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Posts posted by pigman

  1. Don't have any official stats, but Fields had any from 150 to 180 yards rushing,and an interception on defense and scored 3 td's. Robinson probably around 80-100 very hard earned yards and 2 td's. Defense was the best I've seen Frankort play in 16 years. 7-6 Danville at halftime. Danville recieved 2nd half kick and ball was knocked loss with FHS recovering on the 30.Marched into score and pretty much set the tone for the second half.

  2. Seen 'em both play would have to say they're pretty even. Danvilles qb has a better arm, but don't remember him winning the 400 or 2nd in the 100 and 200. I would put Robinson up against anybody and Morgan and Jouett are no slouches either. All that being said I think Danvilles line is better,and I would agree Sam and Jerry probably outcoach most of their competition.

  3. Best Single Hit- Broch Allen of Paris at Paintsville in 1993.


    Best Hitter- Kevin Murphy of Mason County, 2003. Had 4 big hits against very good players, in big games, all legal hits- no flags.


    Most physical game- Paris at Corbin, 1989. Corbin won a close one. The next day I took 3 or 4 of our kids(Paris) to the sports medicine clinic in Lexington. There were several Corbin kids there as well. Nothing season ending, but banged up pretty bad from a very physical game.


    Now that's what I'm talking about, not a single hit, but a game where both teams were beat up afterwards.

  4. I spoke to a player that was recruited by UK when Mumme was here ,and he told me this. Basset was taking them through Nutter feildhouse and pointed at the pictures of the academic all-americans and said that's what's wrong with this place. We don't need academic all-amercans we just need football players. Then I hear Mumme on the radio when asked if he was stressing about an upcoming game he said not as much as the players I've got my Wild Turkey and they're under 21 so they can't. About 3 weeks later is when the auto accident took place killing a UK player in which I believe drinking was involved. What a classy couple of guys, boy I sure do miss them.

  5. I think the team will be better than last year. The freshmen class is very solid in talent and attitude. The team chemistry is much better,which can't be underestimated. I personally think Meeks will be the best out of the freshmen. Stevenson can jump out of the gym and reminds me alot of Jules. All this being said I look for Something like 22-7, second in the SEC east ,and the the sweet 16 with the elite 8 not being out of the question.:thumb:

  6. I won't go into the year, but my junior year we played Woodford County for their homecoming. Taking on the lead blocker I broke three chinstraps when forearms slid up my chest and under my facemask snapping them in half.In the second quarter I broke my helmet almost in half from a helmet to helmet tackle. That was back in the old days when you could throw flying body blocks, and crackback all over the feild. Back when men were men.:D huhu.:D Final Frankfort High 24 Woodford County 20. Great Game. Maybe that's what's wrong with me today.

  7. Don't remember complainig about FC being dirty,holding isn't being dirty.Like I said I wasn't there Friday,but more than one coach has said someone attempted to kick Robinson in the head while he was down. There is no room in the game for that type of conduct. I would hope everyone would agree on that.

  8. I wasn't going to get involved in this, but since thamoss seams to be an expert and brought all this stuff up I can't help myself. As for the game two years ago I'm sure you're speaking of the one where the Carroll County fans chased the reffs to the lockerroom after Frankfort had come back and won. The officials in that game finally started taking control of it after they allowed dirty play for over 3 quarters. I personally saw one Carroll player throw punches on 3 seperate occassions and the reffs finally started calling the dirty play which did help with the Frankfort comeback.Also the police were called to diffuse the situation.I wasn't at the game Friday because I was scouting,but I was told the next morning that several of our players had complained about being stabbed with something. THAMOSS is the first one to tell us what they were being stabbed with,thanks becuase we didn't know what it was. I know that year in and year out Carroll is probably the dirtiest team we play. As for Danville being a class act I agree 100%, but when you're always ranked in the top 5 you tend to get the better officating crews.

  9. No Curry didn't beat anyone here with his owwn players,but his last year at Alabama I think he went 10-1 and Stallings won a national championship the next year. I'm not saying Brooks was the best hire that could've been made,but he's not the worst either. I agree Jurich is doing a heck of a job. I see improvement in the talent level and now that the players have bought into Brooks we need to hang in there.Just imagine Currys recruiting and intregity with Mumme as his offensive play caller.But no I do not miss Mumme as a person.

  10. Oh yeah I remember all those major upsets Mumme pulled off. What one over Alabama with Curry's players. Are you really comparing Boise State and LSU.

    Anything would be a vast improvement over 0-12. Program was totally out of control when Mumme was here. Brooks is an improvement if only in the character of the person running the program.

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