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Amanda Todd...Cyber-bullying


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We really have no clue how much bullying goes on today. Heck, in the linked article there was another link to a a story about a kid who got bullied DURING an interview about being bullied.


Don't assume it will not happen to your child. Kids lie to cover it up. They do not want their parents to know. We HAVE to know. Don't be afraid to get into your kid's life even if it pisses them off.

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We really have no clue how much bullying goes on today. Heck, in the linked article there was another link to a a story about a kid who got bullied DURING an interview about being bullied.


Don't assume it will not happen to your child. Kids lie to cover it up. They do not want their parents to know. We HAVE to know. Don't be afraid to get into your kid's life even if it pisses them off.


Right on.

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I've heard of several cases like this. (In my best curmudgeon voice) When I was in school I was the short fat kid that was made fun of. Home was my sanctuary. Because of modern social media these poor kids don't even have that sanctuary any more. her Facebook page needs to be scrutinized and everyone who harassed her need to be prosecuted. That's the only way I see this stopping.

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I've heard of several cases like this. (In my best curmudgeon voice) When I was in school I was the short fat kid that was made fun of. Home was my sanctuary. Because of modern social media these poor kids don't even have that sanctuary any more. her Facebook page needs to be scrutinized and everyone who harassed her need to be prosecuted. That's the only way I see this stopping.


Why not just delete the facebook page?

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Can someone define bullying in todays world please?


From my kids' school handbook.:

Bullying can take the form of name calling, put-downs, saying or writing inappropriate things about a person, deliberately excluding individuals from activities, not talking to a person, threatening a person with bodily harm, taking or damaging a person's things, hitting or kicking a person, making a person do things he/she does not want to do, taunting, teasing and coercion. Bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological, or a combination of these

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Can someone define bullying in todays world please?

More info;

Two types of bullies: aggressive bullies and passive bullies. An aggressive bully is seen as an individual who is belligerent, fearless, coercive, confident, tough, and impulsive. This type of behavior typically comes from individuals who have a low tolerance for frustration coupled with a stronger inclination toward violence than that of children in general.

Passive bullies are also referred to as anxious bullies. They rarely provoke others or take the initiative in a bullying incident. Passive bullies are usually associated with aggressive bullies and, hence, often take the less-aggressive role. As groups, the aggressive bully will instigate the bullying situation while the passive bully supports his/her behavior and/or begins to actively participate once the bullying begins. The passive bully aligns with the more powerful and, relatively speaking, more popular, action-oriented aggressive bully, earning the passive bully the descriptors of "camp follower" and "hanger-on."

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Why not just delete the facebook page?


There have been cases where the bullies have started a Facebook page or blog with the express purpose of bullying someone else. Harassing e-mails, texts and God knows what else. Even if the victim stays completely off of the social media it is still spread and then they are sometimes cruelly harassed at school.

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