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Jim Schue

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Everything posted by Jim Schue

  1. Better to play a rigged event that allows UK fans to fill up the stands so his kids can continue to be shocked by the "brutal" road environs against SEC schools that don't care about hoops.
  2. Not to cast a pall over you NoKy people's hopes, but do you see Ohmer transferring somewhere (perhaps NKU)? He didn't really light it up this year, and it seems probable that defensive deficiencies didn't help his case. And he didn't shoot well, which killed his PT in the back half of the season. I kept looking for him on the floor every time I got a chance to watch Western and barely saw the guy play after Christmas.
  3. Ask yourself for a moment this question: If there were an NBA-type arena in Lexington that didn't house UK, how neutral would that be to teams coming to play Kentucky? C'mon, man. This thing with UK only wanting to play in "neutral" arenas is just plain silly, and a cheap cop-out to avoid playing real road games. And that's why Kentucky loses games on the road in the SEC they shouldn't. Cal does his guys a disservice by not playing real road games outside of the conference. Pretty sure it has a lot to do with why UK lost 4 straight conference games this year and fans were jumping off ledges in early February. If he were truly preparing them for the NBA like he says he does, it seems like he would want to take a Denny Crum "anybody, anytime, anywhere" approach. Playing in hostile environments makes your team tougher, and definitely prepares them for the rigors of the NBA schedule (let alone the NCAA tourney, which is what Kentucky fans truly care about, even though they pay lip service to the joy they get out of UK players' success in the NBA). Perhaps if they'd played in more difficult environments in pre-conference season they could've handled that wide-open region they were gifted to this year.
  4. Seems like it's pretty obvious he wants to be nearby whenever McCurry wants to hang up his whistle at John Hardin.
  5. Just to update, Coach Thomas' mother is in bad shape health-wise. He said in the KyStandard in Bardstown that he needed to move back that way to help care for her, as he's an only child.
  6. The mother of his child lives in Springfield, so yeah, that's probably the case. She said it was a big hassle when he was at Casey Co. So with that in mind, look for Maze's next move to be within the 5th Region.
  7. Those of you ranking Pete Gillen low apparently don't remember him well. Guy was good, and basically took what Bob Staak started and made it take off.
  8. He needs to work on restarting the UofL-Memphis St. rivalry.
  9. My buddy did a couple whole chickens today. Used seasoning salt, Boone's BBQ rub and some pepper and it came out great. Smoked about 3hrs indirect.
  10. Not really a stranger, but kind of. There was this guy who lived on my dorm floor we used to hang out with and play pick-up ball with back in my WKU days 25 years ago. Tall, skinny, used his Russell Co. drawl well, could hit buckets, play golf even better, drink beer and pick up hot women. Two nights ago I ran into him for the first time in a quarter-century, and he happens to also live in Bardstown. He's still tall, but not as skinny, but exactly the same guy otherwise. And naturally, his wife is hot as all get-out. I had seen his name show up in the local golf league standings and always wondered if it was him. Now I know. I told a bunch of my buddies about meeting him (again) and they all obviously recalled him like I did.
  11. Tubby Smith to take High Point job, according to Jeff Goodman. Tubby Smith to High Point, which reportedly blocks a star’s transfer - SBNation.com
  12. He's more Roger Daltrey than Robert Plant. That's not a bad thing. I'm a big Who fan.
  13. Nice! I told anybody who would listen the past week about that guy. Great scorer.
  14. Solid but not spectacular record against a very difficult schedule for a team coming off a state tourney trip but losing 4 starters, even if the one returnee is a Miss Basketball candidate. Given all that and adjusting to the third coach in 7 months, it's pretty impressive that they had E'town on the ropes like they did in the region SFs before letting it get away in OT.
  15. OK, it is confirmed that Thomas is out after one season.
  16. Not totally sure what's going on here. Working on digging something up.
  17. I busted the screen on my iPhone 6 a week and change ago. (Took it out of the case to clean the screen and the case film, promptly dropped it on the darned sidewalk.) What's it cost to replace one? I've heard some wild swings. I'm probably going to get a new phone and fix this busted one to pass on to my parents.
  18. The Giants could really shake this up right now if they trade out of No. 2. They could make a mint of picks and still get Eli's heir apparent.
  19. Let's be totally honest here for a minute. In HS boys, the average center in Ky is about 6-2. Many of those guys play above their height because of leaping ability, strength and/or ability to position themselves accordingly. How many women do you know who are 6-2 or above who are silky-smooth, athletically? Most girls that tall are slow and lumbering as hell. I played at the courts at WKU daily in my college days, and we regularly got games in Diddle where Sanderford would send his girls out with us guys to get them toughened up. The guards could usually hold their own offensively against guys who started or were key reserves in HS, but they got crushed defensively. In the post, it was a bloodbath. The girls were too slow and couldn't leap save for one or two bruisers, but for a 19yo guy, some of them were pretty hot and I might cut them a break when they boxed out particularly well. WKU was making Final Four trips then.
  20. It's not new by any stretch of the imagination, but I am amazed at how many people I have introduced this artist to who have never heard of her, and that is a crime by commercial radio. Brandi Carlisle. Go check her out. She has a new album coming out and it's great. But this is the song everyone should start with, because it's epic (and I don't use that word ever), and brilliant and beautiful, and in my top 10 all-time ever for greatest songs.
  21. You're soft-selling Bardstown. They will be in the mix next season and it wouldn't shock me to see them win the region. But I guess they'll be a no-name team, with no players worthy of note. Probably how Boo likes it.
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