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4 Quarters

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Everything posted by 4 Quarters

  1. I never mentioned a word about NCAA rules. I see nothing negative in my post, no great science in using the portal. Actually shortens the recruiting process. All coaches know the fortunes of this, Cal has not gotten every player that he has went after, The name Kentucky is a plus in recruiting, has been for ages.
  2. I believe you're missing my point, but so be it.
  3. Powell wasn't coming to UK after they showed no interest while still in high school.
  4. Just wondering what kind of a crowd they had for this game?
  5. Kid better get out of Lexington before he loses all his ability and sanity.LOL This might be one kid Cal has not improved.
  6. There is really no science to utilizing the transfer portal, it just narrows the recruiting scope. Every coach in the country is well aware of its fortunes. Cal hasn't gotten all the kids he went after, but has faired very well. If say, UK and Murray St. have their focus on the same kid, who do you think will get him?
  7. I'm saying if Cooper played CCH's schedule they would not be 21 and 5. I have no problem with slowing the game down, remember Ed Jucker. Also, I'm against the time clock. I'll be rooting for Cooper in the District tournament.
  8. I chose not to attend this game, actually thought it would be a beat down by Cooper. Sullivan coaches the same way Henley did at Holmes, yes I know Sullivan was there at the time. Henley has somewhat changed his coaching style at Eastern. I am a fan of Sullivan and Cooper, was just stating my opinion in earlier posts and got ambushed. Sorry to ruffle your feathers.
  9. Yes, I'm very much aware of the Cooper program.
  10. I'm not knocking on Cooper, just trying to say they play to their talent level. If you don't have a great scoring team you might want to slow your game down. What would their record be if you plugged them into the schedule that CCH played?
  11. Ok, I'm seeing no corrections. Who is actually correct?
  12. Actually is their defense that great, or does their no rush offense make the defense look better than it really is?
  13. Yeah, Cooper is not even a top twenty team in the state. The Eagles/Mustangs match up should be a good one.
  14. 36 all at the half, Lloyd forgot how to shoot in the second half.
  15. Wow, some records will be shattered over the next couple years.
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