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Posts posted by TigerPride

  1. After Thursdays game; is this still your opinion? Two more picks and no TD's. 1 pass complted to a receiver for 14 yards. 5/13/2 ints. 44yards. According to the talk show monday; Lewis comes to Cronin and states he doesn't feel comfortable throwing the ball.


    Union had no problem throwing the ball for 215 and 2 tds.


    The "D" and the running game was great. Those young men took the game over.


    This statement is being taken out of context. Lewis told Coach Cronin he did not feel comfortable throwing the ball in those conditions. At the point in the game that this statment was made, it had been raining all night and there was not a dry ball in the stadium.

  2. This is absolutely ridiculous. I guess some things have changed in the past couple years. When I was there it was the privilege to be a warrior football player, and you were a basketball player to stay in shape. I wonder if these kids realize there are 22 positions on a football team to compete for a scholarship, instead of 10 on a basketball court. Whatever the situation may be, I am 100% sure that Coach A, Coach Girdler and Coach Boon will have these kids more than ready to play in the fall.

  3. pre-game was always a huge part of the mental preparation for me. I always had to be at a peace that my mind was in the right place, and if it was not there, I had to go sit alone until I got it there. It never failed though every Friday before we went out as captains I had to hit the bathroom for one last puke. After I always got that out of my system I was fine the rest of the night. I was never a mouthy player, but if my team was down and I felt they needed leadership I did not care a bit to step up and say what needed to be said.


    Now that I look back there is no game like high school football. It gives you the greatest emotions, the greatest feelings you can have in any game.

  4. I don't think the kid was ever named that had "some academic things to work on". The senior salute was replayed from several weeks ago and was not live or recent.


    Tigerpride as you have stated, you have issues with this staff. Quit trying to stir something up, just worry about getting your team in the playoffs next year. I mean no disrespect but your post on this thread seem to be for no reason other than trying to get something started. Somerset had a very good year and we are all proud of our kids, staff and program. GO JUMPERS


    As did I congratulate all the seniors and wished them the best, and the issue was not that he let Chase back on the team cause Chase was a very good quarterback and needed to play, the problem was on the pre-season radio show a year ago he said that Chase would never play for him. I am glad he "let" Chase come back. Just another thing Coach Cobb has had to come back on his own word. But I don't want to get all the jumper fans all stirred up by making a good point.

  5. You've got a selective memory. He never said that. He said that the kid hadn't played since his freshman season because he had to get his grades in order. He said that if he had been able to play all 4 years that he would be a D-1 recruit and that he hoped that someone would take a chance on him. He said that the kid had gotten his grades in order and had been a big asset to the team. I didn't think that it was inappropriate since he pointed out that the player in question had gotten his grades in order and was a big part of the team his senior year.


    At the end he stated he had a ways to go academically.. A student athletes academics unless being praised for good, has no place on the radio. I also like how he praised Chase Hall after stating a year ago (on the radio) that he would never let let him back on the team.

  6. Somerset just did not have the defense to keep up with the powerful offense of of Belfry. As always I loved watching John go out and play, he has been an amazing high school player and I hope to see him and some of the other seniors to do well on Saturdays.


    I do have a question.. Did anyone hear the radio show after the game? They had a special where Coach Cobb went through and had a run down of each player that was graduating. On one of the particular players he said that one young man had the potential to become a great D-1 player, but just did not have the grades. Does anyone else believe that something like that should not be said on the radio?? Regardless if it is true or not.

  7. AJG.. I agree 100% with everything you have said. The warriors have not played anything like the teams of the past. I stood with SWHS2000 Friday at the game and we both agreed that this years team is not playing with the same heart and soul that past teams have played with. I think you hit the nail on the head with the confidence statement. I just hope this week has been successful for the warriors and they start to turn the ship around!

  8. It doesn't have anything to do with putting SW down. I've got great respect for their coaching staff and program. PC is just the better team at this point. SW lost a ton of seniors last season and I predicted that they would have a tough time replacing them--the season isn't over and they still have time to get things together. I'll get on my own team if I think they've given a poor effort or need to improve on things. Go back and look at my comments regarding SHS's defense at the beginning of the year and early last season. I also said that I was wrong about PC and their offense this week. I blamed SHS's loss to the Maroons on SHS's miscues when in fact the Maroons are just flat out better than I thought that they would be. Truthfully I would have liked to see SW win on Friday night--I've always liked them better than the Maroons. I didn't think that they would and I'm not going to make predictions that I don't believe in just to make everyone happy. Just because you're a fan of a team doesn't mean that you have to blindly support them and act like they are infallible. Every team has down years and unless SW gets the ship righted this will go down as one for them. Hopefully they'll start a turnaround this week against Central Hardin.


    You are right AJG. PC is flat out the best team in the county. All respects to Coach Hines and the boys. It would have been easy to write that team off after the past couple seasons they have had. PC got SW back for the back to back losses last year, that is for sure.

  9. I would have to disagree..... AJG is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to football, he just tells the facts. I was at the game and thou it kills me to say it, PC was the better team Friday night & are pretty good. SW all but a couple of mins during the game went thru the motions. Honestly if not for a couple dumb mistakes by PC the score would of been worse. Hopefully SW can right the ship but the players have to play on the field to do so.


    You are very right PC was without a doubt the better team, and the score could have been a lot worse that what it was. SW has got to come together and find some leadership or there will be a lot of disappointed kids here in a few weeks.

  10. College JV teams are littered with walk-ons and players that don't even get to practice with the varsity. My junior/senior year of college I roomed at UK with 2 guys that had played JV at Clemson--neither had played beyond high school JV. Anyone that thinks that Hartline is seriously UK's backup is mistaken--if Woodson is injured he won't be taking snaps.


    I can guarantee you that not all college JV teams are "littered" with walk ons and players that don't play. The whole purpose of JV is to get players reps that have either been injured and are on their way back into the rotation, or players that are not quiet ready to play varsity yet.

  11. Just pointing out that Cole catches passes against everyone. It was a SW fan that downed the competition, yet he had his biggest game against the Warriors, who always play the toughest schedule.


    Yeah, I am going to down the competition. There is none! Somerset has not played anyone since Cobb has been there, and will not play anyone while he will be there. I agree 100% Cole is an outstanding football player or else he would not be committed to play football in the SEC.

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