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Philly teacher: Student's Romney T-shirt like wearing a KKK sheet

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Law changes in the last fifty years have eliminated the need for unions. They were once needed, and due to legislation, no longer are needed.


Then why are they still here?



You can believe they aren't needed if you want. Things would change drastically at Corning without a union.

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Law changes in the last fifty years have eliminated the need for unions. They were once needed, and due to legislation, no longer are needed.
I have never regreted joining a Union after graduating High School in '65 . Being in a union in my chosen profession enabled me to send 3 kids to a Catholic Grade School , High school and College . It enables me to have a great health care plan and 2 good pensions . I have a nice house and very few debts . All this because I chose to belong to a Union . While working in this union I learned welding ( ,arc ,mig and tig ,) instrumentation , rigging , how to read and understand blue prints and how to run a job effectively . All this thanks to being in a union and the training that I received from the union .

One question please point out the legislation that has eliminated the need for a strong union presence in the workforce today .

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