!!!!!!!

  2. :thumb: EAST will find out how big and strong the Bell 0-LINE is just like Boyle Co. I have said this all year I think Bell Co. has maybe the best O-line in the state.


    Bell Co.- 35

    B. East- 7


    I said this before the O-line was strong and massive didnt think a few where listening. I agree they are very good and played a very good team in Boyle. These guys have been waiting for this moment to long and this team is the one Bell has been waiting to get to STATE. We have watched them win all there lifes in grade school with the same drive they showed friday night. Everyone on this team wanted this and new they would give all they had to get there. Its has taken all of them not just the seniors to get here,all of them. They have always showed all of Bell County they play as one. They are true fighters, guys finish what you started. Bring it home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. True, but you have to give credit to Bell County. Bell made the plays and Boyle didn't.


    On a side note, I want to say that Bell County was a great host. Other than the lost they gave us, it was a very enjoyable night. First Class!


    Thanks, there was alot of talent on both sides tonight. Great game.

  4. Well this is just one these cases that you just let play out for itself. For most of this game he probably won't be lined up against this kid(or man);). But I'm sure this whole offensive line has it's story played out to where Aumiller will not break through, right BELL? :sssh:


    Size never matters, you know the line. As Mark Twain once said, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."


    Well now dont worry about it, sounds like you are just alittle bit to concerned, chill out my friend. Then it will be a cake walk for him by the sound of it.:walk:

  5. Very well said Leonidas, IMO last week was one of Bell's O-lines worst performances of the year and for the bobcats sake lets hope they perform better this week. :fight:


    IMO, not all lineman on Bells team didnt give a bad performance and some did do there job well thank you. Sure they will read your remark and take it all in. So thanks, for we will do our best not to disappoint and I am sure will come to play this week after you gave us so good of a rating!!!!!

  6. :thumb:

    Howard is a junior right now. He was getting starts in his freshman year, which usually doesnt happen at Bell Co. Bell may be caught off guard at first by the Aumiller kids motor I've been hearing about, but I beleive they'll adjust. And to the post about the Back from Bell, your probably referring to Greer. Dont be fooled though, he's topped 1,000 on the season and has a ton of TD's, but theres 2 other backs over 500 on the season, and a very capable passing attack that will surprise a few people to take pressure off the backs, I can't wait for this one:dancingpa
  7. I'll believe Bell Bobcat, when you say that Howard is strong and massive. But Grant has been up against one player that is I believe just as strong. I think his name was Simpson from Henry Clay. He was ranked one of the the best 5 centers in the Nation, and I think he held his own in that game. Simpson is about 6'4"and weights about 310.


    I'm not taking anything away from the Howard kid. I just have not heard anything about him yet. But I guess we will Friday. If he is that big and strong then Kentucky should be looking at him.


    He is a junior and heard colleges are contacting him already. So who knows with his size.

  8. At this point, schedules make no difference whatsoever. Bell County would have beaten everybody on Boyle's schedule and Boyle would have beaten everybody on Bell's schedule and we would still be at the same point we are now.......playing for the right to go to Papa John's stadium. There is no way we can possibly prove who had the better schedule and come Friday, it isn't going to matter.
  9. Aumiller, I'm assuming is on the D-Line for Boyle? If so, IMO Mike Howard is probably the best lineman on the Bell Co. team, besides maybe Senior Jacob King, either match up would be intriguing to me. But I beleive a post I read earlier saying Merrick will win it may be pretty accurate, he's the most dangerous weapon this Bell Co. team has, and a very good one at that.


    Jacob King is very good also and strong and you are right Merrick is a dangerous weapon. And we are lucky to have him. Matt Raines has the speed and we have outstanding players in Tyler Harbin and Matt Simpson. I can name so many that really give so much to this team.

  10. To hear most of these comments, cant pass, no speed, didnt play anybody good, lord might as well give you all the win. Boyle sounds like they got to much time on there hands. I believe the game is friday night at our house and we will come with our speed and strenght and our QB that can throw. And the #1 kicker,oh and I think we are even on the wins also. Also dont let me forget coach Hilton think he is a big reason they are here in this game. By the sound of most the comments we should stay home in the bed and let Boyle play themselves thats how good they are. We will show up and do what we have fought hard at all year to get to game by game then STATE. Enough said

  11. Guys I am still having a hard time seeing Boyle's schedule as a superior one to Bell? Granted Lex Cath was good but the rest were average at best. The best of the rest would have to be Henry Clay who was not very good and missing a bunch of starters against Boyle. Someone explain how their schedule was better than Bell's? How did it prepare them more? I think some of it is smoke and mirrors. I see no Knox Central's, or maybe even any Rock's and for sure no Whitley's?????


    Not doubting they are a good team but they are not world beaters. Coach French has done a wonderful job of getting them to believe they are great but I don't see any great wins yet. They may get one Friday night but I don't think they have played any really good competition as to date.


    So true

  12. Bell's QB has set a school record for passing TDs. I don't know what the number is, but hes a very good QB. Zachary can throw it well and does a good job avoiding the rush.


    He also has a offence that can handle anything, they are very strong and Boyle will have there hands full with them. I have seen this line bring it and Boyle will feel it friday night. O-line is really Big and has the strenght to back it. These lineman are so ready!!!!!!!!!

  13. Unless you just got Field turf...


    I thought I saw #16 in the HHS trophy case in the gym.


    I played in the Bell vs. Highlands '05 game so I think I may know a little more than you. The state semi-finals trophy is sitting in Bell Co.'s trophy case. The picture you have is of the state championship trophy and the game we were discussing is the state semifinals game. Bell Co. was awarded the semi-finals game. So, now you know. Also 1-14 state champs, I don't think that is much to brag about, but that is a whole other can of worms.


    Back to the matter at hand Bell vs. Lex Cath '07 if you please.

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